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Carry Weapon #1

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Found 24 results

  1. Do you want to get involved in the exciting and fast paced shooting sport of IDPA but you are not sure how to get started ? Or have you been participating for a while but would like to be able to perform better at matches without it taking years to improve? Or have you been shooting for a long time and just cannot seem to get over the hump and move up in classification? This class is for you ! Class Title: Intro to IDPA We will cover the history , basics and rules of the sport and then move into drills that will help you to start cutting time off your match scores and strategies that will help your stage planning. This class is taught by Randy Harris. Randy is a sponsored IDPA shooter who is a Master class competitor in 6 divisions , has won multiple State Championships and finished in the top 10 in his division - 5th in Master Backup Gun - at both the 2023 IDPA World and 2024 IDPA National Championships. More info about Randy and all the classes he offers can be found at Harriscombative.com Location : Cohutta Pines 367 Old Highway 2 Cisco, GA 30708. (https://cohuttapines.com/) Time : 1pm to 6pm Saturday March 1 - after the monthly IDPA match at Cohutta Pines. Price : $ 75 plus a $20 range fee payable in cash to the range at class. (Cohutta Pines Range members do not pay range fee) Payment : – you can pay for the class through Eventbrite or pay at class by cash or check (If you are going to sign up and pay at class you must contact Randy to get on the class roster). Electronic payment can be made by by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). Eventbrite : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/march-1st-2025-intro-to-idpa-class-cisco-ga-tickets-1104981452269?aff=oddtdtcreator Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 What you need to bring: Pistol , spare magazines or speedloaders , 200 rounds of ammo , eye and ear protection, drinks, snacks , clothing appropriate for the weather, and note taking materials.
  2. SATURDAY FEB 8 - DEFENSIVE SHOTGUN SKILLS This class is designed as a primer in defensive use of the shotgun. This class is all about running your defensive shotgun as an individual in a combative environment from home or business defense to natural disaster. Topics include : How to set up your shotgun, Ballistics, Fight stopping hits, Use of cover and concealment, Proactive and reactive reloads, Transition to pistol and much more . Take your shotgun skill and confidence to the next level ! Instructor: Randy Harris Location: Windrock Shooting Range and Training Center 720 Windrock Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840 at the Training Range about 1/10th of a mile past the main range on the left. Time: 12:30PM to 4:30PM (After the BUG Match that morning) Price : $80 ( Plus a $10 Range fee payable in cash at class) Payment : – you can pay for the class through Eventbrite or pay at class by cash or check or Electronic payment by Paypal or Venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). Eventbrite Link - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/feb-8-defensive-shotgun-skills-tickets-1119098576969?aff=oddtdtcreator Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 What you need to bring: Defensive Shotgun ,Pistol and at least 2 magazines, Carry gear, Eye and Ear Protection Ammo Count: 50 Rounds Birdshot, 25 Rounds Buckshot, 20 rounds for pistol And just a reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! While the Harris Combative TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost, as it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  3. January 25th Harris Combative Strategies TN/GA/AL Training Group (Dayton TN) Subject: Rifles - "Dominating your Immediate Area" Rifle training day focusing primarily on use of the rifle from 100 to 200 yards. Instructor: Randy Harris Location: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County HWY , HWY 27 Dayton TN 37321 https://theridgeshooting.com/index.html Time: 9AM EASTERN time - 3:30PM EASTERN time Price: $80 ( There is also a $10 range fee payaple in cash at the range) What you need to bring: A Rifle and 150 rounds of rifle ammo. At least 2 rifle mags and a way to carry them. Pistol and at least 25 rounds of pistol ammo. We will be working primarily on 100 - 200 yard shooting. We will also shoot the FBI Rifle Qualification. And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us! Payments can be made through Eventbrite or by by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). This will also be listed on Eventbrite if you prefer to sign up there but you can save the Eventbrite fees and tax that they charge by paying me directly. Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jan-25-rifle-training-day-dayton-tn-tickets-1138294031089?aff=oddtdtcreator Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47
