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Carry Weapon #1

Carry Weapon #2

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Found 18 results

  1. First show in Knoxville since February @ the EXPO center on Clinton Hwy...
  2. Stuff going on at Family Fun Indoor Range. I took parts of their E Mail to copy here. Contact them at EDIT Correct Phone Number is 865 446 2699 for More Information. This year, SFWA is offering a "Get Custom Fit" event called What Women Want Month! There is so much more to selecting the best guns and gear than how they feel, or renting different models and test firing them, or worse yet, realizing that even if they feel good and you can shoot them well that you could not hold on to them in a fight for your life! Then there is the issue of carrying the gun with you in your daily life . . . and the ability to actually access it efficiently should you ever have to use it (God forbid)! We can help you make sure that you get EXACTLY what you want within your unique qualities! But YOU have to do your part and . . . Get Custom Fit! Plus, receive this issue of the Best Handguns for Women FREE! Pick a date and time: January 25th, 29th, 30th or 31st and February 4th, 5th, 6th, 18th or 22nd!! Where: Family Fun Indoor Range Contact Phone EDIT Correct Phone is 865 446 2699 1874 Country Meadows Drive, Sevierville, TN 37862 What: Get Custom Fit for Guns and Gear that fit your unique qualities and then try them out! $38.50 per person (Bring "your gift giver" with you if you want for free!) DRAW FROM A HOLSTER LIVE FIRE EVENT! Thursday, January 30th, 6-8pm Learn the best techniques to draw from a holster quickly and safely, and then put it to the test with LIVE fire on the range! The event is FREE* to FFIR Members and non-Members pay only a $12 range fee! The best target wins a $128 Practice, Power and Precision Private Class. This is a chance to actually practice drawing from a holster at an indoor range! All participants will have the opportunity to shoot in a safe controlled environment and put their drawing skills to the test. Learn the techniques that will help you stop someone before they reach you in a self defense situation where only seconds count! You MUST pre-register to attend. Registration is limited so hurry and register! Range fees will be collected at the range during the event. Contact EDIT Correct Phone is 865446 2699
  3. Here is some INFO (Link to Video) from the Concealed Carry guys (ConcealedCarry.com guys). I get EMails from them, they sell everything and do give some information via EMails. Anyway, last EMAIL had this link to the Shot Show ITEMS (VIDEOS that are for 2020 and go back past 2020). https://www.concealedcarry.com/shot-show/
  4. Thursday June 13th 2019 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m. Once a month, AK Virtual Arms Training LLC hosts a Virtual Shoot at a discounted price to the Sevier County Gun Club. In addition to getting some trigger time with scenarios you cannot find anywhere else, we are encouraging people to bring their unwanted holsters for a holster/buy/sell swap. We all have extras, why not see if someone else can use them? Attn: Small businesses that are 2A friendly. The Sevier County Gun Club encourages business membership and does a great job providing marketing opportunities for your small business to 2A friendly customers. Members include restaurants, gun shops, attractions, writers and more. It is more than worth the small fee to join. Stop by Thursday, meet the founders and check out our firearms simulator.
  5. May 25, 2019 at 3:00pm. Prizes, snacks, all are welcomed, youth, seniors, beginners, advanced. Come to play, come to socialize, make new 2A friends! Local businesses are chipping in for prizes. It’s so much fun, you will not even realize you are getting quality trigger time and improving your skills! Sign up on the link below and then explore our website for other unique and entertaining firearms training options. https://akvat.com/ola/services/ipsc-virtual-reality-handgun-competition?olaT=2019-05-18T19%3A00%3A00.000Z&olaR=542660
  6. Powell Auction is having their big guns and gear auction on February 28th at 6pm...usually a good time and youll find some interesting stuff...theres still time if you want to enter your items in the auction too....keep in mind it'll be tax time.
  7. I saw an ad for a gun and knife show this weekend in Knoxville. Evidently it's put on by Smoky Mountain Gun Collectors. Any one know if this show would be worth the time and $8 to go?
  8. Saturday January 19th, 2019 2:00-4:00p.m. The cooler weather makes great indoor handgun competition season! Our simulator competitions are a great way to beat cabin fever, have fun, get dry fire practice, meet new friends and it is very inexpensive when you consider live-fire ammo costs! What is an IPSC competition? We have professional grade, fully animated, mathematically correct simulator software that moves through 5 different stages and each stage has 3-4 individual runs. There is no time limit. Whoever has the best time, most hits, least misses and least penalties wins! There are cardboard double tap targets, steel single shot targets and the dreaded Texas Star! The simulator gives the feeling that you are moving with the targets. Check out our video on the home page of our website, it shows some of the IPSC stages in motion. It is similar to IDPA. We will be using the S&W M&P’s and Glock 17’s for this competition. The cost is $15 per person and includes competition, scoring, use of laser enabled firearm, unlimited shots and coaching. The simulator DOES improve shooting times and accuracy. And there are no worries about ammo costs. Come by and see for yourself. You will not be disappointed. Advanced registration is required. Please contact us to reserve. http://www.akvat.com AK Virtual Arms Training LLC Laser Range 2662 Wears Valley Road Sevierville, TN 37862
