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Everything posted by Ernest.T.Bass

  1. Ernest.T.Bass

    My AR Build

    How is the Rabbi?
  2. Ernest.T.Bass

    Sig P228?

    +1 on Buds
  3. It would make a nice paper weight or use to weight down the sack if drowning kittens.
  4. If I buy one - it will have the thumb safety.
  5. I bought a 4006 from them-I would buy from them again.
  6. Keltec P-11 with a 12 rd mag, trigger shoe and a frame clip.
  7. You did the right thing.
  8. I wanted new Glock 26. Instead I got out the 12 round magazines for my magazines Keltec P-11 and added the belt clip back. It' not a Glock-but I saved $450
  9. Did he shoot somebody?
  10. To the Rabbi? Has anyone heard from him?
  11. Ernest.T.Bass

    S&W 5906

    The 04 models in Smith 3rd Gen Autos general sell a little cheaper. If you have access to access to a media blaster-there is no way you can screw up a finish on an 06. Just blast it. Myself-I am not a fan of shiny guns. I prefer the 04 models.
  12. It think it tore something......
  13. Ernest.T.Bass

    S&W 5906

    5903 is stainless slide with matching silver finish hard anodized alloy frame. 5904 is carbon blued slide with black finish hard anodized alloy frame.
  14. I don't own one ( I do have a 4006) and have not shot one-but I think a 4004 or 4003 (Same gun with alloy frame) would be just about the perfect full size pistol for car/truck/nightstand use. The power of the .40 is reasonable unquestioned. The Smiths have a great double trigger pull. You can disable it with a kid in the house by removing the magazine. Used magazines are availible. Smith stands behind their products. They are so reliable they are boring. I could go on and on. And oh yeah-I almost forgot. It's not a Glock.
  15. It is one of my favorite autos.
  16. More pics of the 10/22 with the peep sight.
  17. How does it compare in size to a Smiff 5903 or a Glock 19?
  18. More of the kitchen table gunsmithing story
  19. My interest in my Ruger 10/22 was recently rekindled when I was scratching through a junk drawer and found the receiver sight from my 10/22. The carbine was a present for I believe my 10th birthday or so (sometime around 1976 or 1777). I absolutely loved that gun. I was also in love with M1 Garands. So the next best thing was a set of Williams Receiver sights for my Ruger. I mail ordered them from some catalog company and it came with two apertures. The OEM front sight was just barely tall enough with rear in its lowest position. I figured out that if I removed the bead and filed the sides flat it would work out about right. Hey-not bad gunsmithing for a 11 or 12 year old kid! So I recently found the old Williams sight. I decided I needed to find a good proper front sight so I hit the Williams Web sight and found a 1/16 in. Gold bead that should fit the bill. I found that Midway had that and some other stuff I wanted in stock. While I was at it I got a smaller target type aperture with a .050 hole. I had one of the ATI Dragonuv type stocks and some sort of Chinese scope I had wound up with in a trade. I ditched that setup and found the original stock in the closet. The barrel band was in bad shape. I had broken it at one point and my cousin had welded/heliarced it back. It wasn't that bad, but I made a call to Ruger anyway. I got a spare magazine and some scope mount hole filler screws while I was at it. A brass drift punch did not take of the front sight on my first attempt. I had to do a little hand fitting with a small triangular file. I found some CB Caps and spent some time in the back yard sighting the rig in. I still love this gun. Here are some pictures so you can join me in stroll down memory lane to when I was 10 years old.
  20. Ernest.T.Bass

    Keltec P-11

    I had a couple of different p11s until I settled on a black frame with parkerized upper. I did send it back for a trigger reset issue (after I dropped it). Kel-Tec customer service is FANTASTIC. They installed steel guide rod, polished feed ramp, and put in an 8.5 trigger spring at NO COST just by asking. I've had the pistol about 10 years or so. I have never had a FTE, FTF, etc. For the money-you would be hard pressed to buy equal reliability and firepower. ETB
  21. Can anyone recommend a good online-mail order vendor for bulk 22LR purchase? Me and a buddy want to split 5000 rds.
  22. it would have to be something Smith chambers in a J Frame
  23. What kind of airbrush did you use? Will a HVLP rig work?
  24. Sorry-there I go again livin in the past. I was thinking of the days when a S&W Model 10 Cop Gun (Trade-In) was $175 or $200. I do think that used Cop guns are the best value for home defense whether it is a revolver or self loader (5906, 4006, Sigma, etc.)
  25. Take your $500 and buy two used service revolvers that are equally as functional as the XD-but can be used by anyone in a pinch. Ruger or S&W 4in 38sp or 357 mag will do just fine. Plus they are used-they are already fully depreciated and will not loose any value. They should appreciate 6 to 10 percent a year. So you will get protection and an investment. The xd is just passion for firearms.


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