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Carry Weapon #1

Carry Weapon #2

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  1. RED DOT PISTOL SKILLS October 26-27 Dayton TN The Red Dot equipped pistol is becoming more common in the holsters of law enforcement, military and private citizens and this class is designed to quickly develop confidence and proficiency with the platform. Unlike iron sighted pistols Red Dot equipped pistols have a few quirks and idiosyncrasies that need to be accounted for and trained for. The most high tech weapon is worthless without solid skills to operate it to the full potential. This class will help you develop those skills. Some topics include Grip, Draw, Finding the Dot Faster, Acceptable vs perfect sight picture, Target Focus vs Sight Focus, Trigger control, Tracking the dot in recoil, Target transitions, Shooting on the move, Malfunctions (both with pistol and the optic) , Alternative indexing methods and much more. Required Equipment -Reliable Red Dot Pistol and at least 3 magazines, carry gear, Eye and Ear Protection. We have a few loaners if you do not have a Red Dot pistol and want to attend the class. Ammo Count is 600 Rounds. For safety reasons holster must fit the belt you use and must not collapse when the gun is removed. Holster must cover trigger guard. Serpa Holsters strongly discouraged unless that is your issued duty rig . A rain coat/wet weather gear is also a good idea in case of rain. Date: October 26-27 2024 Time: 8:30AM to 4:30PM Price: $400 (Plus a $20 range fee payable to the range at class) Payments can be made through Eventbrite or by by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). This will also be listed on Eventbrite if you prefer to sign up there but you can save the Eventbrite fees and tax that they charge by paying me directly. Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/red-dot-pistol-skills-tickets-1004516374517?aff=oddtdtcreator Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Location: The Ridge Shooting Range 11534 US Hwy 27, Dayton, TN 37321 Weather Policy: If weather is such that it jeopardizes the students' safety, the class will be postponed or delayed as appropriate as determined by the instructor. Otherwise, the class will continue as scheduled rain or shine. Randy Harris is a highly accomplished civilian firearms trainer combining both real world experience with interpersonal violence and over 20 years teaching experience as an instructor. He holds both a Master Instructor and Advanced Shotgun Instructor certification from Rangemaster, a Tier 1 Instructor Certification from Suarez International, Pistol Instructor certification from the National Rifle Association, and Handgun Carry Permit Instructor certification from the State of Tennessee. He has participated in the National Tactical Invitational and is a multi-time presenter at the Rangemaster Tactical Conference. Randy is also an IDPA Master Class competitor in six divisions. He has won the Tennessee, Georgia and Arkansas IDPA State Championships in the Back Up Gun division, finished 5th in Master Backup Gun at the 2024 IDPA Nationals, finished 14th in Master Stock Service Pistol at the 2015 IDPA World Championship and 5th in Master Back Up Gun at the 2023 IDPA World Championship. He is one of only four people to hold both the Red Pin (Advanced Ranking / Top score in class) from the Rogers Shooting School and a Turbo Pin from Gabe White's Pistol Shooting Solutions class both of which he accomplished shooting from concealment.
  2. Looking for an outdoor range where you can get some training in. Preferably a flat or open range to just setup targets and run some drills. The only range I've been able to find that kind of fits this is the one ran by the Norris police department. Haven't checked it out for myself yet, but if anybody has been there, how busy is it, and how is it for someone looking to do stuff that isn't just static/bench shooting? Also, any other spots would be nice to know about.
