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Everything posted by glowdotGlock

  1. The century c39v2 is a milled in that range but I would go with a good stamped reviewer to start with.
  2. We are actually going there Saturday. Is the water warm?
  3. Purtty!
  4. My dad called my M&P 15-22 a machine gun when he first saw it. He isn't a shooter.
  5. I found out about this waterfall a couple weeks ago when my sister told me about it and one day after a Jeep event at Stan McNabb in Tullahoma we went and checked it out. I wasn't properly dressed for swimming that day but I did stick my feet in and it was almost painfully cold but there were a few swimming in it. For the last couple of weeks I have been saying to myself I wanna go back and get in this COLD water just as a "test" or a "mind over matter thing". We went yesterday and once my legs were in I just went for it. I wore my goggles and swam to the bottom to set up my camera. It was so cold for the first few minutes but then I started getting used to it. It was so cold that it was almost like a "high" (if that makes sense). It was uncomfortable yet enjoyable. I wanted to take a thermometer but didn't have one and the one on my G-Shock watch isn't all that accurate. I would guess the water is around 60-65°F. I may be way