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Carry Weapon #1

Carry Weapon #2

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  1. Good afternoon TN Gun owners, Is there anyone who is or know any that does Historical High Polish Blue refinish on a Walther PPK from 1934? Very Respectfully, David
  2. What's the best 9mm pistol for concealed carry and Self Defense? I just want to know which 9MM pistol is best for self defense . I run fish farm in a remote area I need to buy good quality gun.
  3. Picked up a Stoeger STR-9. Got it from local Rural King for $338.42. Came in cardboard box with info, 3 back straps and 3 15 round mags. Made in Turkey. Very Glock like inside and shoots as good as a Glock 19 for me. I would compare to Glock gen3/4 G19 model. Standard 3 dot sights but are metal. Parts do not seem to be interchangeable with Glocks but it does fit Glock 19 holsters. Put 500 rounds thru it so far with 2 failures to completely eject fired casings, strong RSA and 3 times slide locked back with rounds still in mag, found out I was riding up on slide lock. Sight are POA/POI for me and groups at least as well as any Glock 9mm I have owned.
  4. Can't account for my fascination with retrievers. Bond Arms' look great but also look stupid expensive. Could buy a pocket Sig or Colt for that. The other choices have been $100 - $125 and look suspect. Well, now Bond has released the Goldilocks Rough series for ~$260. I searched and found nothing about shooting the little beast. How rough is the recoil of the .45/.410? I like 1911 .45s, I don't mind .41 Mag with the right grip shape or a Contender in 7-30 Waters, but draw the line below .30-30.
  5. Just picked this 1954 Colt Sistema. The Argentine Colts have an interesting history. They are generally considered the only 1911 made outside of Hartford that is still a colt. Here is some background taken from various reference books. In 1923, Argentina adopted an armaments bill that would eliminate Argentine dependency on foreign arms. Under this bill, the Argentine Congress authorized appropriations for a military modernization program and prepared the infrastructure for a domestic arms industry. In accordance with the new law, an aircraft factory was established in 1927, a munitions factory in 1933, a small steel mill in 1934, and a small arms factory in 1936, all of which were managed by Argentine army officers. In 1927, the Argentine Commission for Foreign Acquisitions negotiated a contract with Colt for the manufacture of M1911A1 .45 caliber self-loading pistols specially marked and serial numbered in a separate series, and secured a licensing agreement giving the Argentine government the right to manufacture these pistols. The agreement specified: 1) that Colt would manufacture 10,000 Colt automatic pistols, caliber .45, “Ejercito Argentino Modelo 1927,†for the Argentine Army; 2) that the complete knowledge base for future production of the pistols in Argentina, including drawings, manufacturing instructions, material specifications, tool requirements, etc., would be transferred to Argentine control; and 3) that Argentine technicians would be trained in manufacturing operations and inspection. For production of Colt 1911A1's in Argentina, Colt engineers supervised the set-up of the production equipment, which was acquired from the Fritz Werner company in Germany, a maker of arms-manufacturing machinery still in business today. From 1927 to 1942, 14,000 Sistema pistols (from “Sistema Colt,†indicating “made on the Colt system (machinery)†were produced at the Esteban de Luca Arsenal in Buenos Aires, S/N’s 10,001 – 24,000(*), the serial numbers continuing from the Hartford run. In 1941, after a decade of planning, Argentines established a large and diversified military-industrial complex under the overall supervision of the Direccion General de Fabricaciones Militares (D.G.F.M.), the “Military Manufacturing Agency.†Similar to the US Ordnance Department, the agency was run by the military and military officers managed the manufacturing plants. Among other products, this agency would eventually, through contractual agreements, oversee the production of identical copies of Colt’s M1911-A1, Browning’s Hi Power, and FN’s FAL rifle. In 1945, after construction of the state-owned Fabrica Militar de Armas Portatiles (F.M.A.P.), “Small Arms Factory†in Rosario, Santa Fe (250 miles from Buenos Aires), assembly of Sistemas was transferred to the new plant and another 88,494 pistols were produced through 1966. This factory was named for Domingo Matheu, a 19th century military official who was active in the early development of the nation’s arms industry. Today FMAP manufactures a wide range of small arms and ammunition and is known in the industry as “FM.†The Rosario arsenal closed in 1991 and much of its production was transferred to FMAP’s Fray Luis Beltran arsenal, about 15 miles from Rosario. Sistema Colts were manufactured in accordance with Colt's 1927 drawings. They were identical to US military M1911-A1 pistols except for 6 minor cosmetic differences, and parts were interchangeable. The differences were: a) the markings, the grips, c) a black oxide bluing, d) a sharp edge on the rear of the hammer, e) a sharp edge on the heel of the grip safety, f) indented checkering on the mainspring housing. They made these for various military, government and police agencies. The ones with the Argentine crest were made for government agencies. This on is Stamped C.F.S. That stands for Consejo Federal de Seguridad or Federal Council of Security/Safety(Federal Internal Security). Other markings include the Army, Air Force, Navy and Border Patrol. This one has the wrong grips on it. I do have a period correct set of grips on the way. Other than that it is pretty great shape. Tight fit and feels just like a Colt as it should. I gave it a good cleaning and just need to get it out to the range.
