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About shane_huskey
- Birthday 09/14/1982
Profile Information
Knoxville, TN
U.S. Army
Handgun Carry Permit
Law Enforcement
Carry Weapon #1
Carry Weapon #2
shane_huskey's Achievements

Just Getting Started (2/5)
I agree Howler, and I think that is what I'm going to do. The ORSA President sent me an email yesterday evening apologizing for the email that I received and gave all the information that I orginally asked for in a very detailed email. At this point, I do plan on at least trying it for a year.
I talked with a guy yesterday evening that is a member on here and a member at ORSA that asked me to forward the email traffic to him. He also asked me if I was okay with him forwarding the email to the ORSA club president, which I told him was fine. Like I said earlier, I am going to check into going up there and seeing what it is like. From what you all have said, I think I would probably enjoy it.
Thanks for the information. I'm going to check with some people I know to see if they are members, so I can go take a tour. One more question and I should be through asking. The secretary told me in an email that they didn't need assholes like me in their club. I didn't respond as I felt that it wouldn't do any good to argue with him, but my question is, would it effect me any as far as getting a membership if I decided to, especially since what he said was completely unwarranted? If I was asked about it when I applied for membership, I could show the email and I am sure that anyone that read it would agree that what he said wasn't warranted. And that is actually the whole reason I was asking if it was an actual position or just some random guy to answer emails is because I was wanting to know if he had any control over people getting accepted for membership.
Well, that is somewhat disheartening based on the email conversation that I had with him/her. I am still interested in going and seeing ORSA now that you all have told me what makes it worth the $120/year.
Thanks for the responses. That's the exact type of information I was looking for. The response I got from the email address on the website almost made me not even ask on here and just write it off, but I'm glad I did ask. Let me ask one more question. The email address on the website goes to the ORSA secretary. Is that a "held" position or is it more like they needed someone to answer emails and the first guy with a computer got appointed?
[quote name='gjohnsoniv' timestamp='1352829348' post='844870'] I think ORSA is definitely worth the price increase. [/quote] I was kindof hoping for specific reasons. $120/year is a good chunk of change, so I was hoping for some actual information. What makes it worth $120/year to one person may be a non-issue to another. I guess what I'm getting at is are there actually things of substance like better ranges, better targets etc. or is it more like the grass is greener, the gravel roads are better and the trash cans are closer. The reason I ask is because that's exactly how the indoor ranges are. One range will charge twice as much because they have paint on the walls instead of cinder blocks.
Is anyone here a member at ORSA? I had recently thought about joining, but wanted to find out if it is worth $120/year. I have been a member of Norris Watershed for some time now and like the $40/year price tag a lot better, but was just wanting to know if any members here could give me any information on whether or not ORSA is worth the increased price. I sent an email to the address on the website, but got a pretty disappointing answer.
I have a Gen4 27 with Pearce extensions on the 9rd mags that came with it. All of my extended magazines have a GLOCK +2 extension on them. I haven't shot a 26, but the 27 is fine without the extensions. The only reason I bought them was after about 100 rounds or so, the extensions help with hand fatigue. If you aren't planning on popping through hundreds of rounds at a range session, they aren't needed. I was just as accurate with only 2 fingers on the grip as I was with the full grip as are most of the people I know or have heard from regarding the extensions.
I had a BiTone XDm .40 3.8 compact and it was a hell of a gun. Was fun to shoot, felt good in my hand, never had a problem with it and it was damn sexy. Yes I said had, I sold it. Let me tell you why. 1) Grip safety. Although it never caused a problem, I just feel that it is unnecessary and has the potential to cause a problem one day i.e. emergency weak hand draw, which would either result in shooting upside down (next to impossible with the grip safety) or taking the time to secure the weapon between your legs or under your arm or something then regaining a right side up grip (which even with practice takes way too long). This can be fixed many different ways such as glue, a grip sleeve, grip tape, rubber band etc. but is still unnecessary. Or what if the grip safety breaks (I haven't heard any reports of it, but it is a possibility). I just don't think it is necessary and could have been left off. 2) One of the best things about an XDm is that they are a damn good copy of a GLOCK which means they feel really similar but are just different enough to not want to be switching back and forth from my GLOCKs. Same thing with the M&Ps, good guns, just too similar to a GLOCK without offering enough to make me want to switch. None of the GLOCK copies on the market offer something revolutionary enough to make me want to switch, so although they are all good guns, I think I'll stick with what I have. That being said, if neither of those issues bother you, I think you will be more than happy with an XDm. Edit: I just realized that I still have that XDm as my avatar picture.... going to have to change that to something else since it is gone.
