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2nd season rut?

Guest Mugster

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Guest Mugster

Anyone seen any bucks chasing does? Nothing in Marshall county or the tiny piece of it i'm hunting as of the 30th.

I'm seeing small does, not worth popping, and alot of turkey. Probably hunt sat and see, if things are still quiet, I think thats probably it.

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Yeah, as the matter of fact I saw a little action this am early. I was having my first cup of coffee and watching down through my part of open woods and there were two does and a spike buck. He tried to mount one of the does but about time he mounted she would move. Don't know if she was not quite ready or it was his lack of experience but they ran on up on the ridge behind the house. Don't know if he consumated the deal or not but the interest is there.:D

ray, the oldogy

Guest Jcochran88

No, I am not seeing any sign of the second rut either it came and gone in Dickson County or They are being very discreete either way we are not seeing anything! Not really even seeing does.:-\


I think its over in Washington county,Bays Mountain


Took a doe on Tues Morn...it was looking into the woods for the buck and was walking right into me. I wanted the buck but they were so close that I was about to spook it and then have nothing...went back out yesterday and saw nothing...1st time for that to happen on the property that I am hunting this year. Guess I'll give it another shot next week with the front movement to try and bag him before its all over for the year. :tinfoil:


I talked to the Game Warden and he said this hasn't been the best year for many hunters. He said he has seen some old scrapes and rubs that have been used again, but thats about it. I don't know last season was one of the better seasons for me, but this year has been challenging at least for me. The way I look at a bad day hunting beats a good day working. Even if I don't see anything I still have a good time just enjoying what god and mother nature has given me.

Guest sharpshooter01

I have seen no activity around the house as of late, last I saw was about 10 does running together. This has by far been one of my worst seasons.

Guest Mugster

I had a real good year early. But 2nd season is a bust for buck hunting. I have some does I can shoot. I dunno if I want to fool with it or not. I got a pretty good amount of meat already.

I didn't get to hunt much last year, I got sick about the start of centerfire and then work kicked in, wound up not shooting anything. From what I know of it, last year was real slow, but my scouting days were minimal.

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