  4. Saturday December 14 Harris Combative Strategies TN/GA/AL Training Group Christmas Extravaganza (Oliver Springs TN) Subject: Christmas Extravaganza ! We will shoot several competitive drills and some deviously designed Man vs Man Shoot off drills and test our skills with the weapon we carry most...our pistol. We will hand out certificates to the winner of each drill and also be handing out some cool Christmas door prizes to all participants ! Instructor: Randy Harris Location: Windrock Shooting Range & Training Center 720 Windrock Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840 Time: 12:30pm-4:30pm EASTERN Price: $80 – you can pay through Eventbrite or pay at class by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). What you need to bring: Pistol , at least 2 spare magazines (or speed loaders if you bring a revolver), 150 - 200 rounds of ammo, holster, eye and ear protection, clothing appropriate for the weather. If you shoot a caliber OTHER than 9mm then you will also need to bring about 50 rounds of 9mm for the "Die Hard" and the "Lethal Weapon" stages. Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dec-14-christmas-extravaganza-tngaal-training-group-oliver-springs-tn-tickets-933927090067?aff=ebdsoporgprofile Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  5. SATURDAY Dec 7 we hold our 2024 Christmas event for TN/GA/AL Regional Training Group in Pisgah AL. Competitive drills and prizes for all ! Subject: Christmas Extravaganza ! Shooting , Shooting and more Shooting and the Christmas Death Match for the Intergalactic Championship ! Instructor: Randy Harris Location: Phillips/Edwards Farm 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL 35765 (Location is a private location about 40 minutes from downtown Chattanooga TN and about 10 minutes from Ider High School) Date: Saturday Dec 7 Time: 9AM-3:30PM Central Price: $80 What you need to bring: Pistol , at least 2 spare magazines (or speed loaders if you bring a revolver), 150 - 200 rounds of ammo, holster, eye and ear protection, clothing appropriate for the weather. If you shoot a caliber OTHER than 9mm then you will also need to bring about 50 rounds of 9mm for the "Die Hard" and the "Lethal Weapon" stages. We will shoot several competitive qualification drills and some deviously designed Man vs Man Shoot off drills and test our skills with the weapon we carry most…our pistol. We will hand out certificates to the winner of each drill and also be handing out some cool Christmas door prizes to all participants ! Price: $80 – you can pay through Eventbrite or pay at class by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dec-7-christmas-extravaganza-tngaal-training-group-pisgah-al-tickets-1004538600997?aff=ebdsoporgprofile Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Looking forward to seeing you there and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to ALL ! And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  6. We will be offering the Defensive Concepts for Low Light Environments class on Saturday November 23rd at The Ridge in Dayton TN. Date: Saturday November 23rd 2024 Time: 4PM - 11PM Eastern Location: The Ridge Dayton TN. (http://www.theridgeshooting.com/) Price $180 ( plus a $10 cash range fee payable to the range at class ) Instructor: Randy Harris Instructor's BIO THIS IS NOT A BEGINNER CLASS . Students should be able to safely load, unload, draw from a holster and safely handle their pistol in close proximity to other people. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PLEASE CONTACT RANDY AND DISCUSS YOUR PREVIOUS SHOOTING EXPERIENCE. This class will cover some critical skills which include shooting with and without the help of flashlights in low or no light. We will work both proactively challenging unknown potential threats and also reacting to unexpected close quarter attacks in low light settings. You will see just how much light you really need to accurately shoot by and how much light you actually need to ID targets. We will also cover manipulating the pistol in the dark both with and without a light in our hands. We will load , unload and clear malfunctions with and without flashlights. A fair amount of time will also be devoted to using the flashlight as a tool to help you get deselected in the "pre fight interview" , use the light as a distraction device and impact weapon, and as a bridge from less lethal to lethal force. Range Gear and requirements : Handheld flashlight (Surefire 6P, G2, Streamlight Scorpion or similar). Extra batteries. Pistol and holster designed to be worn on the belt. Two spare mags (3 total minimum) and a mag pouch. If you have a weapon mounted light for your pistol and want to use it for some drills then please bring it too. If your carry pistol has a light that is fine too just make sure it fits your holster. If you have a "blue gun" or airsoft gun and training knife or inert "trainer" pepper spray you want to bring feel free to do so. We will be doing some interactive exercises where students will play the role of both good guys and bad guys to get a better feel for just what each experiences when the techniques are applied in low light. If you don't see it from both sides you only know about half of what is going on. Range Safety gear (eye and ear protection) . Clothing appropriate for weather. Snacks and drinks. You are welcome to bring something to eat for dinner. There are also several fast food places close to the range like Taco Bell or Subway to grab something if you chose to do that during our dinner break. Ammo: Approximately 200 rounds. If you want to shoot more you are certainly welcome to bring more and shoot more but we will be focusing on shooting with high accountability not mag dumps. If you have a weapon mounted light for your pistol and want to use it for some drills then please bring it too. If your carry pistol has a light that is fine too just make sure it fits your holster. If you have a "blue gun" or airsoft gun and training knife or inert "trainer" pepper spray you want to bring feel free to do so. We will be doing some interactive exercises where students will play the role of both good guys and bad guys to get a better feel for just what each experiences when the techniques are applied in low light. If you don't see it from both sides you only know about half of what is going on. PAYMENTS :Payments can be made through Eventbrite or by by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). This will also be listed on Eventbrite if you prefer to sign up there but you can save the Eventbrite fees and tax that they charge by paying me directly. Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/defensive-concepts-for-low-light-environments-tickets-1081166330599?aff=oddtdtcreator Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47
  7. Harris Combative Strategies TN/GA/AL Training Group ! Subject: Primary Pistol and Backup Gun SKILLS and DRILLS ! Instructor: Randy Harris - https://harriscombative.com/randys-bio/ Location: Phillips/Edwards Farm - 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL 35765 (Location is a private location about 40 minutes from downtown Chattanooga TN and about 10 minutes from Ider High School) DATE : Saturday August 31 2024 Time: 9:00 to 3:30pm CENTRAL Price: $80 Payments can be made through Eventbrite if you prefer to sign up there but you can save the Eventbrite fees and tax that they charge by paying me directly by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (Use Friends and Family option or add 3% if you pay it as a Goods and Service) ) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/aug-31-tngaal-training-group-pisgah-al-primary-and-backup-gun-tickets-972672328117?aff=oddtdtcreator Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 What you need to bring: Primary Pistol and at least 2 spare pistol magazines (or speed loaders if you plan to run a revolver as the primary) and at least 100 rounds of pistol ammo for the primary pistol. You ALSO need a "Backup Gun" and 100 rounds of ammo for it and a way to carry that gun. (It can be pocket holster, or ankle holster , or another holster on your belt), at least one spare magazine if it is an auto ( at least 2 speed loaders or speed strips if it is a revolver). If you want to ,you can run the whole day with only your backup gun to get extra reps with it. When we say "backup gun " that could be anything in the small auto or revolver category such as SW J Frame, SW Shield, Glock 26/27 , Ruger LCR , Ruger LCP, Glock 43 , or anything small enough that you would reasonably carry it as a backup to your primary pistol. Eye Protection and ear protection, weather appropriate clothing, snacks and drinks. We will break for lunch and go somewhere within a few minutes of the range but you are welcome to stay at the range and eat if you want to bring your lunch. We will be shooting some challenging warm up drills and then several short pistol qualification courses with both the pistol and backup gun. I will also keep records of these for future reference and use . This will serve to get your shooting prowess on record by a third party in case it is ever needed in the future in some legal matter. This is also something your church might like to have for their records if you are a member of a church security team. We will then work on the primary skills you need to operate the Backup Gun and keep it running. As far as the courts are concerned if training isn’t documented it didn’t happen so this is an opportunity to get some official scores on paper in case you ever need them . Not only that but it will be a good day of shooting some somewhat challenging and well known courses of fire. This is an EXCELLENT chance to bring someone you know who might need a “reality check” on where their skills actually are. We all know people who are gun owners who keep threatening to get some training. The training days (especially the pistol qual day) are a great way to get them into that and show them what is possible with some directed practice and see where they REALLY are at their present skill level. And it is a good chance to get to meet people with the same interests that don’t think you are “crazy” just because you want to take responsibility for your own safety. And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  8. Harris Combative Strategies TN/GA/AL Training Group ! Subject: PISTOL DRILLS AND PCC SKILLS ! Instructor: Randy Harris - https://harriscombative.com/randys-bio/ Location: Phillips/Edwards Farm - 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL 35765 (Location is a private location about 40 minutes from downtown Chattanooga TN and about 10 minutes from Ider High School) DATE : Saturday July 27 2024 Time: 9:00 to 3:30pm CENTRAL Price: $80 Payments can be made through Eventbrite or by by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (Use Friends and Family option or add 3% if you pay it as a Goods and Service) ) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). This will also be listed on Eventbrite if you prefer to sign up there but you can save the Eventbrite fees and tax that they charge by paying me directly. Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/july-27-tngaal-training-group-pistol-drills-and-pcc-skills-pisgah-al-tickets-945128724457?aff=ebdsoporgprofile Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 What you need to bring: Pistol and at least 2 spare pistol magazines and at least 100 rounds of pistol ammo. ALSO need a Pistol Caliber Carbine (or braced pistol) and 100 rounds of ammo for your pistol caliber carbine. Eye Protection and ear protection, weather appropriate clothing, snacks and drinks. We will break for lunch and go somewhere within a few minutes of the range but you are welcome to stay at the range and eat if you want to bring your lunch. We will be shooting some challenging warm up drills and then several short pistol qualification courses with both the pistol and PCC. I will also keep records of these for future reference and use . This will serve to get your shooting prowess on record by a third party in case it is ever needed in the future in some legal matter. This is also something your church might like to have for their records if you are a member of a church security team. We will then work on the primary skills you need to operate the Pistol Caliber Carbine. As far as the courts are concerned if training isn’t documented it didn’t happen so this is an opportunity to get some official scores on paper in case you ever need them . Not only that but it will be a good day of shooting some somewhat challenging and well known courses of fire. This is an EXCELLENT chance to bring someone you know who might need a “reality check” on where their skills actually are. We all know people who are gun owners who keep threatening to get some training. The training days (especially the pistol qual day) are a great way to get them into that and show them what is possible with some directed practice and see where they REALLY are at their present skill level. And it is a good chance to get to meet people with the same interests that don’t think you are “crazy”. And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  9. Harris Combative Strategies Red Dot Pistol Basics ! Saturday March 9 at Windrock Shooting Range & Training Center we will be holding a Red Dot Training Day! We will be working on some of the basic skills with some drills to get you more comfortable, competent, and confident with your pistol mounted optic ! Instructor - Randy Harris (Randy's Bio) Subject - Red Dot Pistol Basics Location - Windrock Shooting Range 720 Windrock Rd, Oliver Springs, TN 37840 Time: 12:30 - 4:30PM Eastern time (after the morning Backup Gun match at Windrock) Price - $80 What you need to bring: Red Dot equipped pistol . I have a few loaners if you do not already have one and would like to attend the class. RSVP with me to reserve a loaner. 200 Rounds of ammo. Holster / mag pouch / carry gear . Eye and ear protection. Drinks and snacks. Payments can be made by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). This will also be listed on Eventbrite if you prefer to sign up there but you can save the Eventbrite fees by paying me directly. Eventbrite - Eventbrite Link Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47
  10. Forgot to post this here when it happened but better late than never.... (Oct 14th 2023) Today the year long journey to the IDPA World Championship match finished up. We shot half the match on Friday and the other half today. A couple of stages on Friday were not some of my best work but Saturday was pretty solid. In my entourage here was my everything Brandi Harris , my friend Trey Hudson , and my friend / coach / “man servant “ for the weekend Michael V Swisher . Mike helped keep me focused, manage equipment, pull the wagon, and strategize. For those who just want the cliff note version of the match , I finished in the top ten in my division at the World Championship with a 5th place in Master Class in the Backup Gun Division ! And finally a big thanks to my sponsor Natchez Outdoors ! Randy Harris Harris Combative Strategies Harriscombative.com Shooting past one of the NUMEROUS non threat targets. Look who I ran into....Rob Leatham and Mike Seeklander ....I need some serious help with my selfie game...
  11. December 9 Harris Combative Strategies TN/GA/AL Training Group Christmas Extravaganza (Oliver Springs TN) Subject: Christmas Extravaganza ! We will shoot several competitive drills and some deviously designed Man vs Man Shoot off drills (based on the classic Christmas movies Die Hard and Lethal Weapon) and test our skills with the weapon we carry most...our pistol. We will also be handing out some cool Christmas door prizes ! Instructor: Randy Harris Location: Windrock Shooting Range & Training Center 720 Windrock Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840 Time: 12:30pm-4:30pm EASTERN Price: $80 – you can pay through Eventbrite or pay at class by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). What you need to bring: Pistol , at least 2 spare magazines (or speed loaders if you bring a revolver), 150 - 200 rounds of ammo, holster, eye and ear protection, clothing appropriate for the weather. If you shoot a caliber OTHER than 9mm then you will also need to bring about 50 rounds of 9mm for the "Die Hard" and the "Lethal Weapon" stages. Eventbrite -https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dec-9-tngaal-christmas-training-group-oliver-springs-tn-tickets-500100603367?aff=oddtdtcreator Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  12. I (and @chances R and a couple of other students ) were guests on the After Action Project Podcast discussing the Harris Combative Strategies Fundamentals of Vehicle Defense class. Link to podcast Enjoy !
