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Carry Weapon #1

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  1. I have a New Carlson Heavyweight TSS .675 choke tube for the Mossberg M835 and M935. Its never been in a gun I bought it new and then sold the gun. This choke was the one that produced the most consistent patterns out of the other TSS variants. The choke may interchange with other shotguns but you will need to know that. Asking $40 obo.
  2. Anyone have a 3d printer, and have you tried printing one of these parts? It's to keep primers from jumping out of the ram, so you don't have to keep the primer attachment on the ram, if you prime off the press. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1972400
  3. Both online sellers have almost nothing available & prices are stupid. 9mm-41.5 Cents a round @ ammoman.
  4. So, I’m getting (re)acquainted with firearms a bit late in life; so I want to push forward with the greatest degree of efficiency I can. One training aid that has caught my attention is the Mantis X. Yes, there are plenty of reviews and videos out there, but most seem to be from people selling the product or reviewers who may or may not have received the product free or hold a possible bias. Upon review, I really only see one post on the subject here from, I think, 2018? I’m curious what real world experience some of you may have with this (or similar?) product over time? Have you seen tangible improvement from using the device? Does Mantis X noticeably improve your dry fire sessions? Has there been any value during professional training sessions in conjunction with Mantis X? What are the most beneficial things vs. what functions seem to be a waste of time with Mantis X?E2845304-D495-4A50-9BA6-1F9BF9F72B51.webp Can / should Mantis X be used while taking video of your target, since it doesn’t “know what you are aiming at”? I thank you for your time and experience! Also, if anyone knows a location in the Franklin / Nashville area that can do a demo, I’d be interested in checking this out.
  5. That looks like the going price these days................. Bill
  6. What is brass going for these days? I have a 5 gl jug full of 5.56 and 1 full of 7.62. Thinking of selling it but was looking to see what a fair price is first. Thanks guys
  7. Heads up, there was Blazer and Remington 9mm ammo at the Clarksville Rural King today. $10 something for 50 rounds of Blazer and $11 something for the Remington. Not a lot and will not be there long.
  8. SGAmmo, LuckyGunner, Ammoman…..No new orders, no availability. Things are really getting stupid.
  9. Can someone direct me to a source where I can get low cost 38spl caliber ammo in the Nashville, Franklin, Columbia area?
  10. Saw this morning that Widener’s Reloading/Shooting Supply had a fire here in Johnson City.. Looks pretty bad. Guessing between fire and water it is a complete loss but not said yet. https://www.wjhl.com/news/local/jcpd-crews-on-scene-of-fire-at-ammunition-building-on-west-market-street-traffic-being-diverted/
  11. I’m looking to get back into rifle reloading. I did the bulk pistol thing on a Dillon 550 when I was doing a lot of competitive shooting and just got sick of reloading. Once the word normalizes I plan to get a nicer single stage press to load rifle ammo. I’m really leaning heavily toward the Hornady Iron press but looking for some advice and recommendations. I would eventually get a trickle powder measure but would initially rely on manual powder dump. My main reason for the Hornady is to take advantage of the lock and load system.
  12. I’ve been talking about different aspects of reloading, presses, benches in other threads so I figured I’d start a new thread to show the product of those discussions. This one is 2’ deep by 3.5’ wide. I’d have preferred 4’ but space is limited and I feel like this gives me plenty of working space without being too large. Top is 3/4” MDF doubled to 1.5” thickness. Coated with about 7 coats of poly. I haven’t decided on what I’m going to do with the bottom “flooring” yet. More than likely just painted plywood. I just have to make it to the store. I built this mostly out of a recycled larger bench in the shop that stayed cluttered with junk. I had to buy a 4x4 for the legs and 2x10 for the shelves. It seems to be plenty heavy and I can’t move it with the rock chucker. I may eventually add smaller shelves within the top for die storage but for now I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. Once I get my Forster Co-Ax I’ll probably get an in-line mount so I can swap back and forth between them if needed.
  13. I couldn’t pass up a killer deal on a Rock Chucker Supreme while I’m waiting on my coax and am wondering if many of you Rock Chucker owners use the base plate they sale. I have no use to move the press once mounted and am mainly wondering if it helps to spread the load out more evenly across the desk. Having it properly mounted in the bench seems like it’d be enough.