  9. Thursday January 24th, 2019 6:30-8:00p.m. at AK Virtual Arms Training LLC 2662 Wears Valley Road, Sevierville, TN 37862 Steel Challenge Competition Practice Social Build the discipline and skills necessary to compete in a live-fire Steel Challenge competition, while making new friends and having a BLAST! Steel Challenge Competition Practice Social will be at our comfortable and warm log cabin on Wears Valley Road. Use our police and military grade firearms simulator, shot detection, surround sound and laser training pistols to build speed and accuracy under pressure. It gets your heart going! We have professional grade laser training Glock 17's, Smith & Wesson M&P, recoil enabled Beretta M9's and a recoil enabled AR-15. Comparing my scores from last years live-fire Steel Challenge, to this years live-fire Steel Challenge after using the simulator, I have seen a 20% overall score improvement for my Ruger Mark IV .22LR and a 13% overall score improvement for my Colt 1911 9mm. I hope to get some improvement numbers on using my S&W M&P 15 .22lr in the next couple of weeks. I am using the recoil enabled AR-15 at the simulator range to practice. I am excited!! The simulator DOES improve shooting times and accuracy. And there are no worries about ammo costs. Come by and see for yourself. You will not be disappointed. The cost is $15 per person and includes competition, scoring, use of laser enabled firearm, unlimited shots and coaching. Recoil enabled firearms have an additional gas fee.
  10. I have not been to Tac2 (E. Tenn) for a while for Steel Challenge. I checked their website, and it looks like the dates have been reworked for their events. It used to be the Second Sunday of the month following IDPA. There is still a page on their website that says that. HOWEVER, it seems like their updated calendar says Steel Challenge is this Sunday the 25th. I have sent an email and left a phone message. I need to make arrangements several days in advance to go, like today, so I am hoping one of you know the answer to my question. It is about an hour and a half drive for me to go one way. I am not going to take a 3 hour round trip drive without knowing for sure. Thanks for any info you can give!
  11. Thursday November 15th, 2018 6:00p.m. Our new firearms simulator is a new, exciting and fun way to get shooting practice in situations that are not usually available at a live fire range. We have 11 professional grade laser and recoil enabled firearms for you to choose from for your simulator experience! If there is someone in your life who is timid or on the fence about firearms, this is a great way to desensitize them and work them toward an eventual positive live fire experience! What is a Dueling Tree Simulator Practice Competition Party? It is an informative, fun, safe, inexpensive way to practice shooting and learn the basics of competition. The main intent is to get some practice time in and have fun! 2 people shoot against each other at the same time. One shoots one side, one shoots the other. Whoever pushes the targets to the others' side first wins that round. Then we do new pairs until we come up with an overall winner. SPACE IS LIMITED SO MAKE SURE YOU RESERVE A SPACE IN ADVANCE by contacting me to make a reservation. The cost is $15 per person and includes competition, scoring, use of laser enabled firearm, unlimited shots and coaching. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THE COMPETITION IN CASES OF BAD WEATHER OR EMERGENCY, SO MAKE SURE WE HAVE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION SO WE CAN REACH YOU. Fees are fully refundable, if we have to cancel for some reason. For more info, visit our website at www.akvat.com Feel free to PM me with any questions you might have! We are located in a comfortable, homey log cabin at 2662 Wears Valley Road, Sevierville, TN 37862.
  12. I don't see any new threads on this, but there is a new range in Knoxville called Shoot Point Blank Range and Gun Shop. They are having give-aways of memberships, guns and stuff Fri-Sun (today). I went yesterday. It was a neat, clean, very friendly, safe and comfortable experience for all. Bring the wife and kids! I used the pistol range, it was great and there is always a friendly RSO present. There are lots of guns for sale in the store. From what I heard, they had a rush on Friday so supplies are a little low. They will be getting more in and also listening to what kinds of guns the locals want to buy so they can get a more specific selection in the store. Here is the address: Shoot Point Blank Range & Gun Shop 620 Corporate Point Way Knoxville, TN 37932 Shoot Point Blank Website Info
  13. Anyone attending the survivalists prepper and gunshow at the expo center in knoxville this weekend? https://rkshows.com/event/knoxville-tn-survival-expo-gun-show-9917/ Just wondered if its going to be more prepper than guns...?
  14. Who is going to the show at the Expo this weekend? I am planning to go, will be in a wheelchair, and am looking for a couple of guns in 44 caliber and a couple of different lever guns. Would be nice to meet some more of our great members!!
  15. Ladies only shooters gathering at 6:00p.m. at Stonehouse Pizza 1725 Walden's Creek Rd., Sevierville, TN. Please be sure to RSVP in advance so I know who is coming! Whether you are a seasoned female shooter or a woman who is just starting to think about getting a gun, come join us for camaraderie, food, fun and shooting related discussion! We are confident, but not boastful. We have fun, but do not gossip at someone elses expense. We can be beginners or Instructors or competitors. We can be professionals or college students. But we are all supportive of each other and our desire for increased confidence and independence. Stonehouse Pizza gives a 15% discount to anyone who has a carry permit! Awesome!!! (1725 Walden's Creek Rd, Sevierville, TN) If you ever go there on your own, mention that Andrea the NRA Instructor told you about his discount offer! In case of bad weather or lack of RSVPs, I reserve the right to cancel this Meetup. Please RSVP so I can contact you in case of a cancellation.
  16. who's going? do you think now that Trump is in that we shall see falling prices on AR parts?
  17. Just saw this article . Will have to go by and check it out. http://wate.com/2016/10/26/mom-and-pop-gun-store-opens-in-loudon/
  18. Anyone go? Any deals or same different day? Didn't want to pay just to walk around showing off my TGO shirt and tumbler. (though it is tempting)


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