  6. I have a box of 50each of .32 S&W Long to pass on to anyone who shoots it. Winchester. West Knoxville pickup.
  7. I could use a little help. I listed the Thompson Contender under handguns because that's what I shoot although they make nice rifles and shotguns as well. I bought my Thompson Contender in about 1985, stainless steel with a .22 bull barrel , also a .223 barrel. Now that all these years have gone by I would like to buy a .308 Pistol barrel but I can't follow the model numbers interchangeability . G1, G2, and the latest. Are they all interchangeable? I'm thinking not. Just trying to locate the right one to fit. Trouble will probably be in finding one.
  8. I might have made a huge mistake, boys. Could lead to a divorce. I stopped in my LGS (Crossroads Guns, in Fountain City), for some HV .22LR for my Stoeger Luger. I walked out with the .22 rounds and after putting a Walther PPK/s in lay-a-way. It’s a beaut, a Interarms Stainless steel pistol, with both mags, box, manuals cleaning rod... all for 5 bills plus tax and BCG. Lay-a-way for 12 months! Oh Lord, what have I done??? Looks like this!
  9. I've got about 350 rounds downrange with the Masada as of today. Basics: 2 x 17 round magazines, with remarkably stiff springs. Comes with 2 backstraps (small and large), and optic mounting kit with 4 RDS-specific spacer plates and appropriate screws. The optic cut cover and all the mounting plates are plastic. The RDS plates included are for: Deltapoint, RMR, Venom, and Romeo 1. Trigger pull is 4 lbs, about 4.5mm worth of takeup and another 4mm of smooth, non-stacking creep. Ambi mag release and ambi slide release. Steel 3-dot sights. Handling and shooting impressions: Good hand feel for me, I left the large backstrap installed. Trigger has a great pull, but trigger slap does occur on mine. Out of the box, shooting a few mags of mildly hot 9mm earns you a stinging trigger finger. After mounting a RDS, the trigger slap was softened and all but unnoticeable. The Glock-type safety dingus isn't really a problem. I'd put about 100 rounds through it before I installed the Vortex Venom RDS, and the trigger slap was unpleasant enough that I was considering getting rid of the gun. After installing the RDS and putting 250 more rounds through it with considerably tamed trigger slap, I feel like it was built and intended for RDS use exclusively. Sights are very much a "combat hold" setup, where the POI is about where the white dot on the front sight is. I was using a 6'oclock hold at about 10 yards and my group was about 1.5"-2" below the 1" dot that I was resting atop my front sight. Accuracy was about average for your typical $400 polymer combat pistol, about on par with my S&W M&P 1.0s, at least while shooting irons. The rear sight notch is a bit too wide for me, so that likely contributed. With the RDS, accuracy seemed to tighten up to the point I had no complaints. Reloads were not as fast as I'd have liked. The front of the magazine extends up into a "tab" that is prone to catch on the frontstrap side of the mag opening. The mag opening has a pretty good bevel on the rear but not on the sides or front, which are thin; and the recessed area on both sides doesn't do you any favors, either. The mag release button is a bit small and requires me to twist the gun just a bit to hit it reliably, but since this is an ambi mag button, I may just work on hitting it with my trigger finger instead. At least the mags eject briskly. Slide release is large and easy to hit but not big enough to be in the way. The gun doesn't seem all that fat, but the only holster it would fit in is the one for my Steyr M9, which, along with the Beretta APX, has the fattest slide of any gun I own. Fortunately, the Steyr, APX, and Masada all fit very nicely into the same holster, so that what I'll use. Reliability was 100% with my ammo, which are 115 gr coated lead reloads running about 1200 FPS. Summary: An exceptional value at a little over $400. Trigger slap is something to watch out for, maybe it was just my gun, but installing a RDS made that a non-issue. Due to its magwell, mag changes are a little slow. Accuracy and reliability earn an "A" for me. Sights adequate but not optimal.
  10. I have a M&P Shield 9mm with the thumb safety. I prefer a thumb safety, but the thumb lever is too small to hit reliably 100% of the time, so I don't carry it. Is there an aftermarket part for this or does anyone have a fix? Something like the manual safety on the M&P 45 or the Taurus Millennium G2 would be ideal. It doesn't need to be a 1911-type lever.
  11. kellyII

