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Everything posted by glowdotGlock

  1. I believe grammar and a little common sense go a long way especially when trying to sell an item. I was wondering about that tax too Dolo.
  2. I saw this ad on a Facebook gun sale site. They are asking $3,800. It's a "snipper" rifle. With a VFG.
  3. I've not ever been in a real fist fight because when I was a kid I was a skinny little s##t. But now at 28 I am 6, 3" and 252 pounds and not all of it is fat. I often wonder how I would come out in a fight if I had to. When I was a reserve deputy I would "wrestle" and grapple with other deputies while doing some hand to hand training and my size gave me a great advantage. Hopefully I will never have to find out.
  4. Thank you Dolomite. I was gonna give you a call a while back but my gun budget got blown out of the water. I have always wanted a black rifle with a can. I like the look of the shorty barrels. I didn't want to have a 16" barrel and an 8-10" can. Too long for me. I may just give you a shout in a couple weeks.
  5. I am new to the suppressor world and looking to jump in as easy as possible. Is there a dealer I can go to to get my paperwork started?
  6. So I would probably be better off finding a good lower then buying a complete upper with the can all at once then probably wouldn't I?
  7. I am doing some looking around for an AR. I plan to use my Christmas bonus on one. I saw this pic on Yeager's facebook page. I like the look of this gun and when I think Supressed AR this is what I picture minus the Red Jacket lower. I am wanting to go ahead and buy a can and do my forms. I guess my question is can anyone speculate on the "specs" of this upper? What length barrel? What can? Looks to me about a 10" or so... I will just be using this rifle for Home Defense and to take out and show off to the guys every now and then. And with this shorter barrel will I still be able to take the occasional coyote out to 125 yards or so? This would be my first supressed gun. I guess what I am saying is I want a rifle that looks like the one below.
  8. I have a leather Galco that I sometimes wear in the woods with my Glock 20 but it's under my coat. No way I would wear it in public.
  9. What gets me is that both are probably loaded with Wolf FMJ...
  10. I just did it to black out his head. As much as I like to poke fun I would hate to hurt anyone or expose who they are.
  11. I paid $20 to shoot one of these in Vegas. What a beast!
  12. On the front of the "rig" I think I saw spare mag pouches for those long shootouts.
  13. Exactly! I thought I saw a rail on that brace with a backup weapon light mounted. Haha
  14. While I was waiting for my approval on my Shield I bought yesterday a saw a guy in the shop that made me chuckle. He was wearing a DOUBLE under the arms nylon holster with a full size Glock under one arm and what looked to be a 1911 under the other and he was walking around proud. I am glad we have the option to open carry but some people just want attention I guess. I caught a pic, should I post it? It doesn't include his face but I hope he isn't on here.
  15. I had thought about getting a pocket holster today but I want to try a couple of them out. I am looking forward to getting it into rotation for those "light" days.
  16. I have been looking at the NSR tactical C-4 kydex. James Yeager has kinda turned me on to it in one of his videos. I may try appendix carry with this slim thing. I did just order a Serpa OWB retention holster for winter carry and for the woods/camping etc. Also found some HST 124 grn. in stock on ammunitiondepot.com and have 2 boxes on the way.
  17. I do carry my 19 everyday but I am ready for summer again so I can pocket carry in my shorts.
  18. I will always be a Glock nut but after shooting this Shield it kinda makes me want to get a full size M&P 9.
  19. I just looked this up. I like the looks of it.
  20. I couldn't stand it any longer. I went and picked up a Shield 9mm this morning. I have put 150 rounds through it with no malfunctions except for 1 brass to the face. It is a new one. The test fire date is 10 of 14. I like the way it feels in my hand. I shot 2 boxes of Blazer and one box of Tula all at around 10-15 yards and I seemed to be landing a couple inches low and left and all over the place. But then I shot a 20 box of Gold Dot and I was dead on. I know there is a big difference in top shelf SD ammo and junky ass Tula but I didn't think it was enough of a balistic difference to change my shooting that much. I am going to do some holster shopping. I believe this gun will see some carry along with my G19. May even find a nice ankle rig and carry as a BUG. Any good recomendations on a good IWB holster?
  21. I have a Jam Box. Got it for about $80 at Wallymart. It is rechargeable and claims to go 8 hours but I have gotten 12-14 from it. It sounds good too. I have owned a few but it's my favorite. Correction: it's a Jam party, not Jam box. This is the one I'm speaking of http://mobile.walmart.com/ip/26011032?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedItemId=26011039&adid=22222222228018081255&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=40330507112&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=78289846352&veh=sem
  22. I am looking to buy a Shield 9mm in a week or two. Got a good Christmas bonus and wanted to put together a nice 870 HD shotty too..
  23. I laughed out loud when I read this.


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