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Carry Weapon #1

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Found 16 results

  1. I've had this hand gun for several years now, and it is a great piece! I've shot just about every type of casing though it and it just loves it! it does stove top on Winchester ammo tho. I'd buy it again!
  2. What do y’all think about the DPMS Oracle AR-15? I own one as my first AR. I wasn’t really happy with the look but at that price point I don’t mind changing furniture.
  3. Just completed this two day class. It is designed for a newer firearm owner, handgun carrier, or old dog looking for a good refresher. Class room topics included discussions on identifying predator behavior, cues of impending violence, a little brain science revolving around Boyd's OODA, Cooper's Color Code, & Hick's 'Law', Response, and dispelled a little mythology on tactical anatomy, stopping placement, power, and energy. Randy does a great job taking a concept and finding a practical example to illustrate, from driving to sports analogies. It's not all tactics and guns, he is forcing the brain to apply critical thinking, which, for adults, results in up to 70% information retention. One new student to welcome to SI Family. Robert did awesome. Found out at end of class, his first experience shooting a pistol was 7/2019, so even more impressive with how well he responded to Randy's instruction. Thanks to Bill and John from the Ridge in Dayton for hosting and assisting with range valet duties. Day one I shot my CZ 75B Omega. Kept cranking the first DA shot low and right..lack of practice, both live and dry. Ran out of ammo at the end of class, get home, realize I have no target ammo and nowhere to get it at 8 o'clock on Saturday night. I then start looking for what I do have. Aha, can load of .357Sig, P224 is in play. When did I buy all that .38? Sweet, strap on my brace of SP101s. What did I learn? You should stick to one primary pistol. The 224 with 10 round flush mag is a handful, slightly less with the .40 barrel. Using the 12 round 229 mag, it is way more controllable. Used it for drills requiring 6 or more rounds. Carried AIWB, my original carry position, no cover garment, pleased with drawstroke. Shooting the SPs was a reminder that even a 6 shot semi, with extra mags, if you can keep it running, is a better option if your BG brought a plus one (or more) to the party. Consider this drill, 3 targets, 2 shots per, before the time ends. I don't currently have the skill level to fire 4 one handed at 1 and 2, then pull my second pistol and finish off #3 with my non dominant hand. Or 5, then draw, or 3-5 and reload. I can do it, pretty smooth, but not fast enough. I did like the fact my SP groups, while slightly wider, were more centered, with either hand. Did short stroke the trigger, just once, but it still happened. Rotated through four and advising to stick to one... They're all a little different, from POA/POI, pull, reset, grip angle, and sights. The two SPs have wildly different grip angles due to the grips, so I have to adjust between the two. Not optimal for increasing core skills. Not to disappoint, He-who-trains-in-Water conjured up just a little rain on Saturday followed up with glorious weather today. I started training with Randy and Suarez in 2012 and continue to do so because the content and instruction is good. If you would like to be on the email list for future one and two day training events or have a place and interest in hosting, definitely let us know!
  4. When you've been friends since 1985, it gets harder to find unique gifts for your best friend. Last year, I sent him a Cold Steel Smatchet, a bit of a gag, but he has a mini horse farm, so he could conceivably use it for something. Then I saw GT's Feather Knives and had to get him one. Waaaay better in person! I'm not a knife guy, but here are my immediate impressions - balanced in my hand, finger guard is just right, substantial with out being heavy. Aesthetically, it's fabulous. Hard to describe, but almost as if the feather was dipped in steel and the maker was able to pull out the detail. The light colored handle with green inserts as well as lining the tang is really cool. GT also included the display stand as well as kydex shealth with leather backing and belt loop. It's off to Missouri...
