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  1. Saturday NOVEMBER 21 will be the next meeting of the TN/GA/AL Training Group. Subject: Practical Application of Medical Skills in a Team Environment. Shoot, Move ,Communicate and Plug Holes. Date : Saturday November 21, 2020 Location: 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL (35 min from downtown Chattanooga) Time : 9AM- 3PM Central Time Price : $100 Pay at class check or cash. This meeting of the training group will cover both shooting skills and basic tac med skills in a team environment . Guest lecturer will be Jeff Bishop ( USMC, Louisville KY Fire, Police and EMS) What to bring: Rifle (or PCC ) and at least 2 mags and 60 rounds for it. Pistol and at least 2 mags and 75 rounds for it. In fact, in light of the current ammo situation if you want to run a .22 rifle and / or pistol feel free to do so. Bring as many mags as you want and as much gear and ammo as you want to carry. If you want to run this class with chest rig and armor then that is fine. If you want to run it in CCW street clothes and just a rifle with spare mag in your pocket that is fine too. Up to you. This material is not gear dependent. Also bring any med gear you normally carry. We will take a look at and discuss items and options. If you do not already have any gear then we can show you what to get and where to get it. Bring something to write with and note taking material.
  2. I wanted to share my experience serving as @Cruel Hand Luke 's adequate assistant at this Suarez International one day class. Hosted by Bill at the Ridge out in Dayton. Classroom, bathrooms, range layout works really well for this type of training. This class definitely highlights the critical application of trigger discipline and making a conscious decision to shoot. While sitting in an automobile, if you need to draw your pistol, something will get swept with the muzzle; you, your car floor / dash, windshield, non threats outside your windshield, front seat passenger plus second, maybe third row passengers. Talk to your significant other about the what if plan - discharging a firearm in front or behind your passenger's head, with hot brass flying is disconcerting. After 20+ times, you get innoculated... Morning was lecture, then dry fire on the range from a seated position to mimic sitting in car. Students paired up, dry fire, each person went through the exercises shooting from the driver and passenger position. Appropriate tunes on the radio. Live fire mimicked the dry fire excercises. Then it was time to mount up. Each student had an opportunity to shoot from his or her vehicle, from different points of the clock. Randy kept the traffic flowing pretty well, way better than the drive through at Bojangles in Oolewah. Day finished up with each student engaging a target three times through the passenger window, across an unpaid volunteer and danger seeker. With the current environment and simply transitting larger metro areas for business or personal travel, even from your vehicle you can pay attention and evade / escape. We did discuss what if you have to bail out, if you've got a long gun, do you grab it? Consensus was, it depends. A long gun is conspicuous. AR / AK pistol in a covert backpack has some appeal.
  3. Suarez International Vehicle Gunfighting Fundamentals August 15, 2020 Dayton, Tennessee Price : $200 Instructor: Randy Harris (Randy's BIO) Most of us spend several hours in or around motor vehicles, yet very little time training how to fight in and around them. In this class you will learn how to do just that. We will cover everything from weapon access while seated, shooting from the car, as well as using the car itself as a barrier to attack and for cover. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 1 day TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approx. 200 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ For more info and to register......https://suarezinternational.com/vehicle-gunfighting-fundamentals-august-15-2020/#
  4. On Saturday July 18 we will hold our July meeting for the TN/GA/AL Regional Suarez Int Training Group! Subject : Shotgun and Pistol Skills and Drills ( and to be relevant , recent and realistic there will be a focus on multiple targets...) Instructor: Tier 1 Suarez Int Staff Instructor Randy Harris Location: Phillips/Edwards Farm 763 CR 332 Pisgah Al 35765 ( location is about 35min from where I-24 and I-27 connect in Downtown Chattanooga ) Time: 9AM - 3PM CENTRAL time Price: $80 - pay at class cash or check. What you need to bring:Pistol with at least 3pistol magazines and at least 150 rounds of ammo. Revolvers (with 3 speed loaders) are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. Also you will need a SHOTGUN and at least 50 rounds of birdshot.
