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Everything posted by vaiger

  1. There is a guy around manchester that has them also. I think i paid $85 IIRC. They are great. I use mine at the barn as a rain barrel and then water animals with it. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  2. I just bought the Grizzly Razor Sharp System a couple of weeks ago and I love it. It was only $35. http://www.grizzly.com/products/8-Razor-Sharp-System/G5937 The two wheels mount on a 6" bench grinder. One wheel has an abrasive grit. The other wheel is used with white rouge. I sharpened about 15 knives to razor sharp in about 10 minutes. We process our own chickens, turkeys, etc. and I have never had a very efficient knife sharpening system that I was happy with. I did okay with diamond hones, etc. but it slowed me down on processing day to take a break and sharpen knives. I am incredibly happy with the Grizzly system and I wish I had bought it years ago.
  3. I live in murfreesboro and have found it is much faster to drive to shelbyville for all things DMV. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  4. The appleseed event is a lot of fun. I took my boys (ages 10 and 12) and we had a blast. The day we went it was 106 degrees and I never heard one complaint from them. I expected it to be an iron sight event, but when I went, the mix of iron sights and scopes was probably 50/50. On a stock 10/22, the auto bolt release, extended mag release, tech sights, a GI sling and two spare mags would have you setup for appleseed. If it is your first event, make sure you take a shooting mat, carpet remnant or something like that becuase you will spend alot of time on the ground. It was kind of funny when I went. I have had my 10/22 for 20 years with never a hiccup. They started the day with a shooting drill to get a baseline of skill levels and my extractor broke on my third shot. One of the instructors loaned me his 10/22 to use for the rest of the day. Great guys running the Appleseed events.
  5. Yeah, i hear you. My existing barn is dirt floor and open ends. Everything gets pretty nasty. We will definitly concrete most of what we are doing. One area will be closed off and have a dirt floor for horses but the rest will have concrete floor. Did you build it yourself or have it built? Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  6. Thanks, guys. The wood will be reclaimed. The old barn is huge and we were surprised to learn that companies will tear it down, leave us with a clear site and pay us cash. I will probably keep a few pieces to maybe build a farm table out of her something. I am glad to hear about Walt's buildings. That is actually 1 of the 2 companies that I have a quote from. I was hoping to hear from someone who had a good experience with them. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  7. I am looking to tear down my old 100 year barn and build a pole barn style metal building. The new barn would be 54x40 and would be a raised center aisle style barn wiht metal sides and metal roof. There are a ton of metal companies out there selling everything from DIY kits to turnkey packages. I am pretty sure I am going to want to have the structure built for me and then I will just do concrete, electric and plumbing. Have any of you had a metal pole barn built? If so, any recommendations on who to go with?
  8. I thought the issue was whether the .45 spontaneously evolved from the 9mm or whether each gun had a creator. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  9. Many thanks to Dolomite for posting this thread and for answering several PM questions about construction. I had been looking at various plans for deep well hand pumps. I have a second well on my property that is not in use and I thought that would be a great option for watering some trees, as well as providing a source of water in the event of a power outage. The pump was very easy to assemble and we used it this morning. We pumped 25 gallons in 5 minutes and it required very little effort. If you build one, use 3/4 PVC instead of 1" on the inner rod. The 1" couplings will not fit inside of the outer casing so we had to use 3/4". Our well has a 6" casing and a 6" PVC cap with a 1.5" hole drilled through it worked great in place of the old well cap. Thanks again Dolomite.
  10. I like my kayak more but generally canoe if fishing with a buddy or paddling with my kids. We found ours on sale at academy and they were quite reasonable. The twra website has great maps that show where you can put in on various rivers along with mile markers so you can plan your trip. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  11. Try craigslist. There is a hatchery in franklin that advertises there. If you don't see it, pm me and i will dig out the contact info. I bought broilers and turkeys from them and they have done great. Before this year i always just ordered online. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  12. The Leatherman Skeletool CX will likley be my next one. I bought a few for graduation presents and really wished I had picked up one for myself. It is about the size of a pocket knife, has a pocket knife style clip on it or it can be carried by a built in carabiner style clip. It has more of a "knife" feel than any other multi tool I have owned.
  13. "Waiting for Superman" is a good documentary on our public school system. Netflix has it. It also shows what can be done, even in the poorest school districts when unions and bureaucrats are out of the way. Since you have time to kill before TWD returns....... Oh, and i won't express an opinion on BHO and that way i can bail you guys out when you get arrested. Think of me as the designated poster for the evening. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  14. I just shot cci quiet's last week. I was looking for cci cb but found these instead. They really were about as quiet as my pellet gun. I hope to try them out on my barn rats soon. Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  15. The way to make a small fortune in the TWH business is to start with a large fortune... Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  16. Im interested. I built a small propane forge recently and my son and i are trying to learn. Thanks for putting this together! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  17. I saw this video and loved it. I thought I would share it with you guys. I have lots of barn rats and enjoy popping a couple at night with a 10/22. The problem is that the tactical light and/or the gunshot will cause the others to hide. I was thinking I needed a suppressor and NV, but after seeing this, it looks like a good pellet gun and a used Sony Handycam might be a cheaper option. I am thinking this might even be more fun than shooting carpenter bees (killed two of those today by the way). Here is the link
  18. Why buy a 350-400 gun with a lifetime warranty when you can spend twice that and only have a marginal warranty with some other brands? All kidding aside, I don't own one, but I have strongly considered a PT-145 because they are so cheap at Academy and CDNN. I will probably snatch one up one of these days. The only Taurus I ever had was a .357 and it was a great handgun. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  19. That surprises me. I know many pharmacists and never heard of one being out of work or having a hard time finding a job at a great salary. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  20. Finally got around to making my .38 carpenter bee loads. Man, that was fun. We live in a log house and I absolutely hate those bees. On Saturday, I was supposed to be doing some work outside but I was too consumed with shooting those bees. I killed 15 my first day and I continue to pop a few each night. Now, to figure out a good remedy for barn rats. I am thinking night vision and a can for my 10/22.....
  21. vaiger


