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Everything posted by klamb5

  1. That title had me scared to open thread here at work. lol
  2. Have fed my needs yesterday added a Glock 17L ( thanks to blackvandriver ) , and traded the LC9 for a Glock 22 gen2.Now I'll have to redo the picture
  3. Yes its the 22 ,shoots well and a lot of fun
  4. Sad thing is there is probably a real wannabe out there thats all most to that point.
  5. Now I like that ,sarcasm with a flair.
  6. I'm afraid to photo the long guns I may be commited or worse if my wife see both picture. She wanted to see in where I have them locked up at ( before glocks) she just walked away saying I was crazy . If she saw it not she might have commitment papers drawn up, making me more paranoid ----- need more guns.
  7. Yeah been been thinking about some kind of LCR to balance out things , cant get rid of it my Dad carried it during WWII its a spanish SW 44 still good and tight shoot well. Need a SR1911 when they become more avalible. Then it will be time to start on long guns again, glad my wife is not on here.
  8. Welcome Tony
  9. If this was your tipical African American Obummer would not have a chance
  10. Finished mine on 1/17 was in mail Wed. (2/1) good turn around
  11. It's on the way
  12. Got my CR FFL in mail today about 2 1/2 weeks , do have a question are there any restrictions on guns that I might not want as I may aquire a better one of. Do I just keep record of disposition ie sell swap . Thanks
  13. I'll take some also
  14. Got one abot a week ago now and loving it , use it for my carry permit class which was my third time out with it. After second target had all in center going to be a fun gun to play with.
  15. Heck I can clear a room with out that up there ,but I guess I could turn it in to a full auto with some jail food in me .
  16. Somethings are worth standing up for and the Honor of a dead fellow soldier is one at the top , he got what he needed law or no law.With soldier like him is why someome can pis* and moan about a loud mouth POS in in front of your warm cozy computer.
  17. He said he liked Jack not Bourbon there is a difference that why they call it Tenn. whiskey
  18. klamb5

    Ever eaten Dog?

    My wife is Korean she wont eat it but ,my brother in law and I went to market and he bought a shepard ( some where I have pics of them on table but 25+ yrs I would have to dig deep for them) he boiled then fried not bad didnt taste like chicken fixed spicey with rice and kimchi. If I where to go back i'd try it again but here no tomany chest beaters here.
  19. Tell Forrest I said Hey and Welcome to TGO
  20. Amen I dont' care about his due process but I do of the thousand's civilans kill by those like him hiding and waging a war on those , he ran to other side aided them in their cause. As for those coming for us I wont use kids or women to kill or bomb a home or business, but I will fight for myself and I dont think I will be alone . This war wont stop unless they kill us all or we convert to Islam , best thing we can do is come home and build us a defence that they cant get thru and when they hurt us go hit them 10 fold and return home . No country building if they what a system like ours they can get it the same way we got ours (Sorry for spelling)
  21. 96 to 70 to 321 then wears valley or little river road to bypass. ( its a better view than 40 but not faster ) can get on and off at at Crossville easy enough


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