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    Greetings Gunfighters! This is the 2nd class in the 3 class series. Be sure to sign up for our Close Range/Rifle Carbine I class on Saturday, October 23 and follow up with this class. See you on the range! Always Vigilant, Always Prepared! Personal Survival Solutions Shane & Calley Kerwin
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    Attention Patriots We are beginning a new series of Covert Protective Pistol I on Saturday, November 6th. This is the perfect class for the novice shooter, armed citizen looking to enhance their shooting, and even the most experienced shooters wanting to brush up on their safety and efficiency of pistolcraft. See you on the range! “There is a difference between being a Gun Owner and being an Armed Citizen” Personal Survival Solutions Shane & Calley Kerwin
  5. Hi, Everyone! It's @Tiffany Johnson here from Citizens Safety Academy. Our last NRA Women on Target instructional shooting clinic sold out, and we had a blast! We've got another one coming up next month in Murfreesboro. Any female (teen to senior) who might be interested in learning a little more about handgun safety and operation is welcome to join us. Doesn't matter if you're new to guns, an experienced shooter, on the fence, or completely terrified -- all ladies who can be safe are welcome. NRA Women on Target Date: Saturday, February 23, 2019 Time: 8am to 1pm Location: Citizens Safety Academy, 752 E. Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 (with live-fire done at the OK Corral) Cost: A modest, measly, mere $40 - and that includes a bag of souvenirs! Click here to download the Event Flyer (please feel free to forward) Click here to see photos from our last WOT clinic More Info and Registration: https://citizenssafety.com/event/women-on-target-02-23-2019/ (or you can register on Eventbrite) Contact Email: Tiffany@CitizensSafety.com And if you're ready to start working with a holster, then we've got the Women's Concealed Carry class coming up in May. This is a CSA class designed to introduce women to several different carry options to better accommodate their body types, budgets, and everyday lives. With equal focus on equipment and technique, we hope to help women carry with comfort, consistency, competence, and confidence. Great way to roll in Mother's Day, right? Women's Concealed Carry Date: Saturday, May 11, 2019 Time: 8am to 1pm Location: Citizens Safety Academy, 752 E. Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 (with live-fire done at the OK Corral) Cost: $45 More Info and Registration: https://citizenssafety.com/event/womens-concealed-carry-5-2019/ (or you can register on Eventbrite) Contact Email: Tiffany@CitizensSafety.com Thanks, everyone! Tiffany (and @aqil ) Citizens Safety Academy
  6. Suarez International Red Dot Combat Pistol School April 12-14, 2019 PRICE : $500 Dayton, Tennessee Instructor: Randy Harris Instructor Bio THIS IS NOT A "BASIC LEVEL CLASS" PLEASE BRING AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKSMANSHIP The minimum standard for attending is five rounds in a 3x3 inch square at five yards. In this class, red dot pistol shooters will learn everything we have learned from running the red dot system since 2009. We will discuss everything from maintenance to carry and of course how to employ the modern combat handgun equipped with a red dot from zero contact to as far as the range will allow. If you are the owner of a red dot-equipped pistol, and carry it for self defense (like we do) this is an event you cannot miss. Each day will end with a debriefing session where any and all questions will be answered to the best of our knowledge and experience. The second evening will include a synopsis of the Killing Within The Law lecture by Gabe Suarez followed by a Q&A session. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 3 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 500-1000 rounds (we will shoot as much as you want to shoot), and the usual stuff you bring to a high speed low drag "bitchin guy" class. RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Bring your red dot pistol and appropriate belt, holster, spare mags, ear/eye protection etc. If you do not have a red dot pistol we have a limited number of red dot pistols available for rent. The rental cost will be $50, please call in advance to arrange rental. 423 827 9133. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ For more info and to register....https://suarezinternational.com/red-dot-combat-pistol-school-april-12-14-2019-dayton-tn/
  7. Hey Everybody! May 24-26 Citizens Safety Academy will be hosting Mike and Marie Bain of Defensive Specialties LLC for the NRA Shotgun Instructor Course here in Middle Tennessee. This course doesn't come around often so if you've been thinking about becoming a NRA certified shotgun instructor, now's the time. NRA Shotgun Instructor Course Date: Saturday and Sunday, May 25-26, 2019 Time: 8am to 6pm each day Location: Citizens Safety Academy, 752 E. Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 (with live-fire done at the OK Corral) Cost: $300 More Info and Registration: https://defensivespecialties.com/dsllc-training-calendar or call 678-283-2504 Contact Email: Mike@defensivespecialties.com The NRA requires all Instructor Candidates to have completed the basic course prior to attending the instructor course. Mr. and Mrs. Bain will be conducting the NRA Basic Shotgun course on Friday, May 24th 2019. This course will only be open to participants of the NRA Shotgun Instructor course that weekend. NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course Date: Friday, May 24, 2019 Time: 8am to 6pm Location: OK Corral Shooting Range, 3175 Pleasant Ridge Road, Woodbury, TN 37190 Cost: $150 More Info and Registration: https://defensivespecialties.com/dsllc-training-calendar or call 678-283-2504 Contact Email: Mike@defensivespecialties.com Thanks, everyone! Aqil and Tiff Citizens Safety Academy
