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-->Congress > Legislation

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<NOBR>H.R. 6257:</NOBR>

<NOBR>110<SUP>th</SUP> Congress</NOBR>

help2.gif <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>This is a bill in the U.S. Congress originating in the House of Representatives ("H.R."). A bill must be passed by both the House and Senate and then be signed by the President before it becomes law.

Bill numbers restart from 1 every two years. Each two-year cycle is called a session of Congress. This bill was created in the 110<SUP>th</SUP> Congress, in 2007-2008.

The titles of bills are written by the bill's sponsor and are a part of the legislation itself. GovTrack does not editorialize bill summaries.



</TD><TD>Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>To reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act.

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</TD></TR><TR><TD>> Related Legislation

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Because this bill was introduced in a previous session of Congress, no more action can occur on it.

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>info.gif Primary Source

See <NOBR>H.R. 6257</NOBR> on THOMAS for the official source of information on this bill or resolution.




Other Legislation with the Same Title

The list below shows legislation in this and previous sessions of Congress that had the same title as this bill. Often bills are incorporated into other omnibus bills, and you may be able to track the status of provisions of this bill by looking for an omnibus bill below. Note that bills may have multiple titles.

109<SUP>th</SUP> Congress: S. 620Dead

108<SUP>th</SUP> Congress: S. 1034Dead

108<SUP>th</SUP> Congress: S. 2109Dead

108<SUP>th</SUP> Congress: S. 2498Dead

108<SUP>th</SUP> Congress: H.R. 3831Dead


Users tracking this bill are also tracking...

H.R. 5782: Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement (SAFE) Act of 2008<NOBR> (4 users)</NOBR>

H.R. 5266: National Crime Gun Identification Act<NOBR> (7 users)</NOBR>

S. 3207: Respecting States Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2008<NOBR> (5 users)</NOBR>

S. 2605: A bill to require certain semiautomatic pistols manufactured, imported, or sold by...<NOBR> (7 users)</NOBR>

S. 2237: Crime Control and Prevention Act of 2007<NOBR> (6 users)</NOBR>

H.R. 6691: Second Amendment Enforcement Act<NOBR> (3 users)</NOBR>

S. 2577: Gun Show Background Check Act of 2008<NOBR> (5 users)</NOBR>

H.R. 1859: Anti-Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act of 2007<NOBR> (5 users)</NOBR>

S. 1331: Long-Range Sniper Rifle Safety Act of 2007<NOBR> (5 users)</NOBR>

H.R. 2666: Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2007<NOBR> (3 users)</NOBR>

S. 1001: A bill to restore Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia<NOBR> (7 users)</NOBR>

H.R. 861: National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2007<NOBR> (11 users)</NOBR>

Assault weapons<NOBR> (4 users)</NOBR>

H.R. 96: Gun Show Loophole Closing Act of 2007<NOBR> (3 users)</NOBR>

H.R. 1022: Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2007<NOBR> (36 users)</NOBR>

Subject Terms

This bill is related to other bill and resolutions in these subject areas as identified by the Congressional Research Service:

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>To cite this information, click a citation format for a suggestion: Bibliography | Wikipedia.

GovTrack.us. H.R. 6257--110th Congress (2008): Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation) <HTTP: bill.xpd?bill="h110-6257&tab=related" congress www.govtrack.us>(accessed Jan 1, 2009)

{{cite web|url=http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h110-6257&tab=related|title=H.R. 6257|accessdate=Jan 1, 2009|author=110th Congress (2008)|date=Jun 12, 2008|work=Legislation|publisher=GovTrack.us|quote=Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008}}


Because the U.S. Congress posts most legislative information online one legislative day after events occur, GovTrack is usually one legislative day behind.


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Guest bkelm18

This thing has been discussed quite a bit here. It's pretty much dead and has been for a good amount of time. The related legislation is a good read though.

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