People on Welfare, disability and food stamps have grown by double digits since Obama took office. Reports are normally between 30 and 45 percent. If these people didn't vote for Obama before, most probably did, they surely will now. More than likely immigration reform will be pushed through before 2016. That will add a lot of liberal votes to the base.
The only hope I see is if the young voters, and their are lots of them, get some sense about them, and start paying attention to what the dems are doing to them due to the raping Obamacare sent their way, finally realizing they are gonna have to pay for these debt limit increases, and they can talk some sense into momma and daddy about the evils of the liberal model......whew!!! THEN we might have a chance.
But then, if the RINOS don't get sent home, right is still gonna be left of center!!!