It's a photoshop of a Spartan1911. I came across the same picture on a Glock forum that I'm a member of.
I found it under premium memberships, lunarpowered but thanks for the help. I'm not sure if I am ready to join a forum as a premium member right now, so I may try some other route to sell it. But once again, thanks raflomo and lunarpowered for the information.
Oh. Alright, I'll go check to see how much that is.
How many posts do you have to have to be allowed to post something in the classified section? I get a message saying I don't have permission to post. I can obviously post here, so I figured there was a new user post limit on the classified section.
So, a couple weeks ago, I realized that I was getting short on target ammo and decided it would be a good time to go ahead and grab a few more boxes. I stopped by Wal-mart b/c I normally use WWB (USA45AVP) for my cheap target ammo as it is 32.97/100 at Wal-mart, but they were out. Checked back a few days after that and still none. Started calling around to various Wal-marts in my area and they were all out. One guy even offered a story along the lines of Winchester didn't want Wal-mart to sell their WWB b/c Winchester wanted to raise the price but Wal-mart was unwilling or something like that. I decided to check online and found a couple of places, but shipping made it pretty outragous. Finally I called Gander Mountain and they said they had 15 boxes, but they were 59.99/100. I asked them if they price matched, they said yeah, I said I'm on my way. When I got there, the young girl working up front called Wal-mart and the employee quoted a price of 27.79 which works out even better. I ended up buying all 9 boxes that were on the shelf and asked if they had more in the back, lol. Right about that time, the manager? on duty came up front and said that they couldn't price match Wal-mart b/c Wal-mart's prices were too low. She agreed to let me have my ammo since I had already paid for it but said that she wouldn't do it in the future. I asked the cashier if she was going to get in trouble or anything and if she was she could just refund them and I would put them back on the shelf, but she said not to worry about it, so I got 900 rounds of WWB .45 ACP for right around $275. Just thought that was worth sharing.
I agree with the point made by a few in here, and disagree with many others. I think the "You are ignorant if you even think about the words alcohol and firearm in the same lifetime" viewpoint is about as ignorant as it gets. No, you should not plan on going out and drinking when you are planning on handling firearms, but where did anyone ask that? The question was is it illegal to have a drink while carrying your gun. As far as I remember, carrying a firearm is one of many ways to express your freedom. Is being able to freely have a beer or two with friends also not doing the exact same thing? Quit being so quick to look down on someone just because they enjoy their freedom differently than you do. That being said, the TCA has been quoted in here and it clearly states that while at a public establishment, regardless of whether you are allowed to carry a firearm there or not, it is unlawful to drink an alcoholic drink. It has also been brought up that you can leave your weapon in your vehicle since it is your personal property. Keep in mind that if your car is on the establishment’s property and they don't allow weapons, you are not allowed to have a weapon in your vehicle because it is on their property. Although it is not legal for them to search your car, they can ask you to move it if they suspect a gun in your vehicle and if you refuse, they can have you towed off of their property. Also, if it made it that far, the cops would probably be called by the manager of the establishment. But that is all a different topic; I actually stated this paragraph to show my disgust with the current law stating that you cannot drink while carrying. I agree more with the other state's laws citing that it is not unlawful to carry while drinking unless you become intoxicated, not necessarily based on BAC but at public discretion (most likely by a police officer). I pose a scenario that perhaps should be thought about. I, being a law abiding citizen and TN HCP holder, decide to go riding around with a few friends. We are all on motorcycles and decide to stop in for a rest at a bar. While at this bar, all of us being over the legal drinking limit, decide we would like to have a cold beer while we cool off from the heat. Under the current law, we could leave our weapons on our bikes (which may or may not have storage, lockable storage is even more rare) or we could just not drink. My options have been reduced to leaving my handgun unsecured on my motorcycle, or not being allowed to have a beer. Keep in mind, we are on motorcycles (and are responsible motorcycle riders), so none of us are planning on drinking any more than one or two and remaining far from the legal intoxication limit. I feel that in stating that you can only exercise a right under certain conditions that is in fact infringement. Yes this applies to other rights also such as you can say whatever you want as long as you aren’t stepping on someone else’s toes, but it is still in fact infringing upon one’s rights. Just my opinion, sorry about the long post.