    If you buy the furniture while in NC and take posession of it in NC (i.e. load it up in your truck to take it home), that is a NC sale subject to NC tax. If you instead have it shipped to you, NC will most likely not charge you tax and you would pay the TN tax instead. TN has had some voluntary disclosure agreements in the past where they encouraged folks to come forward, start filing and just pay tax and interest for three or four years in exchange for waiver of penalty and closing the statute on older tax years. I haven't seen a VDA program for consumer use tax and I suspect there won't be one. For most folks, the amounts of sales tax we are talking about are immaterial in the grand scheme of things. I would hope the TN DOR would not send an auditor to camp out at your house for three days to collect sales tax on $1,500 of purchases. I think if you start filing now that you know, that is a very good start toward being in compliance. If you are worried about older years and want advice, send me a pm. I am a CPA in public accounting and I am somewhat familiar with TN sales tax issues (although that is not the primary focus of my practice). I am not soliciting business, but I would be happy to give you some general thoughts if the matter causes you concern.
  22. vaiger


    +1. Try driving across state lines and buying $2,000 worth of furniture in NC and having it shipped to your home in TN. Many people have done this and then they get a sales tax bill in the mail from TN for the "use" tax. They are pretty good about catching use tax in certain industries, but most folks don't even know it exists. The use tax applies to both businesses and individuals. If you buy a car, boat or motorcycle that needs tags, you will get hit for the sales tax when you title it. Other purchases you make online are no different, you just have not been caught. There was a streamline sales tax project that TN was trying to adopt along with many other states that were in a multi state tax compact, but that failed. That project would have caused more businesses to collect sales tax on out of state purchases, but there are just too many taxing jurisdictions with too many different rates and rules for it to work efficiently. Filing the TN Comsumer Use Tax return starts your 3 year statute of limitations for examination and additional tax assessment, so you really should consider filing to limit yourself to 3 years of exposure. If they were to audit you and you have not filed a return, they are not limited to assessing tax for only three years. What if they audit and you don't have records going back beyond three years? That's okay, they just average what you owe for known years and assess that tax for years in which you don't have records. For businesses, if you fail to file a requried return (Gross Receipts tax for example), the TN Dept of Revenue just makes up a huge number ($1,833 for example) and sends you a bill for that to get your attention. You can respond by paying their assessment, or more commonly, by freaking out and immediately mailing a correct return for the $46 you really owe. I could see them doing something like this for individuals one day as the state struggles to bring in additional tax revenues. Also, contrary to popular belief, TN does have an income tax. It is just a tax on certain items of income (certain interest, dividends, s-corporation distributions, etc). If my investment company mailed me a letter and reminded me of my responsibility to file the TN income tax return and pay tax on my dividends, I would not consider that to be a retroactive tax. If you have a business, pay attention to the TN Unclaimed property rules as that could be a huge area of exposure as well. Many companies have paid huge amounts of unclaimed property tax due to sloppy bookkeeping rather than having true unclaimed property. Again, filing a return starts your statute of limitations which is a good thing. Yeah, it stinks to have to go through your records and figure out what items you owe use tax on every year, but it is the law. I did not mind Amazon's email to remind me to pay tax on purchases that I already knew I owed tax on. Man, I really hate to pay taxes, but one good thing about the law is that if everyone were to abide by it, it would eliminate an unfair advantage for out of state businesses and encourge more folks to buy local.
  23. I tried everything to catch a possum that was eating my chickens. I could not get him into a live trap with any of the traditional baits. An old farmer lady told me to use a honey bun. So 14 dead chickens later, I use the honeybun and the next day there he is. We have probably caught 15 of them on honey buns in a live trap. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
  24. I will be there looking to score some beef jerky, paracord and gutter guards :-) all kidding aside, I do enjoy the murfreesboro show as much as any in middle tn. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
  25. Yeah, I have checked out that site over the past few weeks and learned much. I have welding gloves, face shield and all the safety gear (Except a good respirator)....although I did not do as well with keeping my gear on today. I will do better next time.


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