  8. Suarez International CRG-4: FORCE ON FORCE GUNFIGHTING June 8-9, 2019 Chattanooga, TN Instructor: Randy Harris Instructor Bio Price $400 Discount available when taken with Defensive Knife Ever wonder what you'd do if a psycho with a knife charged at you? Or how you'd really handle a multiple adversary situation? FIND OUT FOR CERTAIN IN OUR INTERACTIVE GUNFIGHTING TRAINING!! Force on Force is the future of personal combat training. This course is Pure CQB Gunfighting Skills, and will connect what you do on the range with what you must do on the street to win a fight. Typical marksmanship-based gun training leaves many questions unanswered. There is a great deal that you still don't know about street combat if all you've done is shoot paper targets on a shooting range. Even the many "shoothouse" exercises at many gun schools are still woefully inadequate in preparing you for a street confrontation. But in this class, the training is pure street reality featuring high intensity, short duration combat at close range against live human beings with modern force on force technology. It is specifically designed for the private citizen and focuses on civilian street situations. Learn to defend against a single adversary bent on cutting you with a training knife, as well as against multiple adversaries suddenly drawing guns and firing at you. Learn what it takes to overcome home invaders, takeover robbers, hostage takers and active shooters! In today's environment, everyone has a need to know. The training is open to ALL civilian students AT ANY SKILL LEVEL, and is the sort of class you can attend over and over again to maintain your edge!! Fight-focused NOT Gun-focused! CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 600 (Minimum) good quality biodegradable pellets. NO STEEL PELLETS RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: You MUST have a gas-operated airsoft pistol for this class. Electric or spring-operated guns are not suitable. A paintball mask/helmet, hooded sweatshirt and gloves are necessary. NOTE: Bring an adequate supply of CO2, green gas or propane and silicon lubricant to charge up the pistols. An extra magazine is important in case there is a problem with the primary. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: Phillips/Edwards Farm 763 County Road 332 Pisgah, AL 35765 423-488-4309 Coming from Chattanooga * Take I-24 west from Chattanooga * Merge onto I-59 S via exit 167 on the left toward Birmingham * Take the GA-136 exit, exit 11, toward Trenton * Turn right onto GA-136 * Turn left to stay on GA-136 (crossing into Alabama) * GA-136 becomes AL-71 * Turn left to stay on Al-71 * Turn left onto AL-117 * Turn right onto CR-330 * Turn right onto CR-332 * End at 763 County Road 332, Pisgah, AL Range is located 40 minutes SW of Chattanooga and 20 minutes from Trenton Ga . It is located where TN, GA and AL all come together on the map. Range is located in Pisgah Alabama. Range is on CENTRAL time. For more info and to register for this class...https://suarezinternational.com/crg-4-force-on-force-gunfighting-june-8-9-2019-chattanooga-tn/?ctk=ad914282-8f05-4da2-b47c-7cc5385529ec
  9. Hi, Folks! It's @Tiffany Johnson here from Citizens Safety Academy. I'm excited to announce that the CSA crew and I be teaching an NRA Women on Target instructional shooting clinic next month in Murfreesboro. Sorry guys, this time enrollment is reserved for ladies only. But please tell your mom, gramdma, sister, daughter, girlfriend/wife, and any female who might be interested in learning a little more about handgun safety and operation. Doesn't matter if they're new to guns, experienced shooters, just a little curious, or totally terrified -- all ladies who can be safe are welcome. No pressure, no macho stuff, just a little fun with the girls. Class: NRA Women on Target Date: Saturday, October 13, 2018 Time: 8am to 1pm Location: Citizens Safety Academy, 752 E. Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 (with live-fire done at the OK Corral) Cost: A modest, measly, mere $40 - and that includes a bag of souvenirs! Click here to download the Event Flyer (please feel free to forward) More Info and Registration: https://citizenssafety.com/event/women-on-target-oct-2018/ (or you can register on Eventbrite) Contact Email: Tiffany@CitizensSafety.com Thanks, everyone! Tiffany (and @aqil ) Citizens Safety Academy
  10. Hey Everybody - We're rolling out a new co-ed class from Citizens Safety Academy called After the Permit (ATP). It's two levels, and we've got level 1 scheduled for early October in Murfreesboro. ATP-1 is a four-hour course that continues where the TN Handgun Permit class ends. This course was designed by @aqil Qadir as a stepping stone between the basic TN permit class for more advanced classes like NRA Defensive Pistol or other full-day or two-day classes with higher round-counts and holster work. Hope some of you will come out. Company: Citizens Safety Academy Instructors: @aqil Qadir and @Tiffany Johnson (and the CSA crew) When: Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018, 9am to 1pm Where: CSA HQ, 752 East Northfield Boulevard, Murfreesboro, TN 37130 (live-fire at the OK Corral in Woodbury) Cost: $55.00 More Info & Registration: https://citizenssafety.com/event/atp1-oct-2018/ (or you can register on Eventbrite) Contact Email: Aqil@CitizensSafety.com Let us know if you're interested. Thanks! - Aqil and Tiffany