  5. Suarez International Red Dot Combat Pistol School March 13-15, 2020 Dayton, Tennessee Price : $500 Instructor: Randy Harris Instructor Bio THIS IS NOT A "BASIC LEVEL CLASS" PLEASE BRING AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKSMANSHIP AND UNDERSTANDING OF FUNDAMENTALS OF SAFE GUN HANDLING. In this class, red dot pistol shooters will learn everything we have learned from running the red dot system since 2009. We will discuss everything from maintenance to carry and of course how to employ the modern combat handgun equipped with a red dot from zero contact to as far as the range will allow. If you are the owner of a red dot-equipped pistol, and carry it for self defense (like we do) this is an event you cannot miss. Each day will end with a debriefing session where any and all questions will be answered to the best of our knowledge and experience. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 3 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 500-1000 rounds (we will shoot as much as you want to shoot), and the usual stuff you bring to a high speed low drag "bitchin guy" class. RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Bring your red dot pistol and appropriate belt, holster, spare mags, ear/eye protection etc. If you do not have a red dot pistol we have a limited number of red dot pistols available for rent. The rental cost will be $50, please call in advance to arrange rental. 423 827 9133. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ For more info and to sign up for this class..... https://suarezinternational.com/red-dot-combat-pistol-school-march-13-15-2020-dayton-tn/
  6. On Saturday FEBRUARY 22 we will hold our first meeting for the TN/GA/AL Regional Suarez Int Training Group for 2020 ! (This was rescheduled to Feb 22 from Feb 8 due to the snow storm) Subject : Getting shot sucks...get off the X !!! Instructor: Tier 1 Suarez Int Staff Instructor Randy Harris Location: The Regular place - 763 CR 332 Pisgah Al Time: 9AM CENTRAL time - 3PM CENTRAL time Price: $80 - pay at class cash or check. What you need to bring: Pistol, pistol magazines and at least 150-200 rounds of ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. We will work on our pistol skills specifically getting off the X in reactive situations, retaking the initiative and counter attacking. If your skills you learned in Close Range Gunfighting have gotten a little rusty this is the tune up you need! We will also run some "man on man" drills to test skills and add a little motivation. Most ranges don't allow you to just show up and shoot while moving so don't miss out on this opportunity ! Looking forward to seeing you there!
  7. Suarez International CRG-1: PISTOL GUNFIGHTING February 1-2, 2020 Dayton, TN Price: $350 Instructor: Randy Harris ( Instructor Bio ) All training must begin with fundamentals. This comprehensive fundamentals class is designed to prep you for the more advanced courses such as Close Range Gunfighting. Through a carefully designed and detailed curriculum we are able to bring you up to a level of skill in a short two day class that previously would take over 4 or 5 days to achieve at other schools. You will learn a complete presentation of the modern combative technique of the pistol which will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. We will also be incorporating fundamental Point Shooting techniques which will prep you for more advanced courses. You will learn the components of various point shooting methods and integrate them into your existing skill sets. This knowledge will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. No experience or prior training is needed to attend this class and it is specially suitable for beginners, or as a tune-up for accomplished shooters. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 300 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ DIRECTIONS: Range is located on HWY 27 just north of Dayton TN Take HWY 27 North from Dayton TN. Go 3.2 miles. Look for mailbox with a glock on it on the right hand side of the road. Take the paved driveway up the hill. For more info and to sign up....https://suarezinternational.com/crg-1-pistol-gunfighting-february-1-2-2020-dayton-tn/?ctk=341c7eaf-81c0-44aa-8b97-b4e5b1e0dc23 ALSO there is a $50 discount if you sign up for both this class and the Shotgun class on Jan 31 ( https://suarezinternational.com/hits-defensive-shotgun-january-31-2019-dayton-tn/ )
  8. Just completed this two day class. It is designed for a newer firearm owner, handgun carrier, or old dog looking for a good refresher. Class room topics included discussions on identifying predator behavior, cues of impending violence, a little brain science revolving around Boyd's OODA, Cooper's Color Code, & Hick's 'Law', Response, and dispelled a little mythology on tactical anatomy, stopping placement, power, and energy. Randy does a great job taking a concept and finding a practical example to illustrate, from driving to sports analogies. It's not all tactics and guns, he is forcing the brain to apply critical thinking, which, for adults, results in up to 70% information retention. One new student to welcome to SI Family. Robert did awesome. Found out at end of class, his first experience shooting a pistol was 7/2019, so even more impressive with how well he responded to Randy's instruction. Thanks to Bill and John from the Ridge in Dayton for hosting and assisting with range valet duties. Day one I shot my CZ 75B Omega. Kept cranking the first DA shot low and right..lack of practice, both live and dry. Ran out of ammo at the end of class, get home, realize I have no target ammo and nowhere to get it at 8 o'clock on Saturday night. I then start looking for what I do have. Aha, can load of .357Sig, P224 is in play. When did I buy all that .38? Sweet, strap on my brace of SP101s. What did I learn? You should stick to one primary pistol. The 224 with 10 round flush mag is a handful, slightly less with the .40 barrel. Using the 12 round 229 mag, it is way more controllable. Used it for drills requiring 6 or more rounds. Carried AIWB, my original carry position, no cover garment, pleased with drawstroke. Shooting the SPs was a reminder that even a 6 shot semi, with extra mags, if you can keep it running, is a better option if your BG brought a plus one (or more) to the party. Consider this drill, 3 targets, 2 shots per, before the time ends. I don't currently have the skill level to fire 4 one handed at 1 and 2, then pull my second pistol and finish off #3 with my non dominant hand. Or 5, then draw, or 3-5 and reload. I can do it, pretty smooth, but not fast enough. I did like the fact my SP groups, while slightly wider, were more centered, with either hand. Did short stroke the trigger, just once, but it still happened. Rotated through four and advising to stick to one... They're all a little different, from POA/POI, pull, reset, grip angle, and sights. The two SPs have wildly different grip angles due to the grips, so I have to adjust between the two. Not optimal for increasing core skills. Not to disappoint, He-who-trains-in-Water conjured up just a little rain on Saturday followed up with glorious weather today. I started training with Randy and Suarez in 2012 and continue to do so because the content and instruction is good. If you would like to be on the email list for future one and two day training events or have a place and interest in hosting, definitely let us know!
