We killed a bunch of hogs a few years ago with my AR15 223. Dropped every one of them. A guy owned them and most if not all are wild because he just lets them multiply and doesn't care about them or his property. We told him if they got on our cow pastures they would be killed. He agreed so we kill everyone we see in the pasture. These hogs will attack you and your vehicle, they are very mean. Not all of them but the bigger ones are just nasty mean. They have hurt several cows and dug up the pasture. The biggest one weighed around 400 pounds. They are nasty buggers. They have deformities especially around the face area and he feeds them fish remains he gets from somewhere. We cut one open and I swear it smelled just like fish It was nasty. We have reported him but nothing has been done. He got a big fine years back for trying to sell the nasty things. It helps to have a big gun but like I said we shot them with my 223 AR15. Most of the shots were behind the neck and ear area.