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Carry Weapon #1

Carry Weapon #2

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Found 5 results

  1. Harris Combative Strategies Defensive Concepts for Low Light Environments Date: Friday October 22 Time: 5:30PM - 12AM Eastern Time Location: The Ridge Dayton TN. (http://www.theridgeshooting.com/) Price $160 ($50 Deposit to hold spot - See details below). Instructor: Randy Harris Instructor BIO THIS IS NOT A BEGINNER CLASS . Students should be able to safely load, unload, draw from a holster and safely handle their pistol in close proximity to other people. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PLEASE CONTACT RANDY AND DISCUSS YOUR PREVIOUS SHOOTING EXPERIENCE. This class will cover some critical skills which include shooting with and without the help of flashlights in low or no light. We will work both proactively challenging unknown potential threats and also reacting to unexpected close range attacks in low light settings. You will see just how much light you really need to accurately shoot by and how much light you actually need to ID targets. We will also cover manipulating the pistol in the dark both with and without a light in our hands. We will load , unload and clear malfunctions with and without flashlights. A fair amount of time will also be devoted to using the flashlight as a tool to help you get deselected in the "pre fight interview" , use the light as a distraction device and impact weapon, and as a bridge from less lethal to lethal force. Range Gear and requirements : Handheld flashlight (Surefire 6P, G2, Streamlight Scorpion or similar). Extra batteries. Pistol and holster designed to be worn on the belt. Two spare mags (3 total minimum) and a mag pouch. Range Safety gear (eye and ear protection) . Clothing appropriate for weather. Snacks and drinks. You are welcome to bring something to eat for dinner. There are also several close fast food places like Taco Bell or Subway to grab something if you chose to do that during our dinner break. Ammo: Approximately 150 rounds. If you want to shoot more you are certainly welcome to bring more and shoot more but we will be focusing on shooting with accountability not mag dumps. If you have a weapon mounted light for your pistol and want to use it for some drills then please bring it too. If your carry pistol has a light that is fine too just make sure it fits your holster. If you have a "blue gun" or airsoft gun and training knife or inert "trainer" pepper spray you want to bring feel free to do so. We will be doing some interactive exercises where students will play the role of both good guys and bad guys to get a better feel for just what each experiences when the techniques are applied in low light. If you don't see it from both sides you only know about half of what is going on.  I can take a $50 deposit through either Venmo, Paypal or by check mailed to me or over the phone with a CC (+3%). A $50 deposit will hold a spot for you in this class. Balance due at class. You are also welcome to pay in full in advance too. We are limiting it to 16 students. To register or for more info either PM me here at TGO or email me at Randy@harriscombative.com. Deposit Payments can be made with a check (contact Randy for details) or through... Credit Card payments accepted (contact Randy for info) Venmo at www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Paypal at Cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com (+3% or use friends & family option with no fee)
  2. I wanted to share my experience serving as @Cruel Hand Luke 's adequate assistant at this Suarez International one day class. Hosted by Bill at the Ridge out in Dayton. Classroom, bathrooms, range layout works really well for this type of training. This class definitely highlights the critical application of trigger discipline and making a conscious decision to shoot. While sitting in an automobile, if you need to draw your pistol, something will get swept with the muzzle; you, your car floor / dash, windshield, non threats outside your windshield, front seat passenger plus second, maybe third row passengers. Talk to your significant other about the what if plan - discharging a firearm in front or behind your passenger's head, with hot brass flying is disconcerting. After 20+ times, you get innoculated... Morning was lecture, then dry fire on the range from a seated position to mimic sitting in car. Students paired up, dry fire, each person went through the exercises shooting from the driver and passenger position. Appropriate tunes on the radio. Live fire mimicked the dry fire excercises. Then it was time to mount up. Each student had an opportunity to shoot from his or her vehicle, from different points of the clock. Randy kept the traffic flowing pretty well, way better than the drive through at Bojangles in Oolewah. Day finished up with each student engaging a target three times through the passenger window, across an unpaid volunteer and danger seeker. With the current environment and simply transitting larger metro areas for business or personal travel, even from your vehicle you can pay attention and evade / escape. We did discuss what if you have to bail out, if you've got a long gun, do you grab it? Consensus was, it depends. A long gun is conspicuous. AR / AK pistol in a covert backpack has some appeal.
  3. TN law states we cannot shoot someone if they are messing with our property (dogs, car, etc) correct? So if you caught someone trying to steal your car, or another large or valuable possession, odds are they would have a gun right? So if you shot them (not to kill) you could claim self defense. If they did not have a gun, or had not made it visible, I am guessing shooting them in the foot would send us to jail? Input needed.
  4. CRG-1: PISTOL GUNFIGHTING July 13-14, 2019 Chattanooga Area (Range is 40 min SW of Chattanooga) Instructor: Randy Harris Price : $350 Instructor Bio All training must begin with fundamentals. This comprehensive fundamentals class is designed to prep you for the more advanced courses such as Close Range Gunfighting. Through a carefully designed and detailed curriculum we are able to bring you up to a level of skill in a short two day class that previously would take over 4 or 5 days to achieve at other schools. You will learn a complete presentation of the modern combative technique of the pistol which will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. We will also be incorporating fundamental Point Shooting techniques which will prep you for more advanced courses. You will learn the components of various point shooting methods and integrate them into your existing skill sets. This knowledge will put you in good standing for any defensive situations you may encounter in the real world. No experience or prior training is needed to attend this class and it is specially suitable for beginners, or as a tune-up for accomplished shooters. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM CENTRAL TIME AMMUNITION: Approximately 300 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: Modern defensive pistol and a holster specifically made for that pistol and designed to be worn on the belt. Three (3) magazines and magazine pouch, a belt of the same width as the belt loops for the holster and magazine pouches, and range safety gear (eye protection, and ear protection). Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. For more info and to register for this class.....https://suarezinternational.com/crg-1-pistol-gunfighting-july-13-14-2019-chattanooga-tn/?ctk=75c79843-c20e-42eb-86fa-76372dc0c876
  5. This video shows why you keep engaging the threat until the threat stops, or you run out of bullets. Notice how the perp has been hit, at least twice but still gets one of the guns and attempts to shoot one of the clerks. This ended well for the clerks, but it could have gone sideways very quickly. He should of been dropped when he turned the corner after they armed themselves. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/02/24/watch-mother-daughter-in-gun-fight-with-shotgun-wielding-robbery-suspect/


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