  5. May the Fourth was great, today is definitely Revenge of the Fifth, I'm a wee bit sore from all the frivolities of yesterday. Best part - we had a first time attendee, both with Randy and the Group as well as his first class with an instructor. His biggest concern going in, anxiety from the fear of the unknown. He claimed at the end class, he felt welcome and very comfortable with us and is planning on attending future classes. Being a rifle class, we were shooting at 50 - 100 yards, on 1/3 IDPA steel targets. Changes the perspective to 150 - 300, or as Randy told me, "that may be your actual target size at 50-100 if the BG is using cover / concealment. 7 ARs represented, no two alike, and one Mini-14. I was very please with my SW MP Sport 2. Upgrades include a Magpul grip, Burris FastFire3 with mount, and $3.99 1" Allen sling. The budget sling worked fine, but a heavier duty 1 1/2" sling would be a good investment. Started with dry fire and manipulations from standing, kneeling, and prone. Valuable for me being left handed and low time with the AR. I think I want to add an ambi charging handle. Worked totally from pockets, specifically 5.11 pants. The cargo pocket can hold 2 mags and I can access pretty easily. They are not secured as Velcro can't be fastened. I didn't have one fall out from changing my up / kneel / prone position or moving to and fro between shooting stations. The back slash pocket makes it easy (for me) to stow mags and re-access if partially depleted and I just shot to slide lock. Note to above, shooting 1 1/2 mags and needing to reload with your first mag in a civilian defensive rifle gun fight will get you on the national news and probably into the encyclopedia. Sights and Optics I did shoot a few rounds from my M1 carbine, the front blade was about as wide as 1/3 IDPA targets at 50. Hit it a few times, so I feel pretty good about myself. I have a 3 moa dot and it makes a difference for my aging eyes. If I did more rifle shooting and routinely shot to 100+, I would probably invest in a some kind of dot / magnifier setup. As it sits now, just the FF3 and mount represents $300 - $400 on a $499 rifle. Breathing is hard. Many of the afternoon drills included changing position and shooting stations, as quickly as you cared to go. I put forth some effort and got my out of shape hamster running on his wheel. Here's what happened to me when I was "ready" to shoot after I got into stable platform - that little dot was moving in time with the hamster. Deep breath and exhale, and again, and again and...what are you waiting for, Alice? Very eye opening, if I must take that long shot, what's around and beyond my target? I do need to work on my standing form and best placement of my support arm and hand. A 30 round AR mag can hold 31, just in case you lose count when topping off. Great way to carry an extra bullet, but they don't function too well. Best practice, count and load 27 or 28. Slinging my rifle to transition to pistol. Very comfortable flipping the sling over my head and allowing the rifle to drop down my back. Once I was confident with the action and where the rifle ended up, I was good to go. For this class, when I was shooting, the rifle was not attached to my body via sling. Gave me the ability to switch rifle to right side and shoot one handed. Not optimal. Drop it on the ground (I did) better, two handed pistol grip, but less than optimal, do I really want to "leave" my rifle anywhere? This was a good class for me, with the nature of the targets, there was less range valet'ing and more opportunities for me to shoot. I learned how to run this rifle and what my current skill level is.
  6. I started training with SI and Randy Harris in 2012, primarily with handguns, though I have taken 2 one-day shotgun classes and a one-day carbine class. I like Randy's instruction style, he is local, and I can learn a lot from him (unless he gives me an excuse to find a new training org) He knows his stuff: https://suarezinternational.com/randy-harris/ This was my first two-day close range rifle class and the content did not disappoint. Day one started with some classwork and then it was out to range for dry work; gun manipulations from standing, kneeling, and prone. Here is where we focused on muzzle and trigger finger control, for me it started me on the habit of engaging the safety when my hand leaves the pistol grip or, at a ready position with no immediate threat. We then made sure our guns were dialled in, meaning it will hit a target at 25 yards if I do my part. My gear = HiPoint Bullpup and M1 carbine. I brought my AR, but had too much fun with the others. Worked out of pockets - no battle belt / chest rig. You CAN be tactically practical with a pocket load out, but have a plan (and place) to retain your mags. I am investigating the simple dump pouch for future classes. The reason I mention my kit is it makes no difference what your gear is, as long as it is functionally safe and my goal is to train like I would most likely use my stuff. I also hope it encourages the guy or gal like me, competent with a self defense long gun, but a basic static shooting background, to get more experience (with ANY quality instructor) Before you upgrade your gear, upgrade yourself. Comparing my two carbines: for home defense, inside the walls, the HP Bullpup is the winner - both short, compact, and 9mm. The M1C is a better choice for multi purpose use, simply more effective at longer ranges and is more fun to shoot. Sights: red dots are awesome for closer quarters, I have