  11. SUAREZ INTERNATIONAL CRG-1: PISTOL GUNFIGHTING August 18-19, 2018 Chattanooga, Tennessee Price: $350 Instructor: Randy Harris All training must begin with fundamentals. This comprehensive fundamentals class is designed to prep you for the more advanced courses such as Close Range Gunfighting. Through a carefully designed and detailed curriculum we are able to bring you up to a level of skill in a short two day class that previously would take over 4 or 5 days to achieve at other schools. You will learn a complete presentation of the modern combative technique of the pistol which will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. We will also be incorporating fundamental Point Shooting techniques which will prep you for more advanced courses. You will learn the components of various point shooting methods and integrate them into your existing skill sets. This knowledge will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. No experience or prior training is needed to attend this class and it is specially suitable for beginners, or as a tune-up for accomplished shooters. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 300 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to enroll....https://suarezinternational.com/crg-1-pistol-gunfighting-august-18-19-2018-chattanooga-tn/
  12. SUAREZ INTERNATIONAL RGF-2: RIFLE GUNFIGHTING II APRIL 28-29 , 2018 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE PRICE : $350 INSTRUCTOR: RANDY HARRIS INSTRUCTOR BIO Rifle confrontations worldwide rarely exceed 25 yards. Rather than a long range marksman's weapon, our research shows the rifle will most likely be used just outside the reach of more conventional weapons, as well as within these closer intervals of confrontation. This course will take the student quickly through the basics and impart the techniques necessary to deploy the Tactical Rifle, Civilian Carbine, or Submachine gun in a close interval emergency.This course is highly recommended for civilian defenders, military personnel, or police operators (we make no distinction in the material presented). CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM CST AMMUNITION: Approximately 500 rounds (Minimum) and 50 rounds of pistol ammunition. RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Rifle (any action or caliber suitable for use within 50 yards), all weapons must be equipped with a sling, also bring a pistol with at least (2) magazines, a belt, holster, magazine pouches, rifle ammo pouches, and ear & eye protection (knee and elbow pads are strongly suggested). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to register....https://suarezinternational.com/rgf-2-rifle-gunfighting-ii-march-31-april-1-2018-chattanooga-tn/
  13. SUAREZ INTERNATIONAL CLOSE RANGE GUNFIGHTING APRIL 14-15, 2018 DAYTON, TENNESSEE PRICE : $ 350 INSTRUCTOR: RANDY HARRIS INSTRUCTOR BIO This is our flagship course and goes as far as you can safely go on a square range with live-fire pistols. The dynamic curriculum surpasses the traditional handgun methods commonly taught in most institutions and focuses of the use of the pistol in aggressive close range applications likely in individual civilian street encounters. The class begins with a tune-up of the fundamentals, then we progress quickly to new skills such as Proactive and Reactive Manipulations, Shooting While Moving Off The X, Reality-Based Multiple Hostiles Engagement, 360 degree CQB Movement, Danger-Close Fighting, Bilateral Shooting, 360 degree After Action Assessment Methods, and Integrating the Flashlight and Other Tools into the Firing Platform. This is the life-saving material that is often ignored in many other programs. In two days, you will receive more information than most armed professionals ever get! We must point out that THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR THE NOVICE SHOOTER. If you have not received basic instruction, or have a question about your skill level, please call us first. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 500 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Bring your flashlights for the low light module. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ For more info and to register .....https://suarezinternational.com/crg-2-close-range-gunfighting-april-14-15-2018-dayton-tn/
  14. The April meeting of the TN/GA/AL Suarez Int training group will be held on Sunday April 8 ! We will be looking at escaping from common restraints and then shooting several drills that we have not shot previously and conducting a man on man (or woman?) shoot off . Instructor: Randy Harris Subject : Zip Ties, Duct Tape, and Pistols........Escaping Common Restraints and Shooting Skills Test Date : Sun April 8 2018 Time: 10AM-3PM CENTRAL TIME .....NOTE THE LATER THAN USUAL START TIME !!!! Location: The usual place- Phillips/Edwards Farm 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah Alabama (about 35 minutes SW of Chattanooga) Price : $60 PAY BY CASH OR CHECK AT CLASS. What you need to bring: Pistol (revolvers are welcome too), at least 2 spare pistol magazines (or speedloaders if you plan to party like it is 1899) and 150 to 200 rounds of ammo..... Hope to see you there !
