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Carry Weapon #1

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Found 13 results

  1. Hello all, I have been looking at Tactical Walls for variables on mounting firearms on the wall. I was curious if anyone has installed this, or any other brands that were available. I would also be interested to hear any pro's or con's on these wall systems. My current cart has 2 - 48"x22" tan walls and some various rifle and pistol mounts. The total is $710.00 after using the 20% off coupon. Any suggestions, ideas or experiences would be appreciated - Thank you
  2. I restored function to a classic Browning "A5" Auto-5 this weekend. Unlike many modern autoloading shotguns, the A5 is recoil operated instead of using expanding gas pressure to cycle the semiautomatic action. John Browning's enduring design is over 125 years old, and it is still known as one of the most reliable, softest-shooting recoil operated shotguns in the world. Still, these century-old "humpback" beauties do require regular maintenance, and their older design is sometimes misunderstood. Without proper care and setup, they can malfunction. This customer gun was not properly ejecting, leading to double feeds that meant the birds were getting away. The main recoil spring is tuned by a set of bronze beveled rings, and steel friction rings. If they are not installed properly, they can lead to short stroke cycling, or worse, battering of the receiver and action. The right number of rings have to be installed in the right order and orientation to match the ammo being used. In this case, these rings were installed in the wrong order, and backwards. This led to the bronze ring being heavily gouged around its circumference, and the steel friction ring getting a significant burr on the active edge. This, in turn, gouged the magazine tube and bound up the spring during cycling. The stock also has an oft-forgotten recoil spring and channel inside it. Even professionals, unfamiliar with the A5, often forget this spring and channel when performing a cleaning. Sure enough, this bolt spring channel was heavily clogged, and was also contributing to the malfunctions. All cleaned and repaired with new rings, this Browning is ready to hunt for another century.
  3. These are 2 bolts for Savage 93s. One will insert into a rifle and one will not. Previously the other bolt would go into a rifle while the other would not. Am I missing something obvious here?
  4. If you had a built lower, and a stripped Aero Percision XL upper, what would you build it into (think big bore) and why. Assume you already have a 5.56, a 223 Wylde, and a 300BO. And, second to this, how would you deck out the build? Assume it would be custom Cerekoted at a minimum one color. What color would you do? And if you did more that one color, how would you do that.
  5. Purchased the software about a year ago. Then realized ‘garbage in=garbage out’ so I then purchased a Pro Chrono for velocity measurements. I would like to spend some time with someone who is experienced with the software to learn “tip,tricks and traps” to get me over the initial hump of learning how to use Quickload. I’m a little overwhelmed with what the software can do and I am over analyzing everything. “Analysis Paralysis” I’ve printed out the Quickload manual and read through it several times. I do have many years of reloading behind my belt and recently got back into it after divorce, college, raising family and other life events that shifted my priorities. Could some kind soul allow me to spend an afternoon with them so I can pick their brains and experience? Willing to travel an hour or so and provide pizza and refreshments for your time.
  6. I need help? My husband has want to take the handgun carry class and get a small concealed weapon for some time now and I have been his detourant... I know shame. He's a sportsman hunting fishing etc. But nothing small... I want to change that for Christmas! But I have no idea what to get or ask for or if I'm being ripped off? Can someone please help?
  7. Hello guys, I know this gun (H&K usp .357 sig) is hard to find but I'm sure someone is selling one somewhere. Please is anyone is selling one or if you know somewhere I can go to find one I would love some advice. I was reading that a member named Creepy was selling his a couple yrs back I wonder if he ever got rid of it? Again some help would be greatly appreciated thanks guys!!
  8. How can we convince major gun companies that the .357 sig is not a dying caliber and is an amazing round that is in a league of it's own when compared to other stout rounds, also convince more major gun manufacturers to start producing the gun again in multiple variations to appease their loyal gun community. THESE GUNS WILL SALE!!!JUST MAKE EM ALREADY!
  9. S&W M&P 5" very lite hits on primers. On my 1911's that means I got a bunch of crud in the firing pin hole. I can strip my race gun and limited guns down in nothing flat but striker fired I plead stupid in the first degree. What's up? How do I get access to the firing pin?
  10. Hello TGO Staff! I'm curious to know whether there is metadata to indicate the length of time an item should be posted before the ad is updated or refreshed. For example, if an item is posted on a Monday, what percentage of the membership will have seen the ad in 7 days versus 2 weeks? I believe it would be helpful to know whether an item should be modified after say 5, 15 or 25 days in order to achieve optimal convergence of value for the buyer versus success for the seller. A seller could lower their price daily but not find a buyer until there has been enough exposure, or the falling price creates a greater interest across a smaller audience. Basically, I have no idea how quickly the viewership rotates. Thanks
  11. A few years ago I went through a phase where I was very interested in NFA items but also very unhappy with the attendant long wait to acquire such items. Now, with the possibility of the Hearing Protection Act going through this session, I am once again thinking in terms of silence. During my earlier phase, I enjoyed handloading "mouse fart" or "cat sneeze" loads for many of my guns including a 44mag single shot rifle. I was able to get a small dose of Red Dot to reliably cause the bullet to exit and create a very low-tenored sound signature. It wasn't good for much except the occasional backyard rabbit or marauding possum in the flowerbeds as the rainbow trajectory negated any distance shooting. Now, I'm thinking of the possibility of a can on the end of that single shot rifle and subsonic handloads. From all of my research and limited playtime, I am interested in trying to develop a load that stays subsonic with the heaviest bullets and fastest powders. I think this would take the basic 3ooblk up to a whole new level without the added problems of having to make the gun's action cycle or rounds fit a magazine. I started to ask Dolomite privately but changed my mind and figured I wasn't the first to have these crazy ideas. What do you guys think?


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