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Carry Weapon #1

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  1. Sometimes life just sucks and today is one of mine!! I moved into this cottage in 1997 and have made it my perect man cave. Live here through 4 different landlords and have always paid my rent erly or on time. I have not tore nothing up over the years but have repaired a few things more folks would have called the landlord to come and fix, like replacing a kitchen faucet of bathroom sink faucet but I just went and bought one and put it in. I figure it tore up on my watch so I fixed it n my watch. I have a buddy of mine that comes and cuts all the grass for the entire triplex and has since my mwer went down 7 years ago so landlord does not have to cut it or paid to have it cut. I just learned from the guy that use to live up front why he moved. He got an eviction notice he had 30 days to vacate because this newest landlord of 4 years was wanting to renovate that apartment that was already rented and guy was never late on his rent and was seldom home except on weekends because he drives truck. So today I learn that when he is done with that apartment he has told the other tennant that when he is done he will be evicting her so he can renovate an apartment that is already rented. The lady living there has been living there 23 years and is 76 years old and not in good health physically. She has never been late on her rent in 23 years but he is kicking her out. I found out today that when he has completed both of the front units I'm next so sometime between now and probably late Summer I will be getting my notice. He told me it won't be right away but yes he wants to renovate this unit also. I have never heard of a landlord kicking out tenants that have been living in the same place for 20+ years and never been late on their rent and not tearing the places up just kicking people out to remodel a place!!! I do have a place to go when the time comes but it's not where I want to live. I want to live right here. My daughter and SIL have a cottage behind their house I could have moved into 15 years ago and not had to pay any rent, just utilities but I stayed here because i like it here. So SIL has said he will fix the cottage up and make sure everything is working like it should and it will be ready when this BOZO kicks me out. I have already called my buddy and told him to quit cutting the grass so he will have to do it or pay to have it done. If he is going to evict me for that silly ass reason I will not make life easy for him. I have spent that last couple hours looking on line to see if there is any way I can fight him and make his life hell in court while I am still here once he serves me. So I don't know if any of y'all know where Alexandria is but thats where I will be living sooner or later. I think it has a Gordonsville mailing address. They don't have cable which thats fine but I have to see what kind of internet I can get out there besides phone dial up. I might end up putting in satelite internet but it is what it is. So anyway thats been my day so far. I hope every one else is having a better one than I am...........


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