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Everything posted by glowdotGlock

  1. http://m.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/business-owner-requiring-all-employees-be-armed/nqWHn/ I applaud his effort although I don't think I would make it mandatory but strongly encourage it. Obviously the boss isn't a gun guy. Poor choice of weapons in my opinion. Adequate but poor. I would opt to carry my own which I would have been already unbeknownst to anyone.
  2. I've never read a comic book and probably never will. I like the show and don't really care how it follows a comic book. Knowing what is going to happen takes all of the fun out of it. I try to steer clear of "comic book spoilers".
  3. Some times every now and then you just need a good reason to dick around all day, especially on a Friday. I know it's our tax dollars but who of us hasn't taken advantage to milk a day or two here and there?
  4. I carried a Shield 9 as a BUG and sometimes as a primary for a couple years. I bought a 43 last week and put 150 FMJ through it and I have to say that they are about the same in my opinion. Even though the Glock carries 6 in the mag I feel a better grip. I did shoot the Shield better out of the box. It took me just about all of those 150 rounds to start making decent groups with the 43. I only carry HST 124 standard in my 19 and plan to do so in the 43. All of my pistols are 9mm glock so being a fanboy I couldn't leave out this one. [emoji14]
  5. When you install the new one just be sure to have 2 good rolling floor Jacks and a good smooth spot to work.
  6. I think I've just witnessed the best "I see what you did there" scenario that the internet has to offer. Good one, my man.
  7. It depends on many factors. I don't believe you meant go much bigger but if you do change the tire size/circumference you will need to recalibrate the speedo. And depending on what gearing you have plays a big roll and if you tow often. For instance, if tyour truck came from the factory with "economy" gearing like a 3.08 or so then I wouldn't go much taller, maybe an inch but if you have lower gears like 3.88 or 4.10 then you wouldn't notice much of a loss of torque and so on when accelerating or towing. And remember a 1" taller tire means a 1/2" vehicle lift.
  8. "Ok girls, I'm gonna completely destroy your right ear. You try to f@## her left one!"
  9. I'm sorry yall but I just have to...
  10. I've not had any experience with any but this video came to mind. Matt from Demolition Ranch shooting the piss out of a "POF" rifle. He has only good things to say about it. https://youtu.be/48ROQ0E4bHA
  11. Most prestigious 2000's vehicles can be started by just removing a simple lock cylinder and strategically using a couple small flat screwdrivers.
  12. I've bought 2 30 ounces and 1 20 ounce in the last month. It's kinda like .22 ammo, just gotta know where to look.
  13. I've never thought about that. I've got probably over 200 magazines from the last 2 or 3 years.
  14. My EDC light is a TerraLUX Lightstar 80. I bought it off the Cornwell tool truck a couple years back. It has a tough body. It's LED and runs off 2 AAA. Has a nice clip and even a rubber ring to bite down on to hold which is handy. It's only 80 lumens, not the brightest ever but it's in my pocket everyday. I have several high dollar lights but this one sure as hell is worth the money. Terralux TLF-802AAA-BK LightStar 80 Penlight, Titanium Grey https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0052AHEVG/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_trcTwbHV20APJ
  15. Even after they boxed him in at the end it looked to me he was still spinning the drive tires on the truck.
  16. I would if I hadn't just recently bought 3 of the Yeti's.
  17. You can type their phone number in on Facebook. If his number is associated with his account it will pop right up. I do that a lot when selling on Craigslist just to get an idea of who I am going to be meeting with.
  18. How bout' them Royals..?
  19. Run a jumper wire from the smaller wire on the starter solenoid up to the horn on that van.
  20. 26/30 Not a bad quiz.
  21. Probably went in with a Hi Point.
  22. Sure is a pretty summitch.
  23. Here's another I found. This woman is taking the "I wanna be your friend" approach...


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