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Everything posted by klamb5

  1. After him not supporting the Gun's in parking lot bill i chose not to support him in any way . I know it wont hurt him but he's just a rat in IMAO.
  2. Pre-Ban Norinco
  3. Sorry for your loss's will Pray for your family I know your in pain now but only time will dull it God Bless Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
  4. Not my picture ,but I did this same thing with ROK seals back in 1982
  5. I have a 1903 sporterized I bought as a teenager sold it for 6 mouths and bought it back again wont do that again Love that gun .Have hunted deer, hogs both its smooth as can be.If you have to buy ammo its not cheap to shoot but for hunting it packs a punch.The Mauser action has been copied many times for good reason I belive it would have been brutal to face on the battle field.Also I think that around 1891 was when the action was changed not sure which model year but they made it a far better action have to go back and look it up think it had something to do the way it locked up, I say give her a good cleaning and enjoy looking at her and use her when you get the itch to.
  6. This relates some what, # 15 onthe list of The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals (1963) http://rense.com/general32/americ.htm
  7. Pic's Just like we had,remember Dad using when I was little. Might still have a plow point laying a round if you need one I'll look.
  8. Ithink we use to have one and belive it had a single point plow ,it was to bust the middle of row and throw dirt to the row mainly for keeping roots covered.
  9. Could the cans have the sticker applied and be ok, as its just a warning as to whats in side ???????
  10. More Glocks, thats simple for some one is to many but I'm the one is never enough crowd.I have a addiction but I am self medicating and hopefully never find a cure.
  11. Welcome to TGO , my daughter carry the LC9 and loves it and shes small around 4'
  12. Hey I resemble that remark, Welcome Dirtshooter
  13. Now you know you like old Sunquist aka the taxing SOB, somebody yell that out when they introduced him at the Shelbyville Horse Show ,the crowed roared for a good 5 min.He never smiled all night ha.
  14. I carry at my church , I don't ask but if I did I would be one of the three elders that would have to say yea or nea , the other two are family also. I just grin when I pass the collection plate.
  15. D**m going to have me on net all night looking for some of those
  16. What a great LEO if only all were like him , cool head , didnt take the baiting,then trys to get them in a ed. class. Dude got a good head on him, I'm just glad we have some like him in our area.But you can't blame them for being on the side of caution they all want to go home at the end of their shift just like us. Shame of it is I wouldn't mind doing the job but I couldn't afford the pay cut ( plus I'm to old and fat now )
  17. Sorry about your friend,One can hope they get enough info on shooter to catch them or maybe the a*** will brag to wrong people.
  18. I'm one of the watchers ,my problem is I have a lot of wants mixed in with some needs and I only have so many fingers and toes to count on and it's heck try to do long division on short toes.
  19. I worked in the funeral business for a while and my daugher does now .I use to wonder which was worse cancer or cure, saw some go quick some slow. Some chose to fight some not and I think alot has to do with the human spirit some just dont give in some want to go. But the biggest thing I came away with was there no money in a cure for in its a big business. God gave us all we need to survive and the man made stuff is wants hurts us the most as the saying goes it aint natural.But in the end people need to do what they feel is best for them.
  20. Welcome to TGO glad to have ya here
  21. I myself love and appreciate this site , leared alot bought several guns from members all around great site. Thanks David for taking on the pains it brings at times.
  22. Now that you have these you'll have to start working OT and not be able to shoot much ,but you can add to the stock pile for when you do.
  23. While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his role as our president. The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'Post Turtle''. Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a 'post turtle' was. The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'. The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he's elevated beyond his ability to function, and you just Wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there to begin with." Best explanation I've heard yet
  24. Welcvome to TGO JD
  25. Welcome


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