  9. Suarez International HITS Defensive Shotgun January 31, 2019 Dayton, TN Price: $200 Instructor: Randy Harris ( Instructor Bio ) The shotgun is the top choice among Americans for limited role home defense. In its niche it is a devastating weapon. This one day class will teach you everything you need to know to employ this iconic American fighting tool to its best utility. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 1 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: 100 Rounds Birdshot, 50 rounds Buckshot, and 15 Slugs. 50 Rounds of Pistol Ammo RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Bring a Shotgun with a Sling and a Pistol with a serviceable holster. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ DIRECTIONS: Range is located on HWY 27 just north of Dayton TN Take HWY 27 North from Dayton TN. Go 3.2 miles. Look for mailbox with a Glock on it on the right hand side of the road. Take the paved driveway up the hill. If you get to the golf course on hwy 27 you have gone too far. Just a short ride from Chattanooga or Cleveland. For more info and to register for this class.....https://suarezinternational.com/hits-defensive-shotgun-january-31-2019-dayton-tn/ Also there is a $50 discount if combined with the Pistol Gunfighting class on Feb 1-2 (https://suarezinternational.com/crg-1-pistol-gunfighting-february-1-2-2020-dayton-tn/?ctk=341c7eaf-81c0-44aa-8b97-b4e5b1e0dc23)
  10. CRG-1: PISTOL GUNFIGHTING July 13-14, 2019 Chattanooga Area (Range is 40 min SW of Chattanooga) Instructor: Randy Harris Price : $350 Instructor Bio All training must begin with fundamentals. This comprehensive fundamentals class is designed to prep you for the more advanced courses such as Close Range Gunfighting. Through a carefully designed and detailed curriculum we are able to bring you up to a level of skill in a short two day class that previously would take over 4 or 5 days to achieve at other schools. You will learn a complete presentation of the modern combative technique of the pistol which will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. We will also be incorporating fundamental Point Shooting techniques which will prep you for more advanced courses. You will learn the components of various point shooting methods and integrate them into your existing skill sets. This knowledge will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. No experience or prior training is needed to attend this class and it is specially suitable for beginners, or as a tune-up for accomplished shooters. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM CENTRAL TIME AMMUNITION: Approximately 300 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to register for this class.....https://suarezinternational.com/crg-1-pistol-gunfighting-july-13-14-2019-chattanooga-tn/?ctk=75c79843-c20e-42eb-86fa-76372dc0c876
  11. TN / GA / AL Suarez Training Group! On Saturday June 29 we will hold a meeting for the TN/GA/AL Regional Suarez Int Training Group! Subject: ARE YOU REALLY QUALIFIED? Instructor: Tier 1 Suarez Int Staff Instructor Randy Harris Location: Hiawassee Land Company Lake (off Mill Creek Rd) , Rocky Face GA 30740 (contact me for directions. It is about 25 minutes South of Chattanooga off of I-75) Time: 9AM EASTERN time - 3PM EASTERN time Price: $80 - pay at class cash or check. What you need to bring: Pistol, pistol magazines and at least 250 rounds of pistol ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. This will be a pistol day and we will be shooting some devilish new drills I have acquired and some I have devised and then shooting some federal, state and maybe even some intergalactic LE Qualification drills. Just kidding.... all the drills are from THIS galaxy. We will be shooting some challenging warm up drills and then the Air Marshal , LAPD SWAT, FBI qualification courses and several others. I will also keep records of these (if you are happy with your scores) for future reference and use . This will serve to get your shooting prowess on record by a third party in case it is ever needed in the future in some legal matter. This is also something your church might like to have for their records if you are a member of a church security team. As far as the courts are concerned if it isn't documented it didn't happen so this is an opportunity to get some official scores on paper in case you ever need them . Not only that but it will be a good day of shooting some somewhat challenging courses. This is an EXCELLENT chance to bring someone you know who might need a "reality check" on where their skills actually are. We all know people who are gun owners who keep threatening to get some training. The training days (especially the pistol qual day) is a great way to get them into that and show them what is possible with some directed practice and see where they REALLY are at their present skill level. Looking forward to seeing you there!