  15. SUAREZ INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE GUNFIGHTING FUNDAMENTALS APRIL 13, 2018 DAYTON, TENNESSEE Price : $200 INSTRUCTOR: RANDY HARRIS INSTRUCTOR BIO THERE IS A DISCOUNT IF THIS CLASS IS COMBINED WITH THE CLOSE RANGE GUNFIGHTING CLASS ON APRIL 14-15!!!!! Most of us spend several hours in or around motor vehicles, yet very little time training how to fight in and around them. In this class you will learn how to do just that. We will cover everything from weapon access while seated, shooting from the car, as well as using the car itself as a barrier to attack and for cover. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 1 Day TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 200 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. Range : The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 For more info and to register.....https://suarezinternational.com/hits-7-vehicle-gunfighting-fundamentals-april-13-2018-dayton-tn/
  16. Fight At Night : Defensive Concepts for Dark Environments Date: Saturday March 10 Time: 4PM - 11PM Location: The Ridge Dayton TN. (http://www.theridgeshooting.com/) Price $180 cash or check. ($90 Deposit to hold spot / balance due night of class). Instructor: Randy Harris This rarely offered class will cover some critical skills which include shooting with and without the help of flashlights in low or no light. We will work both proactively challenging unknown potential threats and also reacting to unexpected close range attacks in low light settings. You will see just how much light you really need to accurately shoot by and how much light you actually need to ID targets. We will also cover manipulating the pistol in the dark both with and without a light in our hands. We will load , unload and clear malfunctions with and without flashlights. A fair amount of time will also be devoted to using the flashlight as a tool to help you get deselected in the "pre fight interview" , use the light as a distraction device and impact weapon, and as a bridge from less lethal to lethal force. Range Gear and requirements : Handheld flashlight (Surefire 6P, G2, Streamlight Scorpion or similar). Extra batteries. Pistol and holster designed to be worn on the belt. Two spare mags (3 total minimum) and a mag pouch. Range Safety gear (eye and ear protection) . Clothing appropriate for weather. Snacks and drinks. Ammo: Approximately 250 rounds. If you have a weapon mounted light for your pistol and want to use it for some drills then please bring it too. If your carry pistol has a light that is fine too just make sure it fits your holster. If you have a "blue gun" or airsoft gun and training knife or inert "trainer" pepper spray you want to bring feel free to do so. We will be doing some interactive exercises where students will play the role of both good guys and bad guys to get a better feel for just what each experiences when the techniques are applied in low light. If you don't see it from both sides you only know about half of what is going on. A $90 deposit will hold a spot for you in this class. Balance due at class. You are also welcome to pay in full in advance too. We are limiting it to 16 students so you might want to get your deposit in soon. To register or for more info either PM me here at TGO or email me at Cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com. Hope to see you there! Some Bio info and some of my training resume.....http://www.suarezinternationalstore.com/instructor-randy-harris.aspx