a budget model on the HiPoint. You probably want some kind of BUIS - batteries die, electronics break and rain can obscure your dot or reticle. The M1C has the traditional ladder peep sight - my challenge is I don't pick up the sight picture quickly and they don't seem be the best design for movement. With this particular carbine (low sight to bore) at less than 20y, if you have good alignment, contact points, and decent trigger control, you can cheat and look over the rear peep. Does rain impact a peep? Not me, but the student with the Galil had to blow water off / through his. What about my AR? Well, it's back in the bedroom armory. Shooting. I was pleased with me performance and believe when the light bulb went off, my confidence really soared. I realized shooting a carbine puts the muzzle out to an equivalent distance of full pistol extension. With a good cheek weld, it's a super long barrelled pistol with the added benefit of using more contact points to hold it steady. Sounds like a "d'uh" moment, but I had to experience it to learn it. What I should have done is practiced more pro-active reloads, but keep trying to run dry to transition to my pistol. And I did try, with the option of 1-5 shots during live fire, I took all 5. Get to end, 1-2-3 rounds left. Side note, the rebuild on the M1C was successful. 250 rounds, 2 FtoFeed, identified weak mag springs. Worked going to my weak side for 85% of the drills - only lefty in class. Still accurate, even for the "he's not down" shots to the beak. What I was most amazed at was my John Wick like pistol skills. The drill was transition to pistol. Working to my weak side, my carbine was unslung, so I had to secure it, muzzle down, stock secured with my right arm. All of my one handed pistol shots were right on the beak, 4" or so, with no flyers...and I haven't shot live in weeks. Dry fire practice is working for me. Regarding slings, find what works for you, but the two-point seems to be the most versatile with ease of gun manipulations. I mention this in case you have to switch shoulders - can you or do you have a plan to unsling or detact yourself from your gun. Other guns represented: we had a AR pistol, Kel-Tec RDB, Galil, AK47, 3 other ARs, and my two odd balls.
  7. Hello guys, I know this gun (H&K usp .357 sig) is hard to find but I'm sure someone is selling one somewhere. Please is anyone is selling one or if you know somewhere I can go to find one I would love some advice. I was reading that a member named Creepy was selling his a couple yrs back I wonder if he ever got rid of it? Again some help would be greatly appreciated thanks guys!!
  8. How can we convince major gun companies that the .357 sig is not a dying caliber and is an amazing round that is in a league of it's own when compared to other stout rounds, also convince more major gun manufacturers to start producing the gun again in multiple variations to appease their loyal gun community. THESE GUNS WILL SALE!!!JUST MAKE EM ALREADY!
  9. Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 Compact 9mm I have owned a variety of M&P semi-autos since they started producing them back in 2005. I bought my first M&P, a full-size .40SW, from Guns & Leather 12 years ago when the pistol first came out and quickly followed it with an M&P 40c and then several other versions joined them over the years. The 40c and the 9c were never really a favorite of mine as they seemed to suffer from the same things that the Glock 26 and 27 sub-compacts did. Namely, they weren't small enough to really be a pocket gun but they weren't large enough to be very versatile either. Just like with Glock, if I was going to carry a double-stack 9mm, I was going to go for the Glock 19 instead of the 26 and with the M&P it meant the full-size 9mm. The M&P Shield was a huge step in the right direction for Smith & Wesson for those who wanted a slim 9mm for deep concealment. It also really put the spotlight on the fact that the 9c was, in my opinion at least, really not good enough at any one thing to make it a compelling option. If only S&W would just listen to their customers and build something exactly the same size as the Glock 19/23. We just wanted them to give us 15rds of 9mm in a package slightly shorter in the slide and grip than the full-size. Apparently someone at S&W has finally listened. The new M2.0 Compact scratches all of the itches in all the right ways. It is as if Smith and Wesson's lawyers finally relaxed and gave the engineers the green light to go ahead and build a better Glock 19 than Glock does. And boy did they get it right. And they kind of snuck it in on everyone. The M2.0 Compact version really doesn't seem to have received the fanfare or enjoyed the publicity blitz that its full size brother did. The release wasn't timed to coincide with any of the major industry shows. The internet wasn't ablaze with rumors of the new gun until it had essentially been announced by S&W. I only saw the "leaked" promotional slick for the new gun maybe 48 hours before the company published it officially. And yet the paradox seems to be that the lack of hoopla over the gun is significantly the inverse of just how good it is. The new M&P Compact no longer occupies a weirdly confusing spot in Smith & Wesson's lineup. It no longer tries to follow in the equally awkward footsteps of the Glock 26/27 platform. Instead, it has taken the Glock 19/23 platform squarely in its sights and blown the center out of that target with a better option. The new Compact gives a platform that is perfect for