  12. Last weekend I drive to the Ridge in Dayton, TN to assist and participate in Defensive Concepts for Low Light Environments. Randy Harris, founder of Harris Combative Strategies was our instructor. Class start was 6pm, we had 15 students, including 3 ladies. Having never shot at night, i was looking forward to it. No fancy gear, my trusty CZ 75B with 10 year old OEM night sights, Safariland accordion-style universal single mag pouch (works like a champ) and new Fenix UC35 flashlight with up to 1000 retinal burning lumens. This particular flashlight was $89.95 at SMKW, selected based on previous experience with the LD05, on board USB charger, and 2 battery choices. I am NOT a light expert, so this is opinion. A good flashlight runs $60+ depending on features. A good flashlight makes for an excellent striking weapon or use to break glass. Combination of classroom and range work. Here's what I learned: It is not illegal anywhere in the world to carry a flashlight in your hand. As a rule, people don't like to get flashed, so a blast of light from waist down with a firm, "I'm sorry, I can't help you," should be pretty effective. For me, I get to see his hands For him, I've added a huge question, who carries and uses a flashlight? At the very least, not your typical antelope. If unable to disengage, a blast to the eyes, with, "hey buddy back off," gives about 2-3 seconds of time before the potential bad guy has clear vision. To know is from experience, so we all got blasted in low light, but not dark - that was later. If a light blast to the eyes doesn't dissuade the predator, and he's close, strike him in the face with that well made, machined aluminum with fantastic gripping surfaced cylinder of hurt. Sounds really John Wick like, but really a simple gross motor skill. Then it was dark and time to shoot. I discovered there was enough ambient light from the other shooters illuminating their targets, I didn't really need more light. I also discovered positioning the light is important to avoid losing my front sight from splash along the top of the slide. Other musings When I would step to the rear to hydrate, I was about 25 yards from the firing line. As 8 students were shooting and flash illuminating at different tempos, it was chaotic to experience. Point being, a running gun battle at night is scary. I came to the realization that I've been approaching this shooting thing the hard way; day light, two hands, can easily see the target. 10 yards, move to cover, engage strong hand, flashlight however you want to manage it, 6" steel, don't hit the bystander or The Suit. Ding Ding ding Ding ding ding Ding ding ding (Randy didn't say exactly how many) ding. I'm also pleased with my overall progress with slide lock reloads. If nothing else, a fun confidence booster. Feedback from the class: start earlier due to volume of content, convert dry erase to PowerPoint for classroom. Last drill, a little after midnight, only ambient is starlight, no moon, and it's dark in Dayton. After I flash you in the face, when you can see the target, draw and fire. I'd estimate 20-30 seconds in my case and almost a minute for full night vision. Tremendous amount of time to do a variety of things. Tips from Randy: Turn off the lights when practicing dry and add your light. Hit a mirror to experience what the BG will experience in different light levels. I am an unpaid spokesperson and talented valet for Randy Harris and Harris Combative Strategies.
  13. May the Fourth was great, today is definitely Revenge of the Fifth, I'm a wee bit sore from all the frivolities of yesterday. Best part - we had a first time attendee, both with Randy and the Group as well as his first class with an instructor. His biggest concern going in, anxiety from the fear of the unknown. He claimed at the end class, he felt welcome and very comfortable with us and is planning on attending future classes. Being a rifle class, we were shooting at 50 - 100 yards, on 1/3 IDPA steel targets. Changes the perspective to 150 - 300, or as Randy told me, "that may be your actual target size at 50-100 if the BG is using cover / concealment. 7 ARs represented, no two alike, and one Mini-14. I was very please with my SW MP Sport 2. Upgrades include a Magpul grip, Burris FastFire3 with mount, and $3.99 1" Allen sling. The budget sling worked fine, but a heavier duty 1 1/2" sling would be a good investment. Started with dry fire and manipulations from standing, kneeling, and prone. Valuable for me being left handed and low time with the AR. I think I want to add an ambi charging handle. Worked totally from pockets, specifically 5.11 pants. The cargo pocket can hold 2 mags and I can access pretty easily. They are not secured as Velcro can't be fastened. I didn't have one fall out from changing my up / kneel / prone position or moving to and fro between shooting stations. The back slash pocket makes it easy (for me) to stow mags and re-access if partially depleted and I just shot to slide lock. Note to above, shooting 1 1/2 mags and needing to reload with your first mag in a civilian defensive rifle gun fight will get you on the national news and probably into the encyclopedia. Sights and Optics I did shoot a few rounds from my M1 carbine, the front blade was about as wide as 1/3 IDPA targets at 50. Hit it a few times, so I feel pretty good about myself. I have a 3 moa dot and it makes a difference for my aging eyes. If I did more rifle shooting and routinely shot to 100+, I would probably invest in a some kind of dot / magnifier setup. As it sits now, just the FF3 and mount represents $300 - $400 on a $499 rifle. Breathing is hard. Many of the afternoon drills included changing position and shooting stations, as quickly as you cared to go. I put forth some effort and got my out of shape hamster running on his wheel. Here's what happened to me when I was "ready" to shoot after