What Washington needs to do but they wont because they are to worried about themselves , is to STOP ALL aid, projects ,etc to other countries except Israel. Bring our troops home to defend our boarders,build upthe miltary which can put people to work , stop letting our factories go over seas with out taxing the crapp out of it when it comes back in makeing it cheaper to make here ( more jobs ) Invest in the USA and feed our young & old that have no other recourse. Stop handouts that last forever, welfare is not a goverment entitlement , thats the Churchs and neighbors jobs to help their fellow man . Then with all the money we save not given to people who want to kill us, help ourselves and build up ourselves so strong that when any one mess's with us go kick butt
and come back home let them rebuild themselves not us. Be like a bear with a sore tooth mean and wanting to be left along . Stop trying to be the world police , we have to help ourselves before we throw the American dream down the drain. Sorry for the rant.