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  1. Last week I called, left a voicemail and even completed their comment page and still no reply of any kind. Is Mike still in business? Thanks, Bill
  2. What is the legality of conceal carrying an SBR? Are they considered under the same laws as long guns?
  3. I would like to build out an AR15 platform in .300 Blackout with a 12.5" barrel but I am really confused about the various legal issues and NFA requirements (tax stamp) ect. I don't really care about suppressors at this time and don't plan on using suppressors presently, so for this build that isn't an issue. Does anyone know of a good guide regarding this topic? I am a little confused between things like SBR and AR15 Pistol. How do they differ physically? How do they differ legally? What is required concerning NFA rules and regulations to build a 12.5" barrel AR15? So many questions, so little time I am in the process of building out my parts list and plans but would like to know what sort of legal hoops I can expect (or not expect) concerning NFA requirements so I can plan appropriately. Thank you in advance!
  4. 9mm: M13.5×1 LH (AC1561) If anyone has one for sale or know where I can purchase one I would greatly appreciate the information. Thanks!
  5. Decided to skip the 12-month queue with the ATF's turn-around times on retail cans, and am making my own suppressor. 8" x 1.65" tube Dedicated 300 BLK subs Cherry Bomb muzzle adapter Titanium, grade 9 w/ SS blast baffle Anyone else make their own cans? Have any inputs on baffle spacing, distal chamber size, etc? I've been working with a machinist or two to get the right stuff. Using a Sieg X2D mini-mill for doing the holes and clips, gonna also start an 80% build with it [Judas Priest noises intensify]
  6. I am looking at a local purchase of two supressors and a SBR. I live in Bartlett, a suburb of Memphis and the owner of the items lives in Memphis. We have checked with two different dealers in our area and get different answers depending on who we talk to. Some say the form 4, but the wait times seem forever. Others say for him to take the arms to a class III Dealer and transfer them to that dealer, then I can apply for the tax stamp through the dealer and use the digital filing option, which seems quicker....But, seems we cannot find out exactly how to transfer the items to the dealer. I'm more comfortable with a dealer holding the items during the wait, more so that someone I don't know very well. How much should it cost to transfer items to a class III Dealer. One dealer told this was the quickest and easiest way to go, then another employee at his store told the seller that the form 4 was the only and best way,,,thinking the dealer doesn't really make anything on it, he would rather not fool with it...Any suggestions or ideas guys....The price on the items is pretty good, especially since the owner found out how hard it is to sell class III items. Thanks and I appreciate any input anyone has on this matter. Chuck
  7. I am 2 months into my wait. The ATF charged my CC on May 18th. I'm waiting on taking ownership of a YHM Mite. I have 2 hosts for it currently; a Ruger 10/22 takedown and a Ruger SR22. Being patient sucks.
  8. Some company in Idaho recently started appearing in my googleads.... I've got to admit, for 60 bucks, I'm tempted to try one. Perhaps it will improve the ahhh, fuel economy? Anyone here ever try one out? https://www.lafoauto.com/products/type-e-1-2-28-5-8-24-single-core-fuel-filter-6-black-titanium
  9. Well, got another one! Took my dad out shooting, after shooting the mac m10 and the colt M16, he is hooked. We shot Saturday, and by monday night I had found and purchased him a like new mac m10. He decided on the M10, because he can just use all of my accessories and uppers that I have accumulated for mine over the years. I also have a new upper in the works for this thing. As basic as the macs are, they have become a transferable sear pack. At 1/3 the price of a trany m16, they have really become a hot item. There is just something about that full auto experience and I love letting people shoot them.
  10. I recently picked up a 10.5” 5.56 to use as a truck/critter gun and possibly for home duties. I live out in the sticks with no neighbors so it’s nice to have a small rifle ready to go for anything that may come up. Now to the question: I currently have an AAC 7.62 SD on .308 and am considering getting a QD flash hider for the 5.56 for double duty. From what I see I’m not sure the suppressor will have much perceived benefit on reducing the possible hearing damage. I’ll use ear pro outside of any bump in the night situations where I don’t have time to put on the muffs. Second part: I don’t want to mess with an adjustable gas block. I currently have an F marked block installed with a larger gas port similar to the MK18. I like the fixed sight so I’m also wondering if the gas will be intolerable by suppressing an already over gassed rifle. My goal is to reduce any permanent hearing damage. If it’s way too much expense, added weight, and overall trouble trying to obtain a minimal result then I’ll hold off. I love the way this thing is balanced without a suppressor.