  13. November 25 Harris Combative Strategies TN/GA/AL Training Group (Dayton TN) Subject: Thanksgiving/ Christmas Extravaganza ! We will shoot several competitive drills and some deviously designed Man vs Man Shoot off drills (based on the classic Christmas movies Die Hard and Lethal Weapon) and test our skills with the weapon we carry most...our pistol. We will also be handing out some cool Christmas door prizes ! Instructor: Randy Harris Location: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County HWY , HWY 27 Dayton TN 37321 https://theridgeshooting.com/index.html Time: 9AM EASTERN time - 3:30PM EASTERN time Price: $80 What you need to bring: Pistol , at least 2 spare magazines (or speed loaders if you bring a revolver), 150 - 200 rounds of ammo, holster, eye and ear protection, clothing appropriate for the weather. If you shoot a caliber OTHER than 9mm then you will also need to bring about 50 rounds of 9mm for the "Die Hard" and the "Lethal Weapon" stages. Payments can be made through Eventbrite or by by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). This will also be listed on Eventbrite if you prefer to sign up there but you can save the Eventbrite fees and tax that they charge by paying me directly. Eventbrite -https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nov-25-tngaal-thanksgiving-christmas-training-group-dayton-tn-tickets-500122157837?aff=ebdsoporgprofile Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  14. Harris Combative Strategies TN/GA/AL Training Group! Coming up on Saturday Sep 30 we will have a TN/GA/AL Training Group event focusing on shotgun and pistol skills. You will need 100 rounds of birdshot and 50 rounds of pistol ammo. We will work primarily with the shotgun on quickly engaging targets, keeping it topped off, dealing with multiple targets and then finishing up with some man vs man competition to get you some work under a little bit of stress and excitement. Location: Phillips /Edwards Farm 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL 35765 (about 35 min SW of Chattanooga) Price: $80 – You can register and pay through Eventbrite OR pay at class by cash or check OR you can pay by electronic payment by paypal or venmo (Friends and family option) in advance OR I can take payment by credit card (call or email for options on that – 423 827 9133 or Randy@harriscombative.com) Be sure to RSVP with Randy if you plan to attend and pay at class. Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Eventbrite - Eventbrite Link What you need to bring: Pistol, at least 2 pistol magazines and at least 50 rounds of pistol ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. A Shotgun and at least 100 rounds of birdshot ammo. And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  15. Harris Combative Strategies TN/GA/AL Training Group AUGUST 12 !!! Subject: Part II of Point Blank Pistol Skills : Alternative Indexing Methods in Close Quarter Shooting . This class will continue with the material covered in July. After a brief review from material covered in the last session we will get into dealing with contact weapon attacks at touching distance , getting off the X and shooting on the move while moving with a purpose, and shooting from the ground. While it helps to have attended the 1st part of this class in July, it is not mandatory. So even if you missed the last one come on out to this one! You don't get to work on these skills every day and especially not under supervision of someone extensively trained in this material. Instructor: Randy Harris – Randy's BIO Location: Windrock Shooting Range & Training Center 720 Windrock Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840 https://windrockshootingrange.com/ Time: 12:30pm-4:30pm EASTERN Price: $100 What you need to bring: Pistol (revolvers are welcome too), at least 2 spare pistol magazines (or speedloaders if you plan to party like it is 1899) and at least 150 rounds of ammo..... If you have a "blue gun" or "red gun" or other non firing replica of the pistol you carry please bring it. If you do not have one I do have loaners but they are mostly full size glock, 1911, SW MP and Sig so if you carry something else and have a non firing replica that matches it and fits your holster please bring it with you. Payments: You can register and pay through Eventbrite OR you can pay at class by cash or check OR you can pay by electronic payment by paypal or venmo (Friends and family option) in advance OR I can take payment by credit card (call or email for options on that – 423 827 9133 or Randy@harriscombative.com) Be sure to RSVP with Randy if you plan to attend and pay at class. Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Eventbrite - Eventbrite Link
  16. HARRIS COMBATIVE STRATEGIES TN/GA/AL Training Group Subject: Point Blank Pistol Skills - Alternative Indexing Methods In Close Quarter Shooting Date: Saturday August 5th Eventbrite Link Point Blank Pistol Skills is a study in the deployment and effective use of the pistol at distances fewer than 10 feet. This is the distance envelope where time (and timing) are paramount. In this critical space there is little time to react and no time to be wasted . At touching distance , empty hand combative skills are often needed to facilitate a clean un-fouled draw and decisive hits. We will focus on improving draw stroke , gaining better position, in-fight weapon access, and making hits from physical contact with the target to touching distance and shooting on the move getting out of "the hole". This is an extended version of the presentation Randy taught at the 2018 Rangemaster Tactical Conference. Instructor: Randy Harris –Randy's Bio Location: Phillips Edwards Farm 763 CR 332 Pisgah Al 35765 Time: 9AM-3PM CENTRAL TIME Price: $100 What you need to bring: Pistol (revolvers are welcome too), at least 2 spare pistol magazines (or speedloaders if you plan to party like it is 1899) and at least 150 rounds of ammo..... If you have a "blue gun" or "red gun" or other non firing replica of the pistol you carry please bring it. If you do not have one I do have loaners but they are mostly full size glock, 1911, SW MP and Sig so if you carry something else and have a non firing replica that matches it please bring it with you. Payments: You can register and pay through Eventbrite OR you can pay at class by cash or check OR you can pay by electronic payment by paypal or venmo (Friends and family option) in advance OR I can take payment by credit card (call or email for options on that – 423 827 9133 or Randy@harriscombative.com) Be sure to RSVP with Randy if you plan to attend and pay at class. Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Eventbrite - Eventbrite Link
