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Everything posted by glowdotGlock

  1. Welcome to TGO from Columbia Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  2. I do not drink. Neither do my friends that were with me. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  3. I have fed my adult one cat food. I am pretty strict with their diet though. On Sundays I feed the Skinks and snakes a thawed mouse. From pinkies to adult. On Wednesday I feed the Skinks some greens like spinach or collard greens. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  4. The local movie theater has a list of things that aren't allowed and one list is firearms. It's not really "clearly" posted. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  5. When i first got my hcp about 5 years ago the instructor said there had to be a sign with a gun and the slash through it and that just simply posting "no guns allowed" wouldn't cut it. I should know this but what is the rule to this? Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  6. That's a pretty good idea of clear coating the top. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  7. Here's the small skink with his peeps here on Easter ; ) Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  8. I wonder if it would hold up if i dipped the grip of a Glock in it?...... won't hurt to try.... Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  9. I saw some of it in a can that you can dip in. I'm gonna pick some more up next time I go. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  10. Wow! Y'all have a lot of them. I may get a gheco next if she'll let me : ) Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  11. I will keep y'all up to date. It's been on about 10 days now and no wear. The only prepping I did was just wipe the mud off haha. My friend did the front and rear bumper on his 2000 ford ranger. Some of the factory paint had been peeling. It's been on 4-5 months now. That's why I did mine, I saw how good it looked on his truck. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  12. I drive an 05 Jeep Wrangler which still has the factory bumpers on it. They are black and fade over a short period of time. I read on a few jeep forums about a product called "plasti-dip". So i found some at Lowe's in a aerosol can. It comes in spray and dip applications. It is a rubber like coating for anything from tools to fenders. If you choose to peel it off, it comes off in one piece similar to latex. There are lots of people who say it is tough stuff. Last week I did the fenders and bumpers on the jeep. Haven't had any wear or bad spots in it yet and it made it look so much better. I just wonder what else it could be used for. Anyone have any experience with plasti-dip? I may find some new projects for it. Here is a before and after. Looks way better. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  13. I have in the last few months gotten into reptiles. About 2 years ago I bought a Blue Tongue Skink. Skinks are gentle lizards and easy to take care of. When my fiance and I started dating, she got attached to the lizard which I named Marlin. So a couple months ago we found her a juvenile blue tongue skink and I bought it for her. Then I got a couple snakes but my collection ends there. So we've got 2 Blue Tongues and 2 snakes. The adult snake is a ghost stripe corn snake and the young one is a Pueblan Milk Snake. I never thought I would have them as pets but I have become attached to them. The Skinks love to be held and will sit on your lap for hours and they really do develop a personality. Anyone else have any reptiles or unusual pets? Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  14. I used a dolly with pneumatic over-sized tires so it wouldn't mess up my carpet. I've got a Browning Pro Steel BR24f. It weighs 585 pounds. Believe it or not, once I got my friends to help me get it off the trailer and into the back door, I myself maneuvered it through my house to it's resting place. I live in a mobile home and I bolted it through the floor around the I-beams under the house. That thing is solid. Also helps when the door is open to keep the safe from rocking forward if it is on thick carpet. Good luck. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  15. See? I'm checking it again. About 10 mins later.... Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  16. I use Tapatalk app on my Droid so it makes it too easy to check. I look at it 5-10 times a day usually just scan the new unread topics. I check it when i look at my Facebook. Yeah, I have one of "those" haha Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  17. I'm still kinda new myself. Welcome. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  18. Most of the time I carry a gen 3 Glock 23 concealed OWB in Galco leather at about 4 o'clock. 165 grn Speer GoldDot. In the winter months I use a Blackhawk Serpa paddle Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  19. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  20. Really? Ok NRA Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  21. Edited from years ago. Would not let me delete. Sorry if this comes up in a current feed.
  22. I can't wait to see him. I've got all of his dvd's. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  23. I listened to him too this morning. He's on there a lot. I would go to Nashville but my fiance wants to take a trip in the Jeep to the aquarium in Chattanooga so i just figured I'd kill two birds. Sent from my Droid RAZR Maxx
  24. Just got back from the Ryman. Saw actor/comedian Kevin James. He was really good. I hadn't been in the Ryman in 10-15 years. Now that I have him crossed off my list, I want to go see James Gregory in Chattanooga in June. Anybody else into stand-up. Who's your favorite?


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