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Everything posted by glowdotGlock

  1. I was woke up by my ol' lady a little bit ago by her shaking me and saying there was someone outside on our back porch. I paused for a second to fully awake and I heard all sorts of racket from right outside the back door. I followed my Glock 22 around trough the kitchen to cut of a small little night light lamp so I could have the house dark to peak outside through a window. What I saw kinda shocked me and relieved me at the same time. A big ol' bird just messing around on the porch. It was making a hell of a racket. I stuck my head out and it flew up in a tree so I went out and got a pic. I'm guessing it's a crane
  2. On my stops we use our judgement on what guns to run. Not once have I ran the sidearm of a legal HCP licensee. In fact, it eases me to an extent to see that the driver is an HCP holder.
  3. Sorry. I didn't see the one before mine.
  4. I found these one day..........
  5. Got that right. I still have the climber. I've actually taken a few coyotes with it. I know its not normal to call from a stand but I use my remote electronic sometime with a decoy out several yards from me so I can be motionless.
  6. I've found a couple stands on my father's property in Maury county. It's posted. One was a nice climber stand and the other was a decent home made ladder stand.
  7. It doesn't sound like a dog to me. I'd just wait to hear it again and go towards the noise with my 10mm on my side : )
  8. Sorry to hear that. You've got it.
  9. I can't quite place the sound either. Is it wooded? What kind d of terrain is it? Sounds fairly close (within 200 yards) judging by the clip but still hard to tell. Happening nightly?
  10. Nice pics. Good background and lighting. I was playing around with one of my Glocks the other day and made a pic on my phone and played with it a little. You make me wanna get my camera out.
  11. I'm ready. Been waiting to see how they get in the prison and what it looks like.
  12. I am happy with that. She finally admitted she was going to leave it alone pretty much. A friend is gonna do a little patchwork on it. It's an old work truck.
  13. They wouldn't let me try to cheap it. I ended up just settling for 800. Could have been worse. Long story and screwy situation. I need a drink. Thanks guys.
  14. I like to occasionally wear my ol' comfortable wore out Titans hat but sometimes people see it and start rambling on to me about how many sacks so and so player had last game. I just kinda nod and say I like my hat.
  15. I don't even watch any of it. I've been to two or three Titans games and a UT game because it was free for me but I don't even know all the rules of football. My two good friends are walking statistic machines for college and NFL players. It's ridiculous. I can name any player and they will instantly tell you where they went to high school/college and so much more.
  16. I agree that it has nothing to do with the value to an extent. She took it to a local "friend of a friend" shop for the estimate. I told her today that I want her to go to two neutral body shops that don't know either one of us and average their two estimates.
  17. I am in need of some help finding the exact value of a vehicle. There are so many methods of "scoring" a used vehicle. Here's the case. I had an accident at work where I caught the door of a coworker's vehicle with another vehicle. I got pulled open more than it should, over extending the door hinges. The door closed back but is in need of obvious repair. Her body shop says $2,300 to repair. I don't think so. It's about a 93 half ton Chevrolet 2wd V6 with roughly 220,000 miles. I looked up online and got an approximate value if $1,500 in Excellent condition! So obviously I am not paying the 2,300 for the door when the truck is worth so much less. My question is: Is there somewhere that I can take the vehicle and have it appraised exactly what it's worth? Something saying hey "here's what she's worth". It would help me negotiate with the owner. I am looking for somewhere in the Columbia/ Spring Hill area. We are not going through insurance nor filed a report nor is the company involved. It's just me and the vehicle owner coming to an agreement. Thanks
  18. Welcome. I'm in Columbia. I drive for a trucking company in Spring Hill.
  19. Welcome!
  20. Glad to have you. Welcome aboard.
  21. My RAZR Max will go 3-5 days just on standby mode with very light use. But on heavy use days, I can use for 6,7 or 8 hours and still have battery left. I'm on it right now using tapatalk. I've only logged onto the desktop version of TGO I bet less than 5 times. I've streamed 2 movies in 4g from Netflix and about 20 mins into another on one charge. I also use the FoxFi app and I cannot say enough good things about it. It is so easy to use. I just turn it on and have instant wifi. I have taken my laptop out in the yard while the phone was in the house and it still works good. I utilize my phone a lot. I used 84 gigabytes in June by streaming movies to the tv...in HD! I have the unlimited still. I got grandfathered in.
  22. Nice hog. What'd you take it with?


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