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Everything posted by R_Bert

  1. It is not that simple. The rules vary depending on private vs public/WMA lands, and Big Game vs Small Game seasons. I suggest you look at this, and search it for "coyote". http://www.eregulations.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/11TNHD_FINAL_LR.pdf
  2. My Howa 1500 in .204 Ruger is a bit finicky on handloads. Been testing ladders and starting to get a few decent tweakers (three so far in 15 sets of 5 shot groups). Here is the sets for Berger Varmint 35 gr (#20303) and H4895 powder. 5 in 4, 100 yds, 5-10 mph wind. I thought on frist set, scope was loose. But, wasn't. This is set #3, the best of ladder. Sets 1-6 left to right, 0.5 gr increasing increments (not shot in that order, but rather 1,6,3,4,5,2))Set# 5 was fair, but starting to flatten primers. Set #6 stopped due to very flattened primer.
  3. Pigs. Part II. Royal Blue Range. After policing the 100 yd (again), I did the 150 yd range. Seven bags of garbage.
  4. I have the local Walmart front end phone # in my contact list. If I need help, and no one shows up in about two minutes, I call them. I get *really*fast* response that way. Half the time, the CS manager answers, and it embarrasses the $h!t out of them. (and I agree with earlier post...check the content of your bags at the counter; as often as not, I manage to walk off without a item I paid for) B.
  5. David, Out of curiosity, why do you prefer those powders over Unique or Tightgroup? Metering, performance, fill ratio ?
  6. What non-abrasive cleaner really works best on cylinder blast rings on revolvers (SS & blued, not nickel) ? Powder residue & lead is easy. What gets the deeper stuff (with minimal effort)? B.
  7. I have their longer SU-16 forearm, and the annodized trigger. Top shelf quality and machining. B.
  8. Pigs. Royal Blue 100 yd range, today. Ran out of bags and energy. Someone else needs to do the 50 yd & 150 yd ranges. Carry a few garbage bags rolled up in your range bag. Thanks to the two fellows from Knoxville who helped me pick up very juicy and nasty stuff.
  9. Was there a can of Bud Light nearby ? "Hey Bubba, hold my beer & watch this"
  10. That's pretty much the way I read the signs yesterday, about 1/4 mile prior to the entrance to the range. I always understood that at least one person in (or on) a vehicle had to have a permit.
  11. Hunting license or WMA use permit. Can get either at wallace world. B.
  12. <gripe> When the garbage cans at your local TWRA range are full and overflowing, don't just keep piling up your with it. I have no idea why the cans were full (two trips now), maybe TWRA budget & staffing issues, but there was more garbage on the ground than in the cans, most of it empty cartridge boxes and targets (paper). I packed mine, and a bit more out today. It ain't hard to keep the place clean folks... <gripe off>
  13. Anybody else go today ? Yep. That's right. Closed for deer hunt until October 3. I think they do it again on Nov 17.
  14. And the local Gander Mountain seems to be reducing their reloading inventory.....
  15. Thanks. please bear with my questions - Borax powder I assume, just added to hot lead, and stirred, then crud skimmed off ? Or do you add the borax powder with the cold scraps ? Thanks, Bert
  16. What do you flux with ? What guidelines & tips can you give on collecting & recovering tire shop weights ? Thanks, Bert (who just got a used Lyman bottom-pour & some moulds, etc.)
  17. Because it is the right thing to do. Thanks for trying, maybe someone else will have better luck. B.
  18. Makes sense
  19. question (maybe I am not understanding your setup procedure), Does this assume that the loader uses the same projectile as the factory round ? Even loading for .380 Auto, there are some significant ogive & COAL differences depending on weight and shape of a chosen projectile. There are also significant case length differences among brands in several calibers (example .45 Colt or .30-30 using Hornady Leverevolution vs XTP rounds/loads) Bert
  20. You might want to do your crimping completely seperate from the seating step. I highly reccomend the Lee Factory Crimp. It is very simple to setup and use, and it just works. Lee Carbide Factory Crimp Die 380 ACP - MidwayUSA Bert
  21. The comments are indeed good. Thought - Perhaps a few TGOers in the Nashville area can reach out to Mr. Jones and offer a meal and a visit to a range ?
  22. Edit - deleted previous speculation on appearance of artical comments. Off topic question - How do you do a "strikethrough" on this board ? All I see is bold, italic, and underline.
  23. Welcome to the board. i am the guilty one. There should be people on here who can provide helpful advice, including several sponsors found here - http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/authorized-vendors/ Be sure to look for Cain Law Firm and Stegall Law Firm. There are several other FFL's also on board that may can give advice. Me, well, I just want a neighborhood FFL & gunshop less than a mile from me. This fellow put up a new building and sign, and is literally a brand new start. (R_Bert otherwise has nothing to do with this business) BTW, The moderators may also move this question to another forum (or not) Bert


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