    Remington R51

    Recently received quite a few handguns from a good friend that passed away and one of them was a Remington R51. Curious to find out if anyone owns one and has any opinions on it? I haven’t shot any of them yet. The design is most definitely different from any others that I own and some features I like and others I don’t. Not a fan of the safety on the rear of the grip.
  12. PSA has a smoking daily deal on the Shield .45. $340 shipped with CT laser. I needed something for the extended backpacking trips and hopefully this will fit the bill. It was an impulse buy, so hopefully I don’t regret it.
  13. The FK BRNO is a new pistol that will be imported for the first time in February. The say it is a new and unique concept and design and fires a proprietary cartridge, the 7.5 FK. The Field Pistol is a sporting pistol designed primarily to be used in long-range competitions, silhouette shooting, hunting, and generally any pistol shooting activity and tasks that requires the ability to engage targets at longer ranges, especially with a folding stock , such as (PSD) personal security detail, urban / suburban combat, backup (SBR) short barrel rifle, Air crew survival weapon, mechanised armour crew weapon, among other uses. Of course adding a folding stock requires a tax stamp. It is guaranteed to shoot less than 100x100mm at 100m. That is under a 4" group at 100m. Muzzle velocity is 2000fps with 880 ft/lbs and at 100m is still 1525fps and 520 ft/lbs. There are some interesting videos on their website. They take some large animals (200-320lbs) and do ballistic gel testing. Pretty impressive results. Now for the bad news. There is only one company that is going to import these. There will only be 1001 6" Field Pistols made for the US. The first order of 100 is almost all spoken for. They are accepting refundable deposits of $2500 to reserve a pistol. Price for the pistol is $7500. The ammo is 77.50 for a box of 50 95 gr hp. Don't know why but I really want one of these. If you see me posting a lot of toys for sale on here you will know I have finally lost my mind. lol. https://www.fkbrno.com/the-pistol-7-5
  14. Just picked up one. Nice pistol. Comes with regular 3-dot sights (rear is height adjustable), two 17 round magazines. Mags are made in Italy and look like Mec-Gar with anti friction coating. Pistol has a external safety (ambi) and magazine disconnect. The loaded chamber indicator is on top of the slide and sticks up quite a bit with a round chambered. None of this really bothers me and the mag disconnect is easy to remove if so desired. Pistol has good accuracy and is easy to shoot well. Grip is thinner than a lot of similar pistols. Full take down requires punches/hammer so not as easy as some others. Field strip does not require a trigger pull but you must push the ejector down to remove the slide, and either pull it up or insert a mag to raise the ejector back into operational position when reassembled. Overall a decent pistol and after 600 rounds there has been no pistol related problems This pistol is as accurate or a little more so than my Glock 48, which I like a lot and carry. May put the Ruger SR9 into carry rotation.
  15. Just saw this 2 barrel revolver in .22 WMR that fires both barrels at once. Interesting but gimmicky.. https://www.ballisticmag.com/2019/01/04/standard-mfg-s333-double-barrel-handgun/
  16. I know some of you could care less where your guns are made; but many of us do; this discussion is for those members. Buy American, Hire American, America First. More and more we see guns in the bottom feeder category that are American Made. Lets face it, until the last few years the only decent American Made gun that is low cost and wasn’t (arguably) junk was the Hi Point. We have come a long way. The thread about the Stoger and the Canik (both made in Turkey) being under $300 made me think that we have better options for less money; even American Made options. So if you like to buy cheap guns, and want to buy American; now is a good time. Even prices on some of the top quality, best sellers in the Industry have dropped. The SCCY CPX we routinely see selling below $200. It’s currently made in Florida with the company in the process of moving to Tennessee. And it gets good reviews Kel-Tec PF-9 right at $200 and the P-11 just over, and made here. Diamondback at just over $200. New models like the Remington R51 (brought back after a bad start) at just over $200 and the Mossberg MC1SC at around $300; we shall see. Ruger EC9 at around $250 and Security 9 and SR9 at $300. MOSSBERG MC1SC at $300; we shall see. All the Highpoints at around $175. They have a big following… bless their heart. And even Smith & Wesson Shields at $250 and Full Size models dropping below $300!! Proven performers.
  17. What are yalls input on Glock 45 gen5 I just bought it because I liked the 19x but didnt like the FDE,So I got The 45 in black .TIA
  18. https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2020/08/31/glock-p80/
  19. willis68

