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Everything posted by R_Bert

  1. So they drilled one or more of the groups I was on.
  2. I have insurance, and still get one call per day 5 days per week, and two emails per day -  7 days per week, from healthcare.gov.   It is absolutely insane.   Trying to get on the web site & the 1-800 line and turn it off has been futile. The damned phone system leaves a voice mail - and ends with "if you already have insurance, please ignore this message"......
  3. I stole that and posted to FB. I am sure I can dig up a MTN Dew.
  4. Mark Zuckerberg is just like us, except when he wants to control us - http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/field-notes/2011/05/mark-zuckerberg-kills-his-own-meat-wants-hunt     Of course, he kills his meat at the supermarket nowadays.   Really, what does one expect from a 30 yr old boy from Kalifornikate?
  5. So it shouldn't take too long for FB to extend policies and to block the NRA, SAF, TTAG, etc.
  6. It has exceeded my wildest dreams.
  7. Please don't hate me for posting this - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/12127067/woman-says-she-is-a-cat-trapped-in-the-wrong-body.html  
  8. Gangs to God (Knoxville pastor's story is pretty good, 25+ years) - http://www.wbir.com/news/local/stop-the-violence-pastor-turns-from-gangs-to-god/24158503
  9. not really;  singling out a sub-industry that is spawned by gang-life indoctrination is incomplete; the process of culture is iterative, and the culture personified by rap music (and violence emulated) has much deeper roots of decay - - i.e. generational failure, and loss of family structure.  The rap industry and also gang life are replacements, filling a void left behind my missing dads and moms - decades and generations ago.   So while rap music may be motivational and inspirational (in this context), it's contribution to societal failure is only symptomatic.   Gangs in their own words - "are family". That pretty much says it all.    The questions that need resolved by these communities - "what causes thugs?", "what causes gangs?", "what causes violence?", and dare I say  - "Who is responsible?"
  10. True.  But the thug-factory is not recognizing themselves nor currently inclined to cease operation. Train them early, or shoot them later.  Either way, it seems the cost is great.
  11. Sort of.  He was a moderator, on the floor.  He was not as central as I hoped, but considering ...  probably for the best.
  12. yeah, these folks can't seem to agree on the basic problem....no fathers on the scene. No accountability. And as Hallerin says - "No Dinner Time at the table"    (BTW, Chris was a good friend of mine)
  13. aww ####!  - "We gotta make sure that none of those kids die in vain"   Well, it started off OK, but mostly ended in FUBAR.  however, no officials or moderators shouted "but....Guns!"
  14. Mayor Rojero blithers about "what we have done" (in the past) that has obviously not worked.  A few claps.  The people are not stupid. - and she just admitted that there is not a budget for taskforce (that they are all talking about). Chief Rausch steps in to rescue. Mayor is an idiot.
  15. yup.  It is a hot issue here in Knoxville.
  16. Here we go (I think) - http://www.knoxnews.com/news/local/knoxville-media-outlets-to-host-forum-on-gun-violence-tonight-366682021.html   and whoa - there are same strong comments coming from panel   - "we have to stop shifting the blame"   - and they are calling for volunteers in the community (help yourselves)   - but several are whining about funding (no doubt that in general the community needs the help)   - and other voices getting it right. There are some very several very smart (and conservative) people in that community.
  17. Well, TV broadcast is almost over, I think (internet was supposed to continue).  It is clear, that 1 or 2 hours is very insufficient time to even start to cover the communities' angst.   (and, there was a moment of chaos with the crowd shouting something about "guns", but it is obvious that most are concerned with deeper roots of family & employment)
  18. No, not entirely.  But does emphasize.  And so far, the commentary is pretty good.  Some 12 year old is tearing them a new one right now. And man did he rip them. (basically - WTF are you OLD people doing letting children raise children?) (i.e. what do you EXPECT to happen??)   The moderator said - " doubt anyone wants to follow him, so here's a local gospel group during break"
  19. Right now -   This might be interesting -   Background - http://www.wbir.com/news/special-reports/stop-the-violence-forum-set-for-wednesday/23080080   Pre - show https://www.facebook.com/WBIRChannel10/videos/10153550465314775/       Supposed to be live coverage, 7pm EST, here - http://www.wbir.com/#  (I think)   - Mayor Rogero & Chief Rauch are generally not pro-2a.   -Related to the gun-show protestors   - Live coverage on all three Knox TV stations and also NewsTalk 98.7 (98.7 is pro-2A & pro-family)   - But I expect to hear.......the stuff I would expect from Chicadishu.  I hope I am wrong. 
  20. I would reverse that.  I think 45ACP will be easier to learn on (unless you already have the .380 dies).    .380 is much lighter wall,  much shorter and harder to handle (finger-wise).  Easier to crunch, and OAL is a bugger to set until you get acclimated.    BTW, If you plan to crimp, I suggest a set of Lee Factory Crimps on either.
  21. Knoxnews ran the same blither - http://www.knoxnews.com/news/state/More-people-shot-to-death-in-Tennessee-than-killed-by-vehicles-366343241.html
  22. Not that it matters -   http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2016/01/23/christians-conservatives-men-and-white-people-are-not-responsible-for-your-problems-n2108802/page/2
  23. and, one container of powder in use at a time. Period.  The rest sealed up and on the shelf. 
  24. I know someone near Etowah with a nice prepper start-up, and very motivated to sell.


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