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Everything posted by alwayspackin

  1. It can be reduced but it takes allot of work. The long travel, as said before acts as a safety on that gun. A good trigger job (PORT AND POLISH) will help allot. It will become much easier and smooth as silk. This is something you can do yourself will a dremel, polish compound and polishing wheel.
  2. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not really the advice we are looking for at TGO. Please make every attempt to give advice that WON'T land someone in jail for following it. Thanks! and welcome to TGO!
  3. No, it would fall threw at the hearing. That is if you played your cards right. You would have to argue that you didn't plan on drinking when you left the house. You attorney would have to show that you took every step possible to abid by the law. Most officers would only pull something like that if you where acting stupid, which happens alot.
  4. I guess if I would have read the description better I would know where you got it from.
  5. Nice pistol! Where did you get it at?
  6. :death:I will pay anyone that can make me one of those. My grass my finally be protected from the neighborhood kids after all.
  7. Why wouldn't you carry to a job interview? You never know when you are going to need your weapon. You might have to save the interviewers live from some angry employee. Say the guy you are replacing. Now you have the job.
  8. I have seen a few guys carry big hand cannons. They look really cool and intimidating. But I believe in the eyes of a jury you would really have to put up a good fight to justify why you carried it. The S&W 500 is a nice looking gun. I wish I had one.
  9. Nice rifle. I love the old carbines.
  10. If you had a weapon taken, I am sure it was for a good reason. All LEO'S should know the law. If it was taken into custody you will have to have a court order to get it back. The LEO should have given you a citation with a court date on it. That is when you go and plead your case. The officer will have to be there. And yes the judge will probably ask you all kinds of questions. He has a legal duty to make sure you are fit to have the weapon returned. Mistakes do happen but sometimes it is in the best interest of all the parties involved, including the POLICE. Most people never try to get there weapon back due to the hassle involved.
  11. I have fixed over dozens of triggers on the s&w lately. The s&w link is a good started. The best thing to do is to remove the inner spring in the sear. Polish all the contact parts, trigger bar and etc. Other words do a trigger job on the gun. The trigger is made strong for a reason. This gun was intended to be a CCW gun. Do not change the fireing pin spring. This could cost you your live some day. A good trigger job and removal of the inner spring will make it around 4 to 5 pounds. Use Glock 23 parts for all mods if you decide to change anything else. PM me for detailed instuctions.
  12. alwayspackin

    Kel-Tec pf-9

    Fire 200 rounds threw it and then give it a fluff and buff. Alot of the parts on all the kel-tecs I have owned have all had to be polished. After a good trigger job the gun will shot anything you put threw it. Mine has had every kind of ammo threw it and only choked ounce, which was my error.
  13. :cool:Walmart is still the lowest price of everybody after you pay shipping. I have tried every place I can find and nobody can bet walmart as far as practice ammo goes.
  14. I can tell you by experience that replacing the firing pin spring is not the best option. I have done trigger jobs on several s&w 9mm and 40s. There is an extra spring that needs to be removed and a few parts that need to be polished. You can get the trigger pull down to about 4 pounds after doing this. The trigger was made extra strong after Glock sued them. This gun was intended to be a cc gun. When you change the firing pin spring you increase the risk of a jam. What good is a jammed gun when you’re DEAD? Don't play runlet with your life. That firing pin spring matches the gun perfectly. Look at the M&P and glock. Compare what the differences are. The big difference in the S&W VE's is the extra spring. The parts on the inside were tumbled and not polished like the parts in the M&P and other guns with lighter trigger pulls.
  15. :mad:I Waited 4 months for my HCP. Called almost every day the last two months. They knew me well by the time it was over. I heard every excuse under the sun. Finger prints not back, background check not back, will have to call you back, something must be wrong with yours and the best yet, can you send us your certificate again. That’s when I said no and started calling everybody I could. Emailed everybody on there web sites complaint list. Those people are idiots.......... I have a background check done every 6 months at a minimum. What are those idiots doing down there?


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