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Suggestions for Securing Handgun During the Day

Guest C4Dave

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sorry, did not realize a barrel constitutes carrying a pistol.

Mike, it dosen't. However the OP is working at TVA, if it even looks out of place it will give cause to search the car.

"Yes, sir, Mr. TVA anti terroist agent, I know I'm not supposed to have a weapon here in the nuclear plant, this is just the barrel." Today 06:50 PM

Take a chill pill dude. Did you ever think Mike didn't read ALL the info before he offered a suggestion?

Good grief, sometimes I wonder about some of the people around here.

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"Yes, sir, Mr. TVA anti terroist agent, I know I'm not supposed to have a weapon here in the nuclear plant, this is just the barrel."

CGun, I think you need to visit our Code of Conduct and read it again. Specifically rule #3.

Members should treat each other as they would like to be treated themselves. Name calling, flame posts, racial slurs, and other insulting remarks meant to cause conflict will not be tolerated. You should always try to maintain good fellowship with the other members of this community and
be respectful to your fellow shooting enthusiasts whether they are new shooters or seasoned veterans.

So far your posts in this thread have been rife with condescension and sarcastic remarks. If you wan to contribute something worthwhile to the thread, please do. However if you can't get along with the other members, you will be removed from the site.


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I am curious. are there metal detectors everyone goes through? Or do they frisk everyone?

Don't know about that, but I have a cousin working there and I know they (he works security) carry big ole m-16 type guns. I wouldn't take any chances since it's (even though it's "private" owned) considered a federal facility.

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I am curious. are there metal detectors everyone goes through? Or do they frisk everyone?

Let me be a little more friendly with the fellowship, if the OP shows up at a federal facility carrying the barrel of a handgun then the SWHTF. I guess the OP can call ahead and ask TVA about the security of his workplace, but I wouldn't really suggest that.

To the OP, if you really think you need to be armed in your motel room, get on the internet, order a gun safe, have it delivered overnight, secure it to something immovable in your motel room, or if there isn't anything, secure that way in your auto. Don't get printed, or don't get seen displaying your handgun in or about your auto in a parking garage. Pulling it out and trying to use your homemade lock rig in your car is probably more dangerous to you than not having the handgun in your locked motel room.

However, didn't we just have a thread about how leaving a gun in your car can create unwanted risk?

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CGun, I think you need to visit our Code of Conduct and read it again. Specifically rule #3.

Members should treat each other as they would like to be treated themselves. Name calling, flame posts, racial slurs, and other insulting remarks meant to cause conflict will not be tolerated. You should always try to maintain good fellowship with the other members of this community and
be respectful to your fellow shooting enthusiasts whether they are new shooters or seasoned veterans.

So far your posts in this thread have been rife with condescension and sarcastic remarks. If you wan to contribute something worthwhile to the thread, please do. However if you can't get along with the other members, you will be removed from the site.


Ok, I'll try to get along better with my new friends here.

However, suggesting that the OP may be better off to leave his handgun at home before he embarks on a multi day business trip to a federal facility and knowing nothing about the motel, parking, etc., and not preparing in advance for the risk, doesn't seem to be a violation of the code.

But, I'll try to tone down my posting style. Some groups have more sensitive members than others, this being one of them, but the issues presented are interesting and need differing viewpoints.

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