  17. JUNE 10 we will be at the Windrock Shooting Range for a meeting of the Harris Combative Strategies TN/GA/AL training group. Everyone is welcome! This 4 hour training event will take place after lunch following the monthly Back Up Gun Match at Windrock Shooting Range. If you want to REALLY test your skills come shoot the BUG match and then shoot the Training Day qualifications with your backup gun ! Subject: HOW QUALIFIED ARE YOU ? Instructor: Randy Harris Randy's Bio Harriscombative.com Location: Windrock Shooting Range 720 Windrock Rd, Oliver Springs, TN 37840 http://www.windrockshootingrange.com/ DATE : Saturday June 10 Time: 12:30 PM EASTERN time – 4:30PM EASTERN time Price: $80 – You can register and pay through Eventbrite OR you can pay at class by cash or check OR you can pay by electronic payment by paypal or venmo (Friends and family option) in advance OR I can take payment by credit card (call or email for options on that – 423 827 9133 or Randy@harriscombative.com) Be sure to RSVP with Randy if you plan to attend and pay at class. Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Eventbrite - EVENTBRITE LINK What you need to bring: Pistol, at least 2 pistol magazines and at least 150 rounds of pistol ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. We will be shooting some challenging warm up drills and then the Bakersfield PD Qual, Federal Air Marshal pistol qualification, FBI pistol qualification courses and a few others and finish up with a man vs man shoot off on steel and bowling pins! I will also keep records of these (if you are happy with your scores) for future reference and use . This will serve to get your shooting prowess on record by a third party in case it is ever needed in the future in some legal matter. This is also something your church might like to have for their records if you are a member of a church security team. As far as the courts are concerned if it isn’t documented it didn’t happen so this is an opportunity to get some official scores on paper in case you ever need them . Not only that but it will be a good day of shooting some somewhat challenging and well known courses of fire. This is an EXCELLENT chance to bring someone you know who might need a “reality check” on where their skills actually are. We all know people who are gun owners who keep threatening to get some training. The training days (especially the pistol qual day) are a great way to get them into that and show them what is possible with some directed practice and see where they REALLY are at their present skill level. And it is a good chance to get to meet people with the same interests that don’t think you are “crazy”. And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  18. HARRIS COMBATIVE STRATEGIES TN/GA/AL TRAINING GROUP MAY 27 2023 Subject: HOW QUALIFIED ARE YOU ? Instructor: Randy Harris Location: Phillips /Edwards Farm 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL 35765 (about 35 min SW of Chattanooga) Time: 9AM CENTRAL TIME – 3PM CENTRAL TIME ! Price: $80 – You can register and pay through Eventbrite OR pay at class by cash or check OR you can pay by electronic payment by paypal or venmo (Friends and family option) in advance OR I can take payment by credit card (call or email for options on that – 423 827 9133 or Randy@harriscombative.com) Be sure to RSVP with Randy if you plan to attend and pay at class. Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Eventbrite - Eventbrite link What you need to bring: Pistol, at least 2 pistol magazines and at least 150 rounds of pistol ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. A Rifle and at least 50 rounds of rifle ammo. We will be shooting some challenging warm up drills and then the Air Marshal , FBI pistol AND RIFLE qualification courses and many others. I will also keep records of these (if you are happy with your scores) for future reference and use . This will serve to get your shooting prowess on record by a third party in case it is ever needed in the future in some legal matter. This is also something your church might like to have for their records if you are a member of a church security team. And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  19. EVENTBRITE LINK The Red Dot equipped pistol is becoming more common in the holsters of law enforcement, military and private citizens and this class is designed to quickly develop confidence and proficiency with the platform. Unlike iron sighted pistols Red Dot equipped pistols have a few quirks and idiosyncrasies that need to be accounted for and trained for. The most high tech weapon is worthless without solid skills to operate it to the full potential. This class will help you develop those skills. Some topics include Grip, Draw, Finding the Dot Faster, Acceptable vs perfect sight picture, Target Focus vs Sight Focus, Trigger control, Tracking the dot in recoil, Target transitions, Shooting on the move, Malfunctions (both with pistol and the optic) , Alternative indexing methods and much more. Required Equipment -Reliable Red Dot Pistol and at least 3 magazines, carry gear, Eye and Ear Protection. We have a few loaners if you do not have a Red Dot pistol and want to attend the class. Ammo Count is 600 Rounds. For safety reasons holster must fit the belt you use and must not collapse when the gun is removed. Holster must cover trigger guard. Serpa Holsters strongly discouraged unless that is your issued duty rig . A rain coat/wet weather gear is also a good idea in case of rain. Date: May 6-7 2023 8:30AM to 4:30PM Price is discounted to from $450 to $400 Payments can be made through Eventbrite or by by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). This will also be listed on Eventbrite if you prefer to sign up there but you can save the Eventbrite fees and tax that they charge by paying me directly. Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/may-5-6-red-dot-pistol-skills-oliver-springs-tn-tickets-523724152037 Paypal – Randy@harriscombative.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Location: Windrock Shooting Range & Training Center ( https://windrockshootingrange.com/) 720 Windrock Road, Oliver Springs, TN, 37840 Weather Policy: If weather is such that it jeopardizes the students' safety, the class will be postponed or delayed as appropriate as determined by the instructor. Otherwise, the class will continue as scheduled rain or shine. Randy Harris is a highly accomplished civilian firearms trainer combining both real world experience with interpersonal violence and over 20 years teaching experience as an instructor. He holds a Master Instructor certification from Rangemaster, a Tier 1 Instructor Certification from Suarez International, Pistol Instructor certification from the National Rifle Association, and Handgun Carry Permit Instructor certification State of Tennessee. He has participated in the National Tactical Invitational and is a multi-time presenter at the Rangemaster Tactical Conference. Randy is an IDPA Master Class competitor in six divisions. He won both the Tennessee and Georgia IDPA State Championships in 2022 in the Back Up Gun division and finished 14th in Master Stock Service Pistol at the 2015 IDPA World Championship. He is one of only four people to hold both the Red Pin (Advanced Ranking / Top score in class) from the Rogers Shooting School and a Turbo Pin from Gabe White's Pistol Shooting Solutions class both of which he accomplished shooting from concealment.