  11. This is for all the M107A owners or others with practical experience. From a noise suppression standpoint, is it worth shelling out for the can on this system?
  12. I typically file for my stamps and forget about them. When I get the call from my dealer, it is like Christmas time. Well, I have 2 stamps that have been pending since mid august 2018, and I can not wait for them to be approved. I called the other day to check, I was told the average time was 9 months but call back in another 4 weeks and they may be approved. 4 more weeks would put me over 12 months. All I want is permission from the crown to take my items home that I paid to have! Efile form 1s are at 30ish days...get it together with the form 4s, please!
  13. Hi, is it ok to have two muzzle breaks or is that overkill and unnecessary or no extra recoil reduction? Is the recoil reduction sufficient using only the muzzle break that comes attached to the Harvester as shown in the picture above? By the way, this would attach to my .300 WM.
  14. I'm thinking about selling my .22 cal suppressor. I very rarely use it, absolutely hate cleaning it and don't want my sons burdened by it if something happens to me. Its an off brand. Small company was trying to get started and offered them at a very good price. But they failed and the dealer I got it from has since retired. Who's the best dealer in Memphis to move this for me?
  15. Just got a new pistol and was told that the ATF has changed the ruling so that now you can shoulder your pistol. Here is the latest that I have found. atf-letter-march-21-2017.pdf
  16. I saw this and thought it was cool. I didn't find it on here and thought some of Y'all might be interested. Enjoy! -southernasylum See Through Suppressor Slow Motion
  17. I've been looking hard at the Lage MAX-31 mk2 upper. Anybody have any experience with them? Also anybody know of a good place to pick up Suomi drum mags at a good price? The M11/9 just isn't very useful as is.
  18. Last year I sold the .300 bulk upper I had on it to fund something else. It’s been sitting ever since and I’m ready to do something with it. I loved the novelty of shooting sub rounds through a suppressor on it but I was just that...novelty. Are there any calibers it thee that could take advantage of the shorter barrel and suppressor better than the .300 blk? I do still have some interest in running full power loads through it but would want a 9” barrel. I had a 10.5 last a time and always found myself wishing it was shorter. If you had a complete SBR’d lower what would you do with it?
  19. Is it still worthwhile to purchase NFA items through a Trust? If So can anyone recommend a good attorney to do the trust for me. I'm in Franklin, TN
  20. Got this in e-mail today. Seems like ATF is trying hard, but swamped and outdated. The real culprit is the FBI. STORY HERE
  21. Being a transplant from a restricted state, I only recently have used suppressors. On trying out my new Obsidian45 and Kraken9, I was let down a bit by the Speer 147gr I shot thru the Kraken. It didn't seem any quieter than 124gr Nato though is suppose to be subsonic. I used my hearing protection (outdoor) for both. On looking around, I've seen some comments the Speer is louder. Would like some recommendations of readily available 147 grain that y'all may have found to work best. I've seen reviews that Hush 165 is the gold standard, and 158gr Fiocchi is good. They are not easy to find, so hopefully something less exotic does the trick.
  22. Has anyone used Nationalguntrust.com?? They have a sale for 59.00, to good to be true?
  23. I bought a pistol complete lower and put a 10.5 inch upper on it. To make an AR Pistol. I didn’t put a brace on it. According to the BATF that is legal; at least TODAY that is legal. So my question is this: Unless you buy it new how do you know it’s a pistol lower? I bought mine new so I had the paperwork. But I see plenty for sale used or that people built. Its my understanding that if it ever was a rifle; it can't be a pistol without being NFA SBR?? If someone just threw a SB upper on their old POS AR Rifle lower and sold it as a “Pistol”; how would you know? Or more importantly how would cops know if they stopped you and found it? Would it matter?
  24. Would you turn yours in if they had not been stolen or lost in a boating accident? https://reason.com/2019/06/25/backers-of-a-federal-ban-on-gun-silencers-claim-only-criminals-use-them/
  25. Received an email from GOA regarding Jeremy and Kansas. Long story short, he purchased a suppressor from an unlicensed manufacturer. Why? Kansas has a law stating that all firearms, accessories and ammo manufactured and possessed inside the state are exempt from federal law. GOA and several AG from other states are backing the appeals. I guess if the Supreme Court actually makes a ruling, this will affect us and the country for years to come. In wake of the recent shooting suppressors are already a hot topic, but theoretically if you took all the legal, taxed suppressors and developed a crime rate, I imagine it would be inexplicably low.


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