I got into stable platform - that little dot was moving in time with the hamster. Deep breath and exhale, and again, and again and...what are you waiting for, Alice? Very eye opening, if I must take that long shot, what's around and beyond my target? I do need to work on my standing form and best placement of my support arm and hand. A 30 round AR mag can hold 31, just in case you lose count when topping off. Great way to carry an extra bullet, but they don't function too well. Best practice, count and load 27 or 28. Slinging my rifle to transition to pistol. Very comfortable flipping the sling over my head and allowing the rifle to drop down my back. Once I was confident with the action and where the rifle ended up, I was good to go. For this class, when I was shooting, the rifle was not attached to my body via sling. Gave me the ability to switch rifle to right side and shoot one handed. Not optimal. Drop it on the ground (I did) better, two handed pistol grip, but less than optimal, do I really want to "leave" my rifle anywhere? This was a good class for me, with the nature of the targets, there was less range valet'ing and more opportunities for me to shoot. I learned how to run this rifle and what my current skill level is.
  14. Suarez International Red Dot Combat Pistol School April 12-14, 2019 PRICE : $500 Dayton, Tennessee Instructor: Randy Harris Instructor Bio THIS IS NOT A "BASIC LEVEL CLASS" PLEASE BRING AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKSMANSHIP The minimum standard for attending is five rounds in a 3x3 inch square at five yards. In this class, red dot pistol shooters will learn everything we have learned from running the red dot system since 2009. We will discuss everything from maintenance to carry and of course how to employ the modern combat handgun equipped with a red dot from zero contact to as far as the range will allow. If you are the owner of a red dot-equipped pistol, and carry it for self defense (like we do) this is an event you cannot miss. Each day will end with a debriefing session where any and all questions will be answered to the best of our knowledge and experience. The second evening will include a synopsis of the Killing Within The Law lecture by Gabe Suarez followed by a Q&A session. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 3 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 500-1000 rounds (we will shoot as much as you want to shoot), and the usual stuff you bring to a high speed low drag "bitchin guy" class. RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Bring your red dot pistol and appropriate belt, holster, spare mags, ear/eye protection etc. If you do not have a red dot pistol we have a limited number of red dot pistols available for rent. The rental cost will be $50, please call in advance to arrange rental. 423 827 9133. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ For more info and to register....https://suarezinternational.com/red-dot-combat-pistol-school-april-12-14-2019-dayton-tn/
  15. I started training with SI and Randy Harris in 2012, primarily with handguns, though I have taken 2 one-day shotgun classes and a one-day carbine class. I like Randy's instruction style, he is local, and I can learn a lot from him (unless he gives me an excuse to find a new training org) He knows his stuff: https://suarezinternational.com/randy-harris/ This was my first two-day close range rifle class and the content did not disappoint. Day one started with some classwork and then it was out to range for dry work; gun manipulations from standing, kneeling, and prone. Here is where we focused on muzzle and trigger finger control, for me it started me on the habit of engaging the safety when my hand leaves the pistol grip or, at a ready position with no immediate threat. We then made sure our guns were dialled in, meaning it will hit a target at 25 yards if I do my part. My gear = HiPoint Bullpup and M1 carbine. I brought my AR, but had too much fun with the others. Worked out of pockets - no battle belt / chest rig. You CAN be tactically practical with a pocket load out, but have a plan (and place) to retain your mags. I am investigating the simple dump pouch for future classes. The reason I mention my kit is it makes no difference what your gear is, as long as it is functionally safe and my goal is to train like I would most likely use my stuff. I also hope it encourages the guy or gal like me, competent with a self defense long gun, but a basic static shooting background, to get more experience (with ANY quality instructor) Before you upgrade your gear, upgrade yourself. Comparing my two carbines: for home defense, inside the walls, the HP Bullpup is the winner - both short, compact, and 9mm. The M1C is a better choice for multi purpose use, simply more effective at longer ranges and is more fun to shoot. Sights: red dots are awesome for closer quarters, I have a budget model on the HiPoint. You probably want some kind of BUIS - batteries die, electronics break and rain can obscure your dot or reticle. The M1C has the traditional ladder peep sight - my challenge is I don't pick up the sight picture quickly and they don't seem be the best design for movement. With this particular carbine (low sight to bore) at less than 20y, if you have good alignment, contact points, and decent trigger control, you can cheat and look over the rear peep. Does rain impact a peep? Not me, but the student with the Galil had to blow water off / through his. What about my AR? Well, it's back in the bedroom armory. Shooting. I was pleased with me performance and believe when the light bulb went off, my confidence really soared. I realized shooting a carbine puts the muzzle out to an equivalent distance of full pistol extension. With a good cheek weld, it's a super long barrelled pistol with the added benefit of using more contact points to hold it steady. Sounds like a "d'uh" moment, but I had to experience it to learn it. What I should have done is practiced more pro-active reloads, but keep trying to run dry to transition to my pistol. And I did try, with the option of 1-5 shots during live fire, I took all 5. Get to end, 1-2-3 rounds left. Side note, the rebuild on the M1C was successful. 