concealed carry, with superior ergonomics, a better feel and a sexier look than its Austrian competitor. And, just as the Glock 19/23 will fit into a holster made for the larger 17/22, the new M2.0 compact fits even better into holsters made for the larger M&P full-size. Carrying the M2.0 Compact in a TT Gunleather "Mike's Special" leather inside the waistband holster made for my M&P 9mm Full-size yields an extremely comfortable and potent concealment package. The shorter Compact fits the longer gun's holster as if it were made for it. The slide is only 1/4" shorter at the muzzle but otherwise identical in dimension to the larger gun. The trigger guard is exactly the same size. The grip is of course shorter in length at the cost of giving up two rounds of 9mm, but 15 rounds is hardly inadequate and the shorter grip deftly avoids printing against a t-shirt when concealed. So, how does it shoot? It was no problem at all to keep the first two magazines (30 rounds) that I ever fired from the gun inside the head kill zone of a man-sized target at 15 yards. The pace of fire was slower at first but I quickly ramped up the speed to my normal cadence for defensive shooting (2-3 rounds in rapid succession) with only marginal widening of the pattern. I found the trigger's break to be crisp and predictable. I haven't measured the pull yet with my Lyman gauge but i expect that it is somewhere between 4.5lbs and 5.5lbs based on the way it felt. I haven't bothered to check to see what S&W specs it at despite the ease of finding such information with Google. The trigger reset is no more exciting than any other M&P that I have ever owned. For those who like the extremely tactile reset of the Glock pistols, you won't find the M2.0's reset to be quite as audible or authoritative. It's a little on the limp and soggy side, but I've never found that to be a bother or to hamper my ability to shoot the M&P platform quickly and reliably. I tend to subscribe to Rob Latham's philosophy that if you "ride" the trigger you will find it hard to pick up an unfamiliar gun and cycle it reliably. As a result I've spent the past 20 years learning to keep my grip firm and sight-picture correct rather than relying on riding the trigger's reset to keep my groups small. Your mileage might vary and the soft reset may drive you nuts, but Apex Tactical Specialities has all of the trigger and ignition parts you need to make your M&P feel a little more Glock-like if that is what you are after. Another thing that I noticed with the M2.0 Compact is that, with mine at least, the slide lock seems to have been improved by S&W so that lefties can finally release it with their dominant hand's thumb and not pull a hernia in the process. I am not a lefty so I am at a disadvantage any time I try to do lefty-things, but the slide lock lever is no trouble for me to manipulate with my thumb left-handed. My hands are built like that of an ogre with shorter, stronger fingers, but I still think that almost any lefty will be able to release the slide with the lock lever and that it will only get easier as the gun breaks in. Final thoughts... None of us ever buy a handgun with the idea in mind that we are going to publicly tell the world how big of a mistake we made. I have read many glowing reviews of handguns only to follow up with the author's writings later to see that they had parted way with that new wunderpistol once the honeymoon was over. I guess it is just human nature to want everyone else to think that we always make good choices and aren't careless with our money. That being said, I have bought some real turds over the years. I have spent money on guns that were nowhere near as good as the magazine pundits or YouTube pimps said that they were. I've taken new guns to the range and immediately knew that I had made a serious mistake, and already had an idea of how I was going to sell them before I ever got through the second magazine of ammo. HOWEVER. This isn't one of them. Hands down, the M&P M2.0 Compact is a winner. It's riding my hip right now in that TT Gunleather IWB holster. It is replacing my Glock 19 for daily carry. It is going to cause a lot of other guns in my library to spend lonely days in the safe. It is really that good. I found it to be incredibly accurate and flat shooting. The size is perfect. The texture on the grip is perfect. The trigger feels just fine to me. The only thing I changed, and I did it immediately as I do with almost every handgun for which they are made, was to install a set of Ameriglo Pro i-Dot sights with orange outlined tritium front dot and simplistic black rear sight. In this case, the rear has the U-shaped notch that I prefer and a single dimmed tritium dot. Perhaps the most powerful statement that I can make about the new Compact is that I will be buying at least one more of them to have as a backup. And I am probably going to sell some other guns that I won't be shooting anymore.
  10. I'm interested in the performance of the Taurus Raging Hornet in 22 Hornet at 100 yards. Also, wondering how it's performance will match up to the TC Contender 10" barrel...as the Raging Hornet is also a 10" barrel. I'm full of questions and this one will open the flood gates! What are all of your "opinions" on the Raging Hornet as a hunting handgun? Would love to hear some hunting stories with the Raging Hornet. Think it will take a coyote at 100 yards with good shot placement? Hand-loading should add to the versatility of the gun, like any other. Appreciate all information on this interesting handgun.
