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Everything posted by alwayspackin
Doesn’t anybody know how to use landmines? Heat censored machineguns (if there is such a thing)? Something!! Another good example that Americans need to find there nuts. American is going to .
People don’t care about the holster. They only scream murderer when they see the gun. Those damn bleeding hearts. Someday they will wont there staff to have weapons. We as humans learn by experience not by the bleeding heart written orders.
Joe, Why would you recommend the notorious awful On Target? Those are the most arrogant people in the business. Well except for one other place in Franklin. People only go there because they don't have any other chose. Every local gun forum has a thread on this place and nobody has given them a good review yet.
A 5/7 was tested and proven by the FBI. It was tested as an armor piercing pistol and does have a proven record at doing that. It also stopped in the body very quickly. Not my first chose. But I do believe I might be able to get use one. As far as not shooting when someone else is around! Some people need to get to know there guns and there ammo. I know exactly what all of my guns will do and how all of my ammo handles. If you don't understand that you need more practice. Go to pull apart and get windows and etc. Practice shooting everything you can find. The highways are a great place to start looking. Make a jelly head if you would like. Go to the bowling alley and get there old pins. Just do something rather than shoot at a paper target all day. Train for the worst case scenario and you will always be prepared. Train for an attack on a paper man and prepare to die!
Make it bigger and easier to read and I am in for a few.
Section c is just a little bit more specific. It probably came about when someone got caught with a gun in there car and they where just picking up there kid. The last sentence talks about if the weapon is contained in the vehicle. Contained can mean different things to different people. To most LEOS it means locked in a box out of reach. In the trunk or behind the seat, not under the drivers seat or locked in the console or the glove box. But its kind of a gray area. Most local school systems have a policy on this that forbids staff or students of even bringing a weapon onto the property. I usual leave my weapon in my vehicle (at home I mean) anytime I enter the school. But my back up weapon never leaves me. I just can't get it to go away. Hint hint!! Notice that I said usually. If you go looking for trouble it might just find you. Never run above the radar always go below it if possible.
I would definitely recommend a lockbox. A school has the right to search any vehicle on there property at any time. Let’s just look at this example: What if they were going a drug check and the dog accidentally hit on her car. They would then search that vehicle and find the gun under the seat or where ever it is unsecured. She would be fired for bringing a weapon on school property. But if it was in a locked box they might not act on it (you hope). The bottom line is: Is it worth taking the chance of getting fired over? They don't and can’t discriminate staff, visitors or students, as far as the law is concerned. The law is the law and I never said it was right but it is what it is. Piece of mind is worth a million dollars.
Everyone is correct. Use a hairdryer and a dremel. I have had to do this to a couple of fobus holsters. My P-11 only needed a like dremel touch but my glock 22 needed a hairdryer and a dremel. They got both of them in a trade but would not buy one unless it was cheap.
I have also had a problem with Wal-Mart’s Winchester .22 ammo. I thought it was the gun for the first 200 rounds. I finally gave up and bought a generic brand and then a box of Remington and have not had any problems since. Gave the Winchester brand away to a guy I new I would never see again. LOL.
Informing a LEO that your carrying, at a traffic stop
alwayspackin replied to a topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I am more than thankful when someone informs me first thing that they have a CCW permit and a weapon on them. Once I run there license and find out that they didn't tell me, then it is a different story. People look at this in different ways. I believe that everybody should have a CCW permit and carry there weapon 24/7. These thugs need to be stopped in there tracks. You can't rely on someone else to protect you 24/7. -
It does have a hammer on the gun. But the hammer spring has to be modified or weakened so to speak to lower the trigger pull. When this is done this allows the hammer to fly back very easy. The hammer mechanism on this gun acts as the sear does on a glock. The hammer spring is the only spring inside this gun. This is just the way kel-tec's where designed. They are not glocks. I carry a p-11 with me all the time. I trust my life with it. Yes, I have done a little work to the inside. Say a fluff and buff as some call it. It shoots a 145 grain bullet very well. I have fired approximately 1000 rounds threw it. I shoot it every time I go to the range.
You all are correct. As long as it is not over 4 inches and does not automatically open all the way then it isn't illegal. It can have a spring assist but can not open fully. Allot of the knives on the market are for police and fire only. And allot of things aren't legal but you can buy them. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in the eyes of a judge.
You can make it have a 4lb trigger pull if you would like. Just go to the ket-tek website and go to work. But, I must warn you. Be prepared to shoot yourself. The first time you drop it will go boooommmm!!! The stiff trigger is the safety on this gun. Several guns are made this way for the reason of being a CCW. A good polishing on the guts will do wonders for this weapon. All of kel-teks parts are tumbled instead of polished. This leaves them a little rough.