  17. SUAREZ INTERNATIONAL CRG-1: PISTOL GUNFIGHTING MARCH 3-4, 2018 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE PRICE : $350 INSTRUCTOR: RANDY HARRIS INSTRUCTOR BIO All training must begin with fundamentals. This comprehensive fundamentals class is designed to prep you for the more advanced courses such as Close Range Gunfighting. Through a carefully designed and detailed curriculum we are able to bring you up to a level of skill in a short two day class that previously would take over 4 or 5 days to achieve at other schools. You will learn a complete presentation of the modern combative technique of the pistol which will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. We will also be incorporating fundamental Point Shooting techniques which will prep you for more advanced courses. You will learn the components of various point shooting methods and integrate them into your existing skill sets. This knowledge will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. No experience or prior training is needed to attend this class and it is specially suitable for beginners, or as a tune-up for accomplished shooters. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM CST AMMUNITION: Approximately 300 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to register......https://suarezinternational.com/crg-1-pistol-gunfighting-march-3-4-2018-chattanooga-tn/
  18. The February meeting of the TN/GA/AL Suarez Int training group will be held on Saturday Feb 24th! Open to all. We will be covering pistol skills , specifically close range and close contact , get off the X and get quick hits on the target using alternative indexing methods . Instructor: Randy Harris ( INSTRUCTOR BIO ) Subject : Point Blank Pistol Skills - Alternative Indexing Methods In Close Quarter Shooting . Date : Saturday Feb 24 Time: 9AM-3PM CENTRAL TIME Location: The usual place- Phillips/Edwards Farm 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah Alabama (about 35 minutes SW of Chattanooga) Price : $60 PAY BY CASH OR CHECK AT CLASS. What you need to bring: Pistol (revolvers are welcome too), at least 2 spare pistol magazines (or speedloaders if you plan to party like it is 1899) and at least 150 rounds of ammo.....
  19. DEFENSIVE SHOTGUN APRIL 27, 2018 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE PRICE : $200 INSTRUCTOR: RANDY HARRIS INSTRUCTOR BIO THERE IS A DISCOUNT IF THIS CLASS IS COMBINED WITH THE RIFLE GUNFIGHTING CLASS ON MARCH 31-APRIL 1 !!!!! The shotgun is the top choice among Americans for limited role home defense. In its niche it is a devastating weapon. This one day class will teach you everything you need to know to employ this iconic American fighting tool to its best utility. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 1 Day TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM CST AMMUNITION: Approximately 100 rounds of Birdshot, 50 rounds of Buckshot, 15 Slugs and 50 rounds of pistol ammunition. RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Shotgun (any caliber pump or semi-auto). All shotguns must be equipped with a sling and a stock. Pistol with at least two magazines, suitable belt, holster, and magazine pouches. A method of carrying extra shotgun ammo (for example: shoulder bag, ammo pouches, side saddle, or butt cuff). Ear & eye protection. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to register...https://suarezinternational.com/hits-5-defensive-shotgun-march-30-2018-chattanooga-tn/
  20. TN / GA / AL Training Group On Saturday January 27 we will hold our 1st meeting for the TN/GA/AL Regional Suarez Int Training Group for 2018! (Everyone is welcome) Instructor: Tier 1 Suarez Int Staff Instructor Randy HarrisLocation: The usual place- Phillips/Edwards Farm 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL 35765 Time: 9AM CENTRAL time - 3PM CENTRAL timePrice: $60 - pay at class cash or check. What you need to bring: Pistol, pistol magazines and at least 150 rounds of ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. We will work on smoothing out our pistol skills and will shoot several new challenging drills that we have not done before and work to be more competent and confident with the weapon we carry most...our pistol. Some of the drills are the Tom Givens 3M, Massad Ayoob's MAG 40 Standards, Bill Wilson's 5x5 skills test and several more. The pistol is far more likely to be the weapon you will have in hand be it robbery, terrorism or whatever. This will give participants a chance to shoot some timed and scored drills and get a feel for where their skill level is and see where they can improve . Looking forward to seeing you there!
