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Everything posted by R_Bert

  1. Hope you are better soon.    Taking care of business is one thing,   But don't feel like you need to isolate yourself from the forum (if I read that right). Even out of your mind in pain you make more sense than some (most?), and a less offensive than many.     And... you need the diversion as well as our support. Besides, you are one of the best news-junkies on the forum.   Bert
  2. Very nice. Any project that has both his & her handiwork is noteworthy.
  3. Indeed. Repentance and forgiveness does not preclude consequences, retribution, and vindication.  But, as individuals, we must render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and that unto God which is God's.  For a Christian, it is indeed hard to properly process our responses to a repentance from a person of this group.   My jaundiced outlook - they probably wont change (beyond the few already escaped), and we will only be confronted with observation of God's judgment and wrath upon these creatures gone rabid. 
  4. in our eyes, indeed they are beyond forgiveness and repentance.  And what they do deserve is what you describe,  But, so does Paul, whom Jesus confronted on the Damascus road. And me (confronted in my own way). Paul and I changed.  Hopefully they will also.
  5. I am thinking "pray for the souls he left behind", especially his family (but also victims); that they not continue in the path blazed by the old man.
  6. Dirk Dirt Dert Bert.....You never know.....
  7. and a fan of Dirk Diggler.
  8. and a tree stand. You can't outrun a enraged pig...  And they will eat you.   $50 to process a pig is a great deal.
  9. I am not a sports fan, so know nothing about basketball.  But I did spend several hours in a group with Bruce Perle about a year back.   He was very up front about his past (and how he should have conducted himself).  I was impressed by him.  I am not surprised Auburn hired him.
  10. Thank you, look for my PM.
  11. I use those.  How many do you have?
  12. reduce by 10%, work back up.
  13. Because ugly.
  14. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/03/17/5-Big-Wins-for-Militant-Gay-Pressure-Groups  
  15. sometimes, you use what you can find, as long as it is safe.
  16. crap. I just ordered one.
  17. I remember the Russian HF "Woodpecker" radar back in the 70s-80's.  That ****ed thing was running megawatts.  Dead band, and you could still hear it.
  18. snakes.  you forgot snakes.   on a not related St. Paddy's note - 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 50th motor-boater??   eeewww.
  19. As I understand it, al *lot* of RF exposure at the gate.  H&S issue.  Apparently those things are pretty high output.
  20. Soon enough, the Disney Electric Light Parade will have banners.
  21. Heinekin did the same.  But, it makes sense with their "Give me a Hiney!" slogan.
  22. Yet they just did. And as you describe, the media will make sure everyone knows.   If they weren't activist before, they are now.  Sucked into the vortex of MSM.
  23. I had two (!!) compact fluorescent bulbs burn out this week.  :drama:
  24. and backs out of the Boston St. Pats parade because AMVETS won't allow banners (not paraders) supporting LGBT.     I wonder if these companies literally have a budget line item "politically correct losses"?   I would think that they would want both sides to drink beer.   http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/03/15/Sam-Adams-Beer-Withdraws-From-St-Patrick-Day-Parade-Over-Gay-Marchers-Ban#disqus_thread  
  25. or, more likely the reverse.


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