  14. Fortunately I'm up early for a Steel Challenge match this A.M. and thought I'd check my email. Three hours ago [about 3:00 A.M.] I received an alert from "Freedom Munitions" they now have round nose, factory new, 115 grain in stock. At .43 cents a round pretty pricey but, what ya going to do, what if things continue and get worse? After my match today when I get home, I'm going to check and see if it's all sold out by then? Just a heads up. Edit: Sure nuff, they were sold out that afternoon. They did still have some 115 grain hollow points for 50 something cents a round though. Now every double tap I shoot I'll be thinking, dollar, dollar, dollar...
  15. Recently Picked up a Mossberg 20 ga shockwave and need to find some home defense shells for it. I was interested in Winchester PDX or similar, but seems all the local stores I checked were out of stock. Anyone know anywhere around the greater nashville area that has those? Or even a mail order place would work. DOnt need but a box or two. Or also interested in recommendations for other shells for this gun, only for in home defense.
  16. I stopped to get my tires rotated and balanced this morning at discount tire and thought I’d walk to Academy Sports to pick up some ammo if they had any. It was shortly after the 9 A.M. opening and boy were folks sprinting to the ammo isle. I swear one guy cut through the clothes section trying to beat another guy. Nothing really to say about it. Just though it was funny. People on there cell phones taking orders. Calling all there buddies with a panicked warning. I was able to pickup up 300 rounds of .45ACP and 200 9mm to play around with this weekend. I’ve been needing a good range day.
  17. We have guns, but many don’t have a simple BB or pellet gun. They can be useful for persuading critters off your property, training new shooter, or just plinking cans. I like it for setting my sights in the garage before i go shooting. If you own a 22, you can have both with Aguila Colibri 420fps ammo. I made a video to show the primer only round (no gunpowder) that has a simple pellet tip. Standard bb guns shoot 390 to 590 fps. Pellet guns shoot around 720 fps. No gunpowder means not a firearm .
  18. I posted this down in the deal finder section but decided to throw it up here too. Graf & Sons has a pretty good selection of powder right now. https://www.grafs.com/retail/catalog/category/categoryId/3500
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  19. Just a heads up for anyone wanting large rifle primers. Midsouth shooter supply has CCI and Federal magnum primers for less that $0.04 each. Passing the info along.
  20. Guys, I have recently come across a large volume of 125gr .357 diameter bullets that are not that much longer overall than the length of some 125gr .356 diameter bullets I am running normally in 9mm. Has anyone ever tried .357 in 9mm reloads? I've read on the internet that it's fine as long as the length of the bullet isn't too long as to mess with your COL. I've blown up one gun too many doing dumb things so I'm gonna refer to the great minds of TGO for advice.
  21. I know ya'll are thinking right now I'm 80 years old. Herco is pretty much a forgotten powder. But, I have bunch of it and it burns a little slower than Unique, so I wanna use it in 9mm loads. Has anybody used it in 9mm? I've loaded over a thousand .38's and .357 Magnums with it.
  22. Found some 9mm Blackwater ammo locally and was wondering if anybody has used it. Looks like good ammo just never heard anything about it. Thanks
  23. Hi guys I was looking for a 9mm die set and looks like Christmas 2021 maybe. I found a used set, but I don't think they are carbide. If I am not planning on loading a pickup truck load of 9mm's do you think non carbide ones will do the trick?? Thanks Mac
  24. Some of them are known and/or obvious to me (hollow point), other's not so much? What's the point to all the _____ they're doing to bullets these days? I mean besides moving more product. Specifically to my Sunday problem, I'm shopping for more reloading bullets at Berry's bullets (berrysmfg.com). I have a few boxes of their 124 gr round-nose 9mm plated target bullet, have used it for a few years, works just fine for me (I carry w/ 124 gr gold dot, so want to practice with similar). But I noticed now they've got flat-nosed, and several with a large empty cavity at the back of the bullet (vs. the typical boat-tail style I see and am familiar with its purpose in rifle rounds). They also carry a 'target hollow point'...huh? Thick plate vs. thin plate? Whycome? I always bought the round-nosed practice rounds because they were supposed to feed better. Liked it better when I only had 2 choices, LOL! I was just going to order another couple boxes of the usual, but curious about the purpose or purported benefit to the added features I'm seeing in the marketplace. Product description doesn't list a reason for the feature. Thanks. - K
  25. They are from 1990 so I can’t find any info. Box doesn’t say. I don’t have a magnet handy. expandable thumbs:


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