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Carry Weapon #1

Carry Weapon #2

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  1. Do you want to get involved in the exciting and fast paced shooting sport of IDPA but you are not sure how to get started ? Or have you been participating for a while but would like to be able to perform better at matches without it taking years to improve? Or have you been shooting for a long time and just cannot seem to get over the hump and move up in classification? This class is for you ! Class Title: Intro to IDPA We will cover the history , basics and rules of the sport and then move into drills that will help you to start cutting time off your match scores and strategies that will help your stage planning. This class is taught by Randy Harris. Randy is a sponsored IDPA shooter who is a Master class competitor in 6 divisions , has won multiple State Championships and finished in the top 10 in his division - 5th in Master Backup Gun - at both the 2023 IDPA World and 2024 IDPA National Championships. More info about Randy and all the classes he offers can be found at Harriscombative.com Location : Cohutta Pines 367 Old Highway 2 Cisco, GA 30708. (https://cohuttapines.com/) Time : 1pm to 6pm Saturday March 1 - after the monthly IDPA match at Cohutta Pines. Price : $ 75 plus a $20 range fee payable in cash to the range at class. (Cohutta Pines Range members do not pay range fee) Payment : – you can pay for the class through Eventbrite or pay at class by cash or check (If you are going to sign up and pay at class you must contact Randy to get on the class roster). Electronic payment can be made by by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). Eventbrite : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/march-1st-2025-intro-to-idpa-class-cisco-ga-tickets-1104981452269?aff=oddtdtcreator Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 What you need to bring: Pistol , spare magazines or speedloaders , 200 rounds of ammo , eye and ear protection, drinks, snacks , clothing appropriate for the weather, and note taking materials.
  2. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on Dec. 7th. 5 stages around 90 rounds. Gates open at 7;00, shooters meting at 9:50 with match start at 10:00. $20 match fee. If needed I can add an addition squad if the waitlist fills. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-dec-idpa-match/register
  3. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on June 1st. 6 stages, around 100 rounds. Check on opens at 8:00 with match start at 9:00. $20 match fee. If match shows full, sign up. I will place you into another squad or create an addition squad. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-june-idpa-match-2/register
  4. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on March 2nd. 5 stages around 98 rounds. Stage 4 will be the 5x5 classifier as part of the match. $20 match fee. Gates open at 8:00, check in open at 9:00 with match start at 10:00. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-march-monthly-idpa-match/register
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  5. Forgot to post this here when it happened but better late than never.... (Oct 14th 2023) Today the year long journey to the IDPA World Championship match finished up. We shot half the match on Friday and the other half today. A couple of stages on Friday were not some of my best work but Saturday was pretty solid. In my entourage here was my everything Brandi Harris , my friend Trey Hudson , and my friend / coach / “man servant “ for the weekend Michael V Swisher . Mike helped keep me focused, manage equipment, pull the wagon, and strategize. For those who just want the cliff note version of the match , I finished in the top ten in my division at the World Championship with a 5th place in Master Class in the Backup Gun Division ! And finally a big thanks to my sponsor Natchez Outdoors ! Randy Harris Harris Combative Strategies Harriscombative.com Shooting past one of the NUMEROUS non threat targets. Look who I ran into....Rob Leatham and Mike Seeklander ....I need some serious help with my selfie game...
  6. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on December 2nd. 5 stages, around 85 rounds. Gates open at 7:00, check in starts at 9:00 with match start at 10:00. $20 match fee. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-december-idpa-match-1/register
  7. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on Saturday November 4th. CHECK IN IS AT 9:00 WITH MATCH START AT 10:00. 5 stages, around 85 rounds. $20 match fee. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-november-idpa-match/register
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  8. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on August 5th. 5 stages, around 86 rounds. Check in runs 8:00 to 8:50. Match start at 9:00. $20 match fee. Summer rules in effect (no cover garments)Open to new/first time shooters. Walk ups are welcome. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-august-idpa-match-2/register
  9. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on July1st. 5 stages, around 85 rounds. Check in is at 8:00 with match start at 9:00. Hot weather rules (no cover garments). Bring cold water, I will have some if needed. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-july-idpa-match-1/register
  10. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on May 6th. 5 stages around 85 rounds. Check in starts at 8:00AM, match start is a 9:00. Shooters meeting at 8:55. $20 match fee. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-may-idpa-match/register
  11. MTSA will host is monthly IDPA match on Dec.3rd. This will be the last match of the 2022 season. 5 stages around 85 rounds. Extra steel in this match (15). $20 match fee. Check in is at 9:00, match start is at 10:00. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-december-idpa-match/register
  12. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on 5 November 2022. Check in is at 9:00, match start is at 10:00. 5 stages, around 85 rounds. $20 match fee. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-october-i-m-idpa-match-2/register
  13. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on August 6 2022. 5 stages around 85 rounds. Check in is at 8:00, Match start is at 9:00. $20 match fee. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-august-2022-idpa-match/register
  14. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on Saturday June 4th. 5 stages around 96 rounds. $20 match fee. Check in is at 8:30, Match start is at 9:30. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-june-2022-idpa-match/register
  15. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on May 7. 5 stages, around 85 rounds. Check in is at 8:30, match start is at 9:30. $20 match fee. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-may-2022-idpa-match/register
  16. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on March 5th. This month is the IDPA classifier match. We will have bays set up for the Pistol and PCC classifier stages. Shoot one or both. Up to two guns per entry fee. Half price for more than 2 entries for each additional entry. 72 for pistol and 54 for PCC per entry. One reshoot allowed per IDPA rules for this classifier on one complete stage. Match fee is $20.
  17. Next class will be at TSF in Jackson TN on February 19th. https://practiscore.com/events/idpa-safety-officer-class-at-tsf-jackson-tn/participants/create
  18. Late reminder of the monthly IDPA match at MTSA on October 2nd. 85 rounds, 5 stages. Check in at 8:30. $20 match fee.
  19. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on Sept. 4th. 5 stages, around 80 rounds. $20 match fee. Check in is at 8:30, match start is at 9:30. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-september-idpa-match-1/register
  20. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on August 7th. 5 stages, around 85 rounds. Check in is at 8:30, match start is at 9:30. $20 match fee. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-august-idpa-match-1/register
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  21. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on July 3rd. 5 stages around 85 rounds. Check in is at 8:30, match start is at 9:30. Match fee is $20. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-july-idpa-match/register
  22. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on Saturday June 5th. 5 stages, around 85 rounds. $20 match fee. Check in is at 8:30, match start is at 9:30. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-june-idpa-match/register
  23. MTSA will host the IDPA long Classifier for pistol and PCC on May 1. The pistol classifier is 72 rounds and the PCC is 54 rounds. Up to 2 pistols and a PCC may be entered. A separate entry is required for each. 2nd and 3rd gun is half price entry fee per gun. first gun fee is $20. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-idpa-pcc-classifier-match-1/register https://practiscore.com/mtsa-idpa-pistol-classifier-match-1/register
  24. MTSA will host its monthly IDPA match on 4/3/21. 5 stages around 85 rounds. Check in is at 8:30, match start at 9:30. $20 match fee. https://practiscore.com/mtsa-idpa-match-3/register
  25. MTSA will host an IDPA Safety Officer class on April 10th 2021. You must have at least 6 months of IDPA shooting and a members at least 6 months. The online SO test must be passed before the class. Class fee is $40. https://practiscore.com/events/idpa-safety-officer-class-1/participants/create Robert Standley SOI A08148


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