250 rounds, 2 FtoFeed, identified weak mag springs. Worked going to my weak side for 85% of the drills - only lefty in class. Still accurate, even for the "he's not down" shots to the beak. What I was most amazed at was my John Wick like pistol skills. The drill was transition to pistol. Working to my weak side, my carbine was unslung, so I had to secure it, muzzle down, stock secured with my right arm. All of my one handed pistol shots were right on the beak, 4" or so, with no flyers...and I haven't shot live in weeks. Dry fire practice is working for me. Regarding slings, find what works for you, but the two-point seems to be the most versatile with ease of gun manipulations. I mention this in case you have to switch shoulders - can you or do you have a plan to unsling or detact yourself from your gun. Other guns represented: we had a AR pistol, Kel-Tec RDB, Galil, AK47, 3 other ARs, and my two odd balls.
  16. On Sat-Sun October 13-14 we will be offering the Suarez International Rifle Gunfighting 2 class in Dayton TN. This can be combined with the 1 day Defensive Shotgun on Friday Oct 12 as a discount package deal. RGF-2: RIFLE GUNFIGHTING II October 13-14, 2018 Dayton, Tennessee Price:$ 350 (Can be combined with the Defensive Shotgun class for $50 discount) Instructor: Randy Harris(Instructor BIO) Rifle confrontations worldwide rarely exceed 25 yards. Rather than a long range marksman's weapon, our research shows the rifle will most likely be used just outside the reach of more conventional weapons, as well as within these closer intervals of confrontation. This course will take the student quickly through the basics and impart the techniques necessary to deploy the Tactical Rifle, Civilian Carbine, or Submachine gun in a close interval emergency.This course is highly recommended for civilian defenders, military personnel, or police operators (we make no distinction in the material presented). CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 500 rounds (Minimum) and 50 rounds of pistol ammunition. RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Rifle (any action or caliber suitable for use within 50 yards), all weapons must be equipped with a sling, also bring a pistol with at least (2) magazines, a belt, holster, magazine pouches, rifle ammo pouches, and ear & eye protection (knee and elbow pads are strongly suggested). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ For more info and to register....https://suarezinternational.com/rgf-2-rifle-gunfighting-ii-october-13-14-2018-dayton-tn/
  17. On Friday September 28 and Saturday-Sunday September 29-30 we will be offering the 1 day HITS Rifle and Close Range Gunfighting 2 classes in the Chattanooga area. This is a great opportunity to get our 1 day rifle class and our flagship pistol class all in one 3 day weekend ! You can take either class separately or both together for a discount. On Friday Sept 28..... Combat Rifle Marksmanship September 28, 2018 Price:$200 Chattanooga, Tennessee Instructor: Randy Harris In this class you will learn how to fire an accurate shot with your semi auto military assault rifle. All types and calibers are welcome (AR-15, AK-47s, UZI, HK, etc.). You will learn all the basics of riflery from zeriong, the essential elements of insuring an accurate shot, as well as using ground and cover to enhance your effect downrange. This course is perfect for the new rifle owner, or as a tune up for an experienced rifleman. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 1 Day TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 150 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Rifle, sling, at least 2 magazines if using a semi-automatic, manner to carry extra ammo, pistol, holster and range safety gear. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to register.....https://suarezinternational.com/hits-3-combat-rifle-marksmanship-september-28-2018-chattanooga-tn/ [BOLD]AND THEN ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY[/BOLD] CLOSE RANGE GUNFIGHTING September 29-30, 2018 Price: $350 Chattanooga, Tennessee Instructor: Randy Harris This is our flagship course and goes as far as you can safely go on a square range with live-fire pistols. The dynamic curriculum surpasses the traditional handgun methods commonly taught in most institutions and focuses of the use of the pistol in aggressive close range applications likely in individual civilian street encounters. The class begins with a tune-up of the fundamentals, then we progress quickly to new skills such as Proactive and Reactive Manipulations, Shooting While Moving Off The X, Reality-Based Multiple Hostiles Engagement, 360 degree CQB Movement, Danger-Close Fighting, Bilateral Shooting, 360 degree After Action Assessment Methods, and Integrating the Flashlight and Other Tools into the Firing Platform. This is the life-saving material that is often ignored in many other programs. In two days, you will receive more information than most armed professionals ever get! We must point out that THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR THE NOVICE SHOOTER. If you have not received basic instruction, or have a question about your skill level, please call us first. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 500 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Bring your flashlights for the low light module. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to register.....https://suarezinternational.com/crg-2-close-range-gunfighting-september-29-30-2018-chattanooga-tn/........
