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Everything posted by R_Bert

  1. Apparently Mothers Demand Allkindsofstuff (MDA) is really pissed about the Shannon Watts Concealed-Carry-Weapon photo   https://twitter.com/guntruth has several Twitter Threads going with the gun grabbers over it.
  2. This is a funny story at TTAG - http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2014/03/daniel-zimmerman/incendiary-image-day-ankle-holster-edition/
  3. was Edward Snowden involved, or did they discuss their conquests amongst themselves?   And how did they get the guns off of TGO husbands?   none of this is believable.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SNPJMk2fgJU
  5. http://www.wsmv.com/story/24897290/guns-in-parks-proposal-clears-1st-house-panel   How many red shirts were in the audience?
  6. Report from the Tennessean - TN lawmakers pull guns on Moms Demand Action   I call BS.   http://www.tennessean.com/article/20140305/NEWS/303050180/Women-report-strange-encounters-Tennessee-lawmakers-gun-reform?nclick_check=1
  7. The insurance companies have already told him it would not matter.  They are not stupid.  The policy structure has already changed, and no corp in their right mind would run on two sets of rules & books for 18 or 24 months of benefit.  (they would just have to re-do work already performed)
  8. The other side of the story from  NRA - http://washingtonexaminer.com/nra-wins-big-in-facebooks-gun-decision/article/2545130
  9. but he has indeed located the noodle.
  10. or something like that......       http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-rt-us-facebook-guns-20140305,0,7239992.story   and Instagram
  11. That ship has sailed.  Ukraine now has a provisional government until they hold parliamentary (or other legislative) elections. Sorta like Somalia. No one is really permanently in charge - at all.
  12. Does either the Harley Trike or the Can-Am even approach 84 mpg?
  13. Not doubting your insight. But tie in how the Germans will trump Putin's interest. He has the hardware and resources invested, and likely is not willing to relinquish. Merkel will not intervene.
  14. That hard-tail, saddle, and shorty pipes will get old after about 10K miles.   Mine is lowered about 4" (semi-hard tail - *very* stiff suspension).  Rides like a rock compared to our Nomad.   I had shortie V&H on it, but eventually went with RoadHouse 4" 2n1 to mellow it out (too many headaches at the end of trip).   I commuted 365 for about 5 years all total about 50K miles (I have heated coveralls & gloves).  Coldest day was 13F.   Hopefully, will commute again soon.   My next bike will be stock pipes & suspension.
  15. I take it you are not planning on commuting with it?
  16.     Who knows.... The tag on Drudge indicated opposite     from - http://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-navy-chief-switches-allegiance-crimea-pro-russia-172726132.html;_ylt=AwrBJSDxahNTSBEA4VXQtDMD   It is hard to keep up with (and you might be right)   I think basically, the Crimeans sided with the Russians, and took the Ukrainian Navy with them.
  17. So the Ukraine Navy just switched sides to the Russians. Oops.
  18. But...it will happen.  It is simply a return to a more stable state of being (the region is wired for submission under despots), and frankly, the UN thrived under the Soviet Era much more than now.  They have not forgotten that.   Remember, that the largest reason the Soviet Empire fell apart was economics.  They could not afford their satellite countries.  They have learned a lot since then.
  19. I thought about that.  Maybe, but probably in the next two years, just leased facilities (piers, etc), not total "ownership".....for now. The Cubans will just unlock the gates, turn on the lights, and hand them the keys.
  20. We are heading back to détente. My prediction - There will again be a Russian base in Cuba, before Obama leaves office. All the infrastructure is still there from the last time. It will be up to the next administration to decide whether to spool up the military again, and strengthen the (unilaterally below New-START treaty levels) reduced nuclear stockpile.   Probably further hammers nuclear verification and validation inspections between the two countries, and further START treaty related negotiations.   And - it goes without saying that the nuclear cooperation work (legacy stuff from Soviet Era) with Ukraine is hosed.   (which reminds me...Keep an eye on Israel and Iran.  Perfect time for escalation regarding the Iranian centrifuge program)      ( ****it Bert!  That's a lot of analysis for one post....) 
  21. I am pretty sure new parts ain't gonna fix that dog.
  22. Although having rode a bike in my youth - it was nothing big, and had been ~25 years.  I was shaky at best.   So - day two of new bike, I take off down Pellissippi Parkway and met a junebug at about 75mph.  Right in the center of my forehead!  Ordered a new full face the next day.   And thank God for the gyro effect on big bikes (and a straight part of the road).
  23. and even intentionally.   Those who normally have road-roid really like to take it out on bikers.
  24. Bikers dangle those from the end of the handlebar.  It's amazing how quickly a rap on a door window will get a car driver's attention (for not looking when switching lanes)   If you are really good, you can scrape the paint off of doors with your crashbars. Want to know how I know this?


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