    Steyr M9A1

    In my opinion this by far is the most underrated pistol on the market, this is a Gen4 and out of the box better than any polymer pistol I have ever owned. It fits like a glove in my hand is deadly accurate and has a trigger that is amazing. The only complaint I have is there is a very quiet audio sound for the reset. All of my Glocks have Johnny Glock combat trigger packs installed and those are awesome but for a bone stock trigger I love this one. Years ago I think I had a Gen1 possibly 2 not certain that had extractor issues, this one has been perfect. The trapezoid sites are very accurate but I may change them to Tru Glow TFX pro as they are made for this gun, in my opinion Steyr is a top of the line gun company
  20. One of the guns I got recently from an online auction is a Glock 42 .380. I bought it with a couple others because I wanted to try a Glock and the price was really good. Already had a .380 so ammo was already in stock at the house. It came with the box, test fire envelope, lock (wrong keys though..ooops lol), and one mag with Pearce mag grip extension. Looks totally new and was oiled really well. I am guessing was a backup gun maybe but no info from the source as to history. The only issue I have so far is that the slide is HARD to rack. I am not a weak guy and I have to work at it so much that I might not get the slide fully racked the first time. I can rack my other medium to small size semis just fine. Some are almost new and some are pretty worn in. Anyone else have this? Any chance maybe the previous owner swapped a spring out? Maybe all Glocks are this hard until broken in? Never had one before. Thanks in advance for the input.
  21. The Canik TP9 SA.... Looked at one of these several weeks back when my wife and I were looking for her a new handgun (she ended up with the XD-9 mod2 sub compact)... Well I really liked the feel of the trigger and just the overall feel of the Canik. I think it would be good to have a full sized semi auto on hand considering all I have currently is the XD mentioned above and my shield 2.0 EDC gun. Well I went back the other day and they still had it so I went ahead put it on layaway. In a few more weeks I will have it in hand. I have already seen ways to deactivate the decocker but is it really that big of a deal? Any other general feedback or things I should look out for on this particular firearm?
  22. Have lifetime CHL but will be moving to another state for a lengthy period of time. Do I need to maintain residence in TN for the permit to remain valid? Or is it still good when I come back (possibly years)? thank you
  23. This is a job I did for a friend. It took a bit of imagination to pull off but it all gelled as I modified the parts to fit. The Flux MP17 frame is for a drop in FCG from the Sig P320 in this case 9mm. The Flux has the well designed spring loaded brace that literally shoots out of the collapsed position via a strong spring and self locks into a rock solid extended position. I'm not a big Tactical gizmo guy but have to say, its pretty cool since its well designed and as solid as it gets. The rail started out as a China made mid length AR narrow Key-mod hand guard. Here is the front collar anchor made from stainless heavy wall pipe. I fabed up a left side cocking handle and put it in the most amount of meat at the front. The threads have been milled to match the bore contour of the inner slide. In the rough... It is then JB weld thread locked. This shot is just the plain Flux lower with my rear rail anchor block screwed up on top in the back there.... that scruffy looking pained thing. Handle in place Rail roughed in place Done, just 3 screws to remove for removal of a rock solid rail.
  24. Went to an estate sale yesterday and picked up this Stoeger Luger .22, with an aluminum frame. I think it’s one of the best examples of one that I’ve seen. Really a bit surprised by the size and heft. It’s very close to the only Luger P08 that I’ve ever fired! Hopefully I’ll get to shot it tomorrow.


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