If someone does go for your gun, you would be justified in killing the SOB. The key word here is that you feared for your life. You would have to answer several questions a 100 times over and over but that is just how it is. Some people carry a knife on there weak side for protection in a situation as this. But I can tell you, that opening a knife is a fine motor skill that is lost in the heat of the moment. If you do take your mind off your gun you will be dead. This is were you must know some kind of martial arts. There are allot of moves that can be used to retain your weapon and kill the SOB. You just have to figure out one that works for you and practice it a few times. The way you train and prepare for a situation is the way you will act in the heat of the moment. Mental preparation plays a big part in survival. I could go on and on. Prepare and prepare some more.
In the past I have called a wrecker and had there vehicle towed. It has to be on your land of course, but the hunter always comes looking for the culprit. I love it. It makes them furious, but they don't come back. I have even set up shop and waited on them to get into the woods and then called the wrecker. I told one young fellow that asked about his truck that "I Didn't see any deer today but I did see a tow truck drag something off my land". I guess he knew what I meant because he suddenly wonted to fight. Lets just say that he left looking a little ruff. He must of had his cell phone on him, because the police came out to the cabin a little later. But some how he went to jail for assault. Imagine that. No deer and no truck. And a free escort to the pokey.
They are really nice guns (hand made in the USA). They shoot pretty accurate up to 15 yards. It all comes down to one thing. Had you rather have a small bug or a new glock. The price is about the same. It is like it any other gun. Wonce you fall in love with it, it becomes the best gun ever. I carry one every day but I would never pay the price for one. I traded for mine and will never let it go. I have never had any problems with mine. I hear there is a 2 year waiting period. My uncle waited 3 years for his a few years back. Then one day someone stole it. He is back on the waiting list again. He is still hunting for that town crack head to this day. It will be bye bye smokey for him someday. I sure hope that I get to him before he does or it will be really bad.
Why some people shouldn't be police officers
alwayspackin replied to saintsfanbrian's topic in General Chat
I agree with deerslayer 100%. If you would have called the police in Memphis you would have been the one getting the ticket in the end. Following a officer in Memphis will get you thrown in the slammer. Most of the LEOS from that area I have meet a real di---. He showed you his babge because he new he was a piece of . -
Why some people shouldn't be police officers
alwayspackin replied to saintsfanbrian's topic in General Chat
If there was room for him to pass you, why didn't you just move over instead? This seems to be a common problem on the interstate. Even when I have my emergency equipment on people still don't move over. I don't understand the logic behind not moving over and allowing someone else to pass! When I am in my personal vehicle (especially with my family) I stay out of the fast lane for this reason. :wall: -
Why???? Have you gotten into some trouble or something? Something smells a little :poop:ty.
Mental Health and Gun Ownership
alwayspackin replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Unless he is committed then he will still be able to legally possess a weapon. But, he needs to read the labels and warnings on his medications. If he is involved in a shooting and on medication that has specific warnings then he can be held liable. A Doctor is not allowed to prescribe certain medications if you carry a weapon. It doesn't matter whether you are LEO or a private citizen. My doctor asks everyone that he prescribes medication to. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p> -
What Will All You Gun Store Owners Do......
alwayspackin replied to TripleDigitRide's topic in General Chat
Ummmmmmmmm. Come on. His damn middle name is hussen. What else needs to be said. Just do the right thing. Trust me there will be another and better chance to make history. -
state to state to California
alwayspackin replied to vujade's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I wouldn't even think about carrying my weapon to California. There laws are very different from ours. Especial when they find out that you are out of time. You will just be asking for trouble. I know several officers that went there for a training seminar and only a couple of them took there weapons. Think long and hard on this before you act. Getting caught means jail and a trip or two back there and possible jail again. -
I have seen all the same problems as Tungsten found. Bushmaster's quality has really went down here lately. Everyone I know has had a gas leak after a few hundred rounds. And, yes I have heard them rattle myself. It seems to be from the pins in the lower wearing down and causing this noise. The pins seem to be made from low grade metal. I could be totally wrong, but that was thought after inspecting a buddy of mines BM.
Attorney General 08-133 on PTSD
alwayspackin replied to Tim Nunan's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Yes, you may legally own one. But, But, if and when you shoot someone you better hope that never comes out. They sometimes dig into a persons pass, which can have some bearing on the outcome. Just remember not to ever mention it again. Never and I mean it.............. -
If this guy did in fact shoot someone that was running from in the parking lot, he should be charged. It could have been anybody. If the victim goes to court and sues this guy he will lose. There is no way he can justify shooting someone just out for there daily jog. His days of owning a gun are numbered if I was guessing. There was no immediate threat towards this fellow. He didn't witness anything. This guy could have become a murder for trying to do what he thought was the right thing.