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Op-Ed on the expanded Castle Doctrine law

Guest Len

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Here's a link to a solid Tennessee Voices column in today's (Sunday 6/3) Tennessean:

http://www.tennessean.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=OPINION03, then click on "Law Now Lets You Fight Back if Armed."

The author is State Sen. Doug Jackson (D-Dickson) who sponsored the bill in the Senate. Sen. Jackson sums up the common-sense reasons for this law quite well. He also implies (and I think this is very important) that the law merely codifys a pre-existing natural right we already have.


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Guest Boomhower

I loved the second to last paragraph. It says a lot of things that needs to be said time and time again. Especially when our reps. are debating on new gun laws.

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Boom, you're correct!

I'm happy that The Governor and our assemblymen can see this common sense.

when I wrote to Michael Bloomberg, mayor of NYC he told me that the guns that criminals use to commit crimes come from out of state.

guess what the operative word there is..I highlighted it for him as well and pointed out that a firearm is a tool..nothing more nothing less and it has to have some intelligent direction before it can be activated. Thats what alot of people just DON'T want to understand. its much simpler to blame it on the tool rather than the person.

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