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Everything posted by NRA

  1. [quote name='G27ATT' timestamp='1352584205' post='843287'] I would want to stop active rust. For my own piece of mind, I'd absolutely take the action out. Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk 2 [/quote] I see we can agree on something. yup what G27ATT said break it down and if it has any shims just take note of them. I found some active rust that I feel better about after some corrective maneuvers.
  2. very nice. the scope matches the rifle even sweeter. How does the bore clean up?
  3. are we still feeding this troll?
  4. [quote name='Tempest455' timestamp='1352507870' post='842796'] You beat me to it! [/quote] yup by 3 hours and 36 minutes
  5. I wonder if he told his wife "dont you leave till you see me"
  6. NRA

    We're Screwed

    good one
  7. On his commercials I was thinking his wife may be a he, she seems more manly than he does.
  8. get all the above and more ammo
  9. seem kinda small to be man feet
  10. [url="http://www.bbb.org/chicago/business-reviews/guns-and-gunsmiths/r-guns-in-carpentersville-il-27003843"]http://www.bbb.org/c...lle-il-27003843[/url] Rguns was brought up as a "better" place to buy a 91/30 sniper Rguns = bad news
  11. [quote name='dou44' timestamp='1352062246' post='839016'] they are real snipers reworked after the war and put into storage.check out the gunboards forum about them. [/quote] GB is one of the best places for info on surplus weapons
  12. just check only 10 left
  13. I just recieved one from Classic and they ARE the real deal. On another military surplus forum they are all the buzz from some very informed collectors. I would say get one soon wial they last, at last report less than 20 remained.
  14. [quote name='frankmako' timestamp='1351897345' post='837992'] i got some once on another gun forum. they stay we me for a year. but i was still right no matter what the mods thought. [/quote] was it GB. by any chance?
  15. you have been a good boy
  16. your bugger finger IS the safety
  17. NRA

    New ink

    looks great and thanks for your service
  18. are they not only allowed one child in China? Oh well better luck next time
  19. iI hope it was not this video
  20. But ............ I am the one thats 48?
  21. kinda catchy, I must admit it was not bad "watch me walk like a zombay"
  22. "For example it is OK IMHO to point a gun that has been checked and rechecked by all parties involved at a person with a camera to get a movie/still for some purpose" Dont tell that to Bruce Lee
  23. do not worry about the test, if you fail it you really have no reason to ever carry. It is so easy even a caveman could pass it.
  24. This has to be a joke


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