  21. Hi all, Im from Maryville which is 18 miles south of Knoxville, im here to see if there are any like minded people to get together as a group, and train and swap tips and tricks with. Would like to find a friend in Blount County with a rangs where we could do some shooting. John
  22. TN / GA / AL Training Group Christmas Extravaganza ! Subject: Shooting Shooting Shooting!!! All the drills we can fit in! On Saturday Dec 9 we will hold our Christmas meeting for the TN/GA/AL Regional Suarez Int Training Group! Instructor: Tier 1 Suarez Int Staff Instructor Randy Harris Location: The usual place- Phillips/Edwards Farm 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL 35765 Time: 9AM CENTRAL time - 3PM CENTRAL time Price: $60 - pay at class cash or check. What you need to bring: Pistol, pistol magazines and at least 250 rounds of ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. We will shoot several challenging drills (like the challenging Military Match 221- Excellence in Competition, Air Marshal Qualification, FAST Drill, 2x2 drill, and MANY more ) and test our skills with the weapon we carry most...our pistol. This one will be structured a little different than normal. We usually spend the morning working technique and skills and then shoot in the afternoon. NOT this time. This will be a full day of shooting so we can get all the drills in! We will also be handing out some prizes! Looking forward to seeing you there!
  23. Real World Rifle Skills - Combative use of the rifle Date Saturday Dec 2, 2017 Instructor : Randy Harris (https://suarezinternational.com/randy-harris/ ) Location:The Ridge in Dayton TN (http://www.theridgeshooting.com/index.html) Price $150 Cash or Check ($50 Deposit holds your spot ) Time : 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM This class is a 1 day immersion level class that will work to bring your rifle handling and shooting skills up to speed . Whether you are looking to use the rifle for home defense, Police patrol, Military, or 3 Gun Competition, this class will improve your shooting and gun handling skills. With just a small amount of lecture time we will spend the majority of the day on the range honing skills with both dry fire drills and live fire. While there is no prerequisite for this class, students need to have a SOLID grasp of the fundamentals of firearm safety and be familiar enough with their rifle to safely load , fire ,and unload it. What to bring? Modern magazine fed semi auto rifle or pistol caliber carbine. Pistol. Ammo: Rifle 250 rds Pistol 50 rds Eye and Ear Protection and any other gear you want to bring like knee pads. Ancillary gear: Belt and holster and mag pouch for pistol , sling for rifle, at least 3 rifle mags, at least 2 pistol mags (or speed loaders if you use a revolver), and a way to carry your rifle mags. This can be in your pockets, in belt mounted mag pouches, in a bag of some type or in a chest rig. Some stuff we will cover.... SAFETY Combative use of the rifle (context of combative use vs competitive use) RULE #1 - Don't get shot! (use of cover and movement to keep from getting shot) Position Shooting to conform to available cover. Marksmanship - Quickly hit what you aim at whether standing, kneeling, prone or moving Use of APPROPRIATE sighting methods for the distances involved Clear malfunctions QUICKLY Keep it loaded (Both reactive and proactive reloads and why and when to use them) Transition from Rifle to Pistol (When , Why and How) Practical application of the skills we learned For address to send deposit or for more info PM me here at TN Gunowners or email me at cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com .
  24. Last Close Range Gunfighting Class of 2017! CLOSE RANGE GUNFIGHTING Price $350 NOVEMBER 18-19, 2017 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE INSTRUCTOR: RANDY HARRISThis is our flagship course and goes as far as you can safely go on a square range with live-fire pistols. The dynamic curriculum surpasses the traditional handgun methods commonly taught in most institutions and focuses of the use of the pistol in aggressive close range applications likely in individual civilian street encounters.The class begins with a tune-up of the fundamentals, then we progress quickly to new skills such as Proactive and Reactive Manipulations, Shooting While Moving Off The X, Reality-Based Multiple Hostiles Engagement, 360 degree CQB Movement, Danger-Close Fighting, Bilateral Shooting, 360 degree After Action Assessment Methods, and Integrating the Flashlight and Other Tools into the Firing Platform. This is the life-saving material that is often ignored in many other programs. In two days, you will receive more information than most armed professionals ever get!We must point out that THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR THE NOVICE SHOOTER. If you have not received basic instruction, or have a question about your skill level, please call us first. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 500 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Bring your flashlights for the low light module. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For More Info and to register.....https://suarezinternational.com/crg-...hattanooga-tn/


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