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Everything posted by alwayspackin

  1. Could somebody tell me why anybody would wont a ccw badge (hcp badge)? What is the purpose? All somebody has to do is see it and then say you told them you were the police. They would find the badge and believe what they were told. WHY?????
  2. alwayspackin

    kel tec p11

    There are lots of assesories for those kel-tecs. I done a trigger job on my first p11 it came out pretty good. Do a search for Blackhawks Kel-tec p11 trigger job. On the kel-tec web site there is lots of info and mods you can do yourself. If you do a trigger job go slow and have patiences. A little fileing goes a long way. I actually took out most of the slack in my first p11 trigger. It was pretty nice but it made it to quick for me. I sold it to guy and he loves it and still has it. On the one I have now I have just gave it a fluff and buff a few times and it is awesome.
  3. alwayspackin

    kel tec p11

    Yes, I do agree with not letting the long trigger pull get you down. It is made this way since it is a designed to be a concealed carry gun. It is a really accurate weapon and fun to shoot. They do need the finger extension on the magazine. But that’s about it. I carry mine every day and trust my life with it. The long trigger pull acts as the safety in my mind. It gives you an extra second to think about killing some cockroach.
  4. I always used a holster that covers the whole gun for just that reason. But it is eventually going to happen away. I think the later is better than sooner in this case.
  5. alwayspackin

    kel tec p11

    I love mine. It doesn't like some ammo. But it is a great gun. The belt clip is a must. Have put about 3000 rounds threw it with only a couple of problems. I would say make the trade. They are getting hard to find, especially a good used one.
  6. Is it safe to reload Wolf ammo since they are steel case? Will they hurt the carbide dies?
  7. Small of the back can be very dangerous. For example if you fall back on it your back is going to be f----- up. I know allot of people do this, but every dog has his day. I told a guy a few years ago about keeping his handcuff pouch in the small of his back. Sure enough a few weeks later he got into a scuffle and fell back and knocked his back out of place. He was on light duty for a few weeks. Just my two cents.
  8. ok, I quess they could be rifle rest. But, how about the 2 bags of saw dust?
  9. :screwy:Can sand be used for tumbling media? How about saw dust? Why I ask is because I purchased several reloading items. In the bottom of the box I found two bags of sand (in old shot bags) and two bags of saw dust? The sand is very dirt, meaning it has broken sea shells and allot of other junk in it. I was told that everything in the box was used for rifle reloading. I wish my reloading book would hurry up and arrive (ABC of reloading).
  10. The guns shop in joelton has them for 195. Forgot the name, sorry. The reloaders bench and the shop in joelton are brother and sister.
  11. The guy at guns n leather makes great holsters. It only takes a few days or so it did 6 months ago. Guns n leather holsters are of very fine quality. I would hold them up against a Milt Sparks holster any day and is 1/3 of the price.
  12. I don't recall it being posted. But, I can tell you that my wife wouldn't be going there alone. It would either be me or Mr. S&W. Those parking garages get allot of attention from the homeless bags now days.
  13. Take it back to franklin gun!!! Let us know how bad he jerks you around. We love that high price place!
  14. Metro has a simulator that is pretty close to that. It is very nice and teaches alot of good pointers and reminders. It is very life like except for being inside a trailer.
  15. Slim I wish I could educate you but it wouldn't do any good. Masons go back in time more than you can imagine. I wish I could help you out of your shell but again it is to late. Some men never open there mind and only believe one thing!!!!! Mods, Please delete this mess now!!
  16. SLIM BAD CHOICE OF WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -100 POINTS FOR YOU.
  17. Stretch out the mag spring and see what happens. Next polish the feed ramp. I believe it is the mags.
  18. Use a 2x4 or 2x2 cut down to fill the space. Lowes sells a gold plated cover that will go over the whole end of the door. It will go over the dead bolt hole and handle on both sides. It is to keep the door together when someone tries to kick it in. Just be creative!
  19. I am glad that u like them. I hate them! I wouldn't give 5 dollars for them.
  21. I am really interested in all of this talk about casting. I found another site that sells casting lead in 9lb blocks for 2.09lb. It sounds good to me, but then again I know nothing about all of this. http://www.buffaloarms.com/browse.cfm/2,117.html
  22. It depends on what your putting it on. I have one on my kel-tec, due to the fact that it is a back up weapon. It is hard to aim at 10 feet and the threat is moveing toward you.
  23. I agree the mk9 is like carrying a brick around in your pocket. Go to your local gun store and look at them all. Find one the fits your hand. Please be careful were you buy it at. Franklin is not known for good deals on guns. Look at Hero Gear or Guns and Leather. These both are excellent shops. Price shop before you buy. Put an ad out on here for what you wont and I am sure someone will have it or find one for you.
  24. Looney Tune isn't about anything but making a dollar. I have dealt with him on several occasions and every time I think to myself "what an idiot." Use-less-ton and Looney Tune are one in the same. Trust me, they know each other well. If the truth be known he's school has been under fire more than anyone’s. If you don't agree just ask any law enforcement officer within a 100 mile radius.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
  25. Mr. Looney tune is an idiot. I was warned by my father in law about this guy. I finally had the chance to speak with him. He's very stuck on himself. He is the most talked about and hated person among law enforcement. He talks bad about everybody else and there shops. He has even refused to finger print a few people because he didn't like the person that qualified them. He claims to know everybody. But nobody claims to know him.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p>


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