  11. Hey guys, just wondering if there is any one in the Murfreesboro area that does stippling on a Glock 19 gen 4 also want the trigger guard undercut. Also reviews are appreciated. Thanks and have a happy new year.
  12. Earlier this year, like so many others, I saw a deal on a PSA 9mms upper listed for their dedicated lowers. After research it appeared it would work on a standard mil-spec lower. So I ordered one to find out for sure. To confirm it will pin to and work on a standard lower. So then started the hunt for a magwell block for my SBR. After some searching I can across a video from this years Shot Show about a magwell block that would accept Glock mags. So I got on their pre-order list and Tuesday my York Mag G Block was delivered. http://torkmag.com/g-block.html It seems to be well made. Plastic with a metal ejector. It is a two piece design that uses a set screw to hold it in place. One in the front of the mag well and one at the rear. Installation was simple enough and instructions clear. Yesterday I was able to put 50 rounds through it with out a problem. I used three different mags. Two17 round mags and one 33 round mag. Now for the lone photo I took.
  13. EBYII


    Carry permit initially denied today. I suspect that a 40 year old charge for felonious assault that is on my background check that was dismissed by the state without prejudice. I just checked the online site and found the denial. This is the only thing on my record except for a bad check charge in 1977. I plan to appeal if this was the reason for denial. Does the state offer the reason for denial in the letter they send? I suspect that they should.
  14. Took urban rifle one at royal range this weekend. One of our members was one of the instructors both instructors were extremely knowledgeable and done a great job answering questions and helping out any way they could. The class itself was a good mix of class room and range time. Most of the class room time was spent on rifle familiarization, reloading techniques, and malfunction clearing. Range time consisted of multiple drills from 25 yards and closer. I was definitely humbled and learned real quick what I needed to work on. Looking forward to get in urban rifle 2 and some of the shooting on the move classes they offer.
  15. Off the bat, I'm NOT posting this as a "gun reviewer/blogger". If you spend the time to read this, that will become obvious. I just had a hard time finding any info on the Sig 290rs when I was considering this purchase. My intent here is to share some basic thoughts and information in case someone else might be considering this as a carry gun. Last month, I started looking for a single stack 9mm. I started out with the normal players in this field; Shield, XDS, LC9, Glock and CM9. All good, solid guns but I wasn't totally satisfied. I really wanted something smaller. I wanted to be able to pocket the gun as a absolute last resort but I still wanted something I could shoot 200 rounds at a time without any discomfort. This lead me to the Sig 290rs. I was able to find one of these "used" locally and decided to give it a try. This "used" gun had been fired appropriately ten times. So, i treated it as a new gun and cleaned it up good before my first trip out. On the initial range trip, I had a few issues. The gun was VERY tight as was the magazine. Nearing the end of my range session, I realized I wasn't properly seating the top round in the magazine. You almost have to make a concentrated effort to push the round all the way back. Hard to describe but the failures seemed to stop. I would chalk this to user error, new mag springs and a 10 degree outdoor temperature. So, 100 rounds in, 4-5 failures. Not sold at this point. Trip two; 55 degrees. 250 rounds and no failures what so ever. The gun ran much smother. I finally figured out the trigger and started getting pretty decent groups. The best trigger comparison I can make would be that of a Smith 642. Long but predictable. This is the only real negative I have on the gun now. It's a steep learning curve but worth it. Factory SIG night sights are a real selling point in this segment. One thing to note, this gun is heavy! I feel like it weighs almost the same as my FNS9c which is my primary carry. Although this maybe a negative for some, I like the extra heft. It allows for a really soft shooting 9mm. Capacity is 6+1 which I think is adequate for the scope of use. The gun ships with a extended magazine which I am yet to takeout of the box; It defeats my purpose for the gun. The factory grips are very aggressive or my hands are overly sensitive. Talon grips solved this problem. I would recommend spending $15 on the grips to save you skin and shirts. I've posted some pictures below. Comparison is with a FNS9c. The FNS9c fits right in between a Glock 19 and a Glock 26. Barrel length of the G19 with a handle slightly larger than a G26. I think the size of this gun was a good match for me The gun shoots much better than I do so I omitted the target pictures. After a disappointing first run, it appears the SIG has redeemed itself and I've found my new summer/deep concealment carry gun.


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