  18. On Sunday June 3 we will be offering a special 1 day training event in the Knoxville area. The class is an expanded version of the block of instruction that I presented last month at the 2018 Rangemaster Tactical Conference in Little Rock Arkansas. http://rangemaster.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Tac-Con-18-Brochure.pdf CLASS DESCRIPTION Point Blank Pistol Skills is a study in the deployment and effective use of the pistol in the 9 feet and closer distance envelope. This is the distance where time (and timing) are paramount. In this critical space there is little time to react and no time to be wasted with misses or ineffective marksmanship. At touching distance empty hand combative skills are often needed to help facilitate a clean unfouled draw stroke and decisive hits. We will focus on improving drawstroke, gaining better position, in fight weapons access, and making fight stopping hits from full extension all the way in to shooting in physical contact with the target. REQUIRED EQUIPMENT Students will need their pistol, holster, and a minimum of 2 spare magazines, or 3 speed loaders for their revolver if they plan to party like it is 1899. They will need 150-200 rounds of ammo, eye and ear protection. Also a "non live firing" replica (blue gun, red gun, Cert pistol, Sims gun or airsoft gun) that will fit in their holster. We will do some interactive dry work and will use those non firing replicas for that. A few loaners are available if you don't have a blue gun or an airsoft gun. This class focuses on shooting solutions 10 feet and closer but as opposed to most "shooting classes" this one has an interactive component so that each technique is also drilled against a live opponent so that there is no question as to the viability and applicability of the techniques and when and where to use each one. The use of Tac Man targets allows the ability to fire in very close proximity to the targets including allowing us to shoot in contact with them unlike paper targets which tend to blow apart. Also the 3 dimensional Tac Man targets provide a much more realistic looking target including it wearing clothing. Instructor Bio - With over 18 Years of experience in the shooting and training industry, Randy is a staff instructor for Suarez International, an NRA certified Instructor, Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit Instructor, Rangemaster certified Instructor (1st in his class) , and Rangemaster Advanced Instructor (1st in his class). Randy has shot in both the IDPA Nationals and IDPA World Championships where in 2015 he finished in the top 20 overall in the Stock Service Pistol division. With a focus on integrating skill sets and interdisciplinary problem solving , his training influences include Suarez International, Rangemaster (Tom Givens) , Shivworks (Craig Douglas) , AMOK (Tom Sotis) , Massad Ayoob, Dave Spaulding , the Rogers Shooting School and many others. Date: Sunday June 3, 2018 Time: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Subject: Point Blank Pistol Skills Price : $100 ( $50 deposit holds your spot ) Contact me through private message here to sign up. Class size is limited so don't wait ! Equipment needed : Pistol and 3 magazines (or 3 speed loaders if you use a revolver) Location: 1818 Tarklin Valley Rd Knoxville Tn 37920 Looking forward to seeing you there!