  20. TN / GA / AL Training Group Christmas Extravaganza Encore Event! Saturday Jan 21 we will hold an encore presentation of our CHRISTMAS meeting for the TN/GA/AL Training Group! So those of you who missed it in December this is your chance to come shoot all the drills and win your share of Intergalactic Championships. Subject: Shooting , Shooting and more Shooting and the Christmas Death Match for the Intergalactic Championship ! Instructor: Randy Harris Randy's Bio Location: The Ridge Dayton TN 11534 US HWY 27 Dayton, TN 37321 Time: 9AM - 3PM EASTERN time Price: $80 – you can pay through Eventbrite or pay at class by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). Eventbrite - Eventbrite Link Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 What you need to bring: Pistol, pistol magazines carry gear and at least 150 rounds of ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you like to party like it is 1899. We will shoot several competitive drills and some deviously designed Man vs Man Shoot off drills and test our skills with the weapon we carry most...our pistol. We will also be handing out some cool Christmas door prizes !
  21. On Saturday Jan 14 we will be at Windrock Shooting Range & Training Center in Oliver Springs TN ! Subject: Pistol Skills and Drills. This will be a training event based on improving your overall performance and specifically your draw to first shot times, recoil management and target transitions using times drills from various sources. Whether you shoot for self defense or competitively this will help your overall performance. Instructor: Randy Harris - Randy's Bio Location: Windrock Shooting Range & Training Center 720 Windrock Road Oliver Springs, TN 37840 https://windrockshootingrange.com/ Time: 12:30pm-4:30pm EASTERN Price: $80 – you can pay through Eventbrite or pay at class by cash or check (Please RSVP to let me know you are planning to attend ) or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). Eventbrite - Eventbrite Link Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 What you need to bring: Pistol, pistol magazines carry gear and at least 150 rounds of ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you like to party like it is 1899.
  22. Harris Combative Strategies Low Light Rifle ! Date: Saturday October 29 Time: 5:30PM - 11pm Eastern Time Location: The Ridge Dayton TN. (http://www.theridgeshooting.com/) Price $150 Instructor: Randy Harris Instructor BIO THIS IS NOT A BEGINNER CLASS . Students should be able to safely load, unload, and safely handle their rifle in close proximity to other people. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PLEASE CONTACT RANDY AND DISCUSS YOUR PREVIOUS SHOOTING EXPERIENCE. This class will cover some critical skills which include shooting with and without the help of flashlights in low or no light. We will work both proactively challenging unknown potential threats and also reacting to unexpected close range attacks in low light settings. You will see just how much light you really need to accurately shoot by and how much light you actually need to ID targets. We will load , unload and clear malfunctions in reduced lighting. Range Gear and requirements : Rifle with weapon mounted light. Hand held flashlight. Extra batteries. Pistol and holster designed to be worn on the belt. Two spare rifle mags. Range Safety gear (eye and ear protection) . Clothing appropriate for weather. Snacks and drinks. You are welcome to bring something to eat for dinner. There are also several close fast food places like Taco Bell or Subway to grab something if you chose to do that during our dinner break. Ammo: Approximately 150 rifle rounds. Approximately 25 pistol rounds. If you want to shoot more you are certainly welcome to bring more and shoot more but we will be focusing on shooting with accountability not mag dumps. Eventbrite-https://www.eventbrite.com/e/low-light-rifle-tickets-411256498257 Credit Card payments accepted (contact Randy for info) Venmo at www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Paypal at Cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com (+3% or use friends & family option with no fee)
  23. TN/GA/AL Training Group – “How Qualified Are You?” October 1 we will be at the "usual location" the Phillips/Edwards farm in Pisgah AL (actually it is Ider with a Pisgah mailing address) for a meeting of the TN/GA/AL training group. Everyone is welcome! No prerequisites and no prior experience required ! Subject: HOW QUALIFIED ARE YOU ? (Pistol and Rifle) Instructor: Randy Harris Randy’s Bio Location: Phillips /Edwards Farm 763 County Rd 332 Pisgah AL 35765 (about 35 min SW of Chattanooga) Date : Saturday October 1 Time: 9AM - 3:00PM CENTRAL Price: $80 – you can pay through Eventbrite or pay at class by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (friends and family option) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). Eventbrite - https://www.eventbrite.com/myevent/411297641317/invite-and-promote/?showSuccessAlert=1 Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 What you need to bring: Pistol, at least 2 pistol magazines and at least 150 rounds of pistol ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. A Rifle and 50 rounds of rifle ammo. As far as the courts are concerned if it isn’t documented it didn’t happen so this is an opportunity to get some official scores on paper in case you ever need them . Not only that but it will be a good day of shooting some somewhat challenging and well known courses of fire. We will be shooting some challenging warm up drills and then the Air Marshal , FBI pistol AND RIFLE qualification courses and many others. I will also keep records of these (if you are happy with your scores) for future reference and use . This will serve to get your shooting prowess on record by a third party in case it is ever needed in the future in some legal matter. This is also something your church might like to have for their records if you are a member of a church security team. This is an EXCELLENT chance to bring someone you know who might need a “reality check” on where their skills actually are. We all know people who are gun owners who keep threatening to get some training. The training days (especially the qualification days) are a great way to get them into that and show them what is possible with some directed practice and see where they REALLY are at their present skill level. And it is a good chance to get to meet people with the same interests that don’t think you are “crazy”. And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!
  24. Harris Combative Strategies Defensive Concepts for Low Light Environments Date: Friday October 22 Time: 5:30PM - 12AM Eastern Time Location: The Ridge Dayton TN. (http://www.theridgeshooting.com/) Price $160 ($50 Deposit to hold spot - See details below). Instructor: Randy Harris Instructor BIO THIS IS NOT A BEGINNER CLASS . Students should be able to safely load, unload, draw from a holster and safely handle their pistol in close proximity to other people. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PLEASE CONTACT RANDY AND DISCUSS YOUR PREVIOUS SHOOTING EXPERIENCE. This class will cover some critical skills which include shooting with and without the help of flashlights in low or no light. We will work both proactively challenging unknown potential threats and also reacting to unexpected close range attacks in low light settings. You will see just how much light you really need to accurately shoot by and how much light you actually need to ID targets. We will also cover manipulating the pistol in the dark both with and without a light in our hands. We will load , unload and clear malfunctions with and without flashlights. A fair amount of time will also be devoted to using the flashlight as a tool to help you get deselected in the "pre fight interview" , use the light as a distraction device and impact weapon, and as a bridge from less lethal to lethal force. Range Gear and requirements : Handheld flashlight (Surefire 6P, G2, Streamlight Scorpion or similar). Extra batteries. Pistol and holster designed to be worn on the belt. Two spare mags (3 total minimum) and a mag pouch. Range Safety gear (eye and ear protection) . Clothing appropriate for weather. Snacks and drinks. You are welcome to bring something to eat for dinner. There are also several close fast food places like Taco Bell or Subway to grab something if you chose to do that during our dinner break. Ammo: Approximately 150 rounds. If you want to shoot more you are certainly welcome to bring more and shoot more but we will be focusing on shooting with accountability not mag dumps. If you have a weapon mounted light for your pistol and want to use it for some drills then please bring it too. If your carry pistol has a light that is fine too just make sure it fits your holster. If you have a "blue gun" or airsoft gun and training knife or inert "trainer" pepper spray you want to bring feel free to do so. We will be doing some interactive exercises where students will play the role of both good guys and bad guys to get a better feel for just what each experiences when the techniques are applied in low light. If you don't see it from both sides you only know about half of what is going on.  I can take a $50 deposit through either Venmo, Paypal or by check mailed to me or over the phone with a CC (+3%). A $50 deposit will hold a spot for you in this class. Balance due at class. You are also welcome to pay in full in advance too. We are limiting it to 16 students. To register or for more info either PM me here at TGO or email me at Randy@harriscombative.com. Deposit Payments can be made with a check (contact Randy for details) or through... Credit Card payments accepted (contact Randy for info) Venmo at www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47 Paypal at Cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com (+3% or use friends & family option with no fee)


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