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Everything posted by glowdotGlock

  1. Charter Arms has some reasonably priced revolvers. Probably be the cheapest without loosing much quality. I've never owned or shot one but I believe they are usually compared to Taurus. Good luck.
  2. They have some already that look pretty sweet. Wouldn't mind having a good set of furniture myself. http://www.jmtpublishing.com/articles/2011/AR_many_minis_files/image002.jpg
  3. Merry Christmas y'all. Even though I've only met a couple of you, y'all kinda feel like family. I check the forums on my phone multiple times a day and when I'm working or can't check it for a few hours I kinda miss it. I've learned most of the names by now. I may not post much but I read just about everything. Good group of guys here...and a few gals ; ) Merry Christmas everyone.
  4. I think I started staying at home at about the age of 10 or so. I had access to a Remington 1100 that was my grandfather's dove hunting gun back in the 80's. I didn't shoot it a whole lot but my father had built me a gun rack for my BB gun and fishing rods, well one day after doing a lil' shooting with my dad I put the shotgun in my room on my rack instead of the gun cabinet in the living room. I made sure my dad saw me do it. We kinda had an unspoken agreement that it was ok for me to keep it in my room because he trusted my good judgement. So if anything were to happen, I had access to it a a few boxes of bird shot lol.
  5. Oh and I forgot. I had the new marine magnum 870 in the trunk ; )
  6. I just got back home with the lady from a little shopping and just took of the Glock 22 with a spare magazine. I feed it 180 grn. Federal HST
  7. Thanks for the link. I tried doing some Googling before starting the thread. Wish I had found this first :D
  8. Ah ok. I knew I probably sounded a little ignorant but I have owned several 870's but just didn't know much about barrels. I just wanted to be sure I could. Thanks
  9. I have an 870 Marine Magnum 12 gauge. I don't know much about shotgun barrels. It is a smooth bore if you look down it but on the left side of the barrel it is stamped "CYL". I wanted to see if I could shoot slugs through it before I tried. I've heard you can shoot rifled slugs in a smooth bore and sabots in a rifled barrel. Am I close? Thanks
  10. If you look close, the "round" that came out as the guy cycled it looked bigger than a small rifle round. Looked like a shot shell to me. I second the semi auto pistol grip shotgun
  11. I'll try that.
  12. I tried to put a pic on from my phone but it wouldn't let me.
  13. This afternoon my fiance surprised me with a like new 870 Marine Magnum. I've been wanting one for months. Gonna add a few goodies to it tomorrow and will post another pic. Haven't quit grinnin'
  14. [quote name='Jesse' timestamp='1356042004' post='864626']i got a feeling some morons will go on shooting sprees tomo just to try and cause drama.[/quote] My thoughts too.
  15. Not quite sure but if I go anywhere tomorrow I may carry my Glock 22 instead of my usually 27 and the ol' 870 in the trunk ; )
  16. Well obviously I am a Glock guy but I do like the feel of the M&P and the quality as far as I can see. That being said, it's one of the only few pistols I've never shot. I am inclined to vote Glock but either would be a good choice. You will find more parts availability with Glock. Mags, barrels, sights and such.
  17. I've never owned an LCP but I did carry a LCR .357 for a couple years. They are nice little wheel guns with a super smooth da trigger. The only thing honestly a didn't like was the capacity which isn't the guns fault. I still carry a small revelover in the summer months sometimes. I carry a Glock 27 primarily. But yes my friend, LCR is indeed a quality gun. Good luck.
  18. Here's one for "American Guns". It was the first to come up. I am looking for SOG http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/12/17/discovery-hit-american-guns-canceled-as-hollywood-wrestles-with-links-to-gun/
  19. I'm gonna order one and put an EoTech on it : )
  20. If you look at some of the previous updates this kid has made, ones says something to the effect of "how come nobody is talking to me? Please talk... blah blah...". Good way to get you're attention... Dumb@$$
  21. http://www.wkrn.com/story/20358041/columbia-19-year-old-arrested-for-making-threats-via-facebook?clienttype=generic&smartdevicecgbypass
  22. Wow. A 10mm... The guns were his mom's right? She must have been a bit of an enthusiast. An AR along with a 10mm. Not rare by any means but not common either.
  23. I watched this a couple times and laughed so hard I almost cried lol
  24. +1 for this man's actions. He appeared to stay calm and hit his target. Even under the stress in the last few seconds of the video he had his finger outside the trigger guard. He kept cool and safe.


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