  19. CRG-1: PISTOL GUNFIGHTING SEPTEMBER 16-17, 2017 Price: $350 CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE INSTRUCTOR: RANDY HARRIS Instructor Bio All training must begin with fundamentals. This comprehensive fundamentals class is designed to prep you for the more advanced courses such as Close Range Gunfighting. Through a carefully designed and detailed curriculum we are able to bring you up to a level of skill in a short two day class that previously would take over 4 or 5 days to achieve at other schools. You will learn a complete presentation of the modern combative technique of the pistol which will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. We will also be incorporating fundamental Point Shooting techniques which will prep you for more advanced courses. You will learn the components of various point shooting methods and integrate them into your existing skill sets. This knowledge will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. No experience or prior training is needed to attend this class and it is specially suitable for beginners, or as a tune-up for accomplished shooters. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM Range is on Central Time AMMUNITION: Approximately 300 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to register.....https://suarezinternational.com/crg-1-pistol-gunfighting-september-16-17-2017-chattanooga-tn/
  20. SPECIAL 3 DAY EVENT WITH MORE MATERIAL INCLUDING TREATING TRAUMATIC INJURIES !!! More material, more reps, more force on force, and a block of instruction on treating traumatic injuries! SUAREZ INTERNATIONAL HRO-5: TERRORIST / ACTIVE SHOOTER INTERDICTION AUGUST 11-13, 2017 Price: $500 DAYTON, TENNESSEE INSTRUCTOR: RANDY HARRISINSTRUCTOR BIOEXTRA THIRD DAY!This special 3 Day version of this class also includes blocks of instruction on trauma care in the field. Trey Hudson will be guest lecturer on topics of history of terrorism, personal security measures and counter terrorism! Trey currently works as a Security Specialist with a government agency and in 2009 he returned from an assignment as a Force Protection/Anti-terrorism Officer in Afghanistan. Jamie Jackson will be guest lecturer on trauma care. Jamie has 44 years Health Care experience, former EMT, former Corpsman (73-82) RN, BSN, CCRN 35 years. 25 years Critical Care and ER mostly in New Orleans, full time ER 11 years. TNCC (Trauma Nursing Core Course) PHTLS (Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support) BLS, ACLS, PALS, NALS Louisiana State version of CONTOMS. This specialized class deals with solutions to the Active Shooter or the Armed Terrorist on a suicide mission. Originally designed as a class to deal solely with the armed terrorist, in answer to student's requests, we have expanded it to also include the active shooter situation as well.On the terrorism issue, government and local law enforcement are training for the inevitable wave of terror attacks. Historically the terrorists have not relied solely on explosives, and may just as likely utilize the tactic of an active shooter. Such situations have already occurred here in the USA as seen by the Beltway Snipers, and the shootings outside CIA headquarters several years ago. Similarly, we hear more and more daily about non-terrorist incidents like the Tacoma Mall Shooting where an individual decided to get noticed by killing innocent people in a large public place. Although the authorities may be prepared to respond to such events, history tells us that the first line of defense is the armed citizen. It is the man or woman who finds themselves suddenly and unexpectedly in such an event that will end the killing. Will you be ready?These events, whether begun by a terrorist, or a deranged criminal bent on killing innocents call for new tactics and a new mindset. In the Terrorism/Active Shooter Interdiction Course© you will learn extremely aggressive CQB Interdiction Techniques utilized successfully against terrorists by armed citizens overseas. You will study the possible role of the CCW Armed Citizen in stopping such an event in its tracks. You will learn to use whatever you have at your disposal (pistol, knives, impact weapons and even your bare hands) to deanimate and neutralize a terrorist, or active shooter and stop him from killing innocents.We will also be doing a module of instruction for familiarization with the AK-47 series of rifles and the SKS series of rifles. If you have one, bring it.This course uses live fire, and non-live fire force on force training along with other modalities to develop the necessary aggressive fighting skills and then test them in scenarios replicating actual events. Armed Citizens are the first line of defense and the true Homeland Security. In the Al Queda video tape (which all students will view as a part of the class) the jihadists are training to attack and kill Americans at home. They are ready. Are you?? CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 3 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approximately 500 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Pistol, carry holster, at least two magazines, and the usual range safety gear (ear and eye protection). Bring an airsoft pistol with the necessary gear (pellets, facemask, etc - all of it is available at www.onesourcetactical.com. NOTE: Bring an adequate supply of CO2 for the airsoft. An extra magazine is important in case there is a problem with the primary. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to register...https://suarezinternational.com/hro-...017-dayton-tn/
  21. On the evening of Saturday July 29 we will be offering a LOW LIGHT Training Day. Come out and work those pistol and flashlight skills you learned in CRG 2 or in the Low Light class or Low Light FOF classes. We will do a little refresher dry work and then spend the majority of the time working on live fire drills in diminishing and low light. This is the perfect opportunity to get some reps of live fire both with and without your flashlight in diminishing and low light. If you've never shot in the dark then you have a serious hole in your skill set. The first time you shoot in low light should not be in a real confrontation. Come out and work these skills and have some fun!SUAREZ INTERNATIONAL TN / GA / AL Training Group When: SATURDAY July 29 Instructor: Tier 1 Suarez Int Staff Instructor Randy HarrisLocation: The usual place- Phillips/Edwards Farm 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL 35765 Time: 5PM CENTRAL time - 11PM CENTRAL timePrice: $100 - pay at class cash or check. Notice the price is a little higher than usual because the material is a bit more advanced due to the low light environment. What you need to bring: Pistol, pistol magazines, FLASHLIGHT and at least 200 rounds of ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. WEAPON MOUNTED LIGHTS ARE FINE BUT MAKE SURE YOU BRING A HANDHELD LIGHT ALSO. Also if you want to bring a rifle or shotgun or pistol caliber carbine or your Stakeout to see how the muzzle flash really is in low light then bring them. We can shoot some drills with weapons other than pistols too. I'd like to get a head count on this for who is planning to attend so please either respond in this thread or PM me if you plan to attend. Instead of breaking for dinner we might just cook out at the range but I will need a solid count on how many we have coming to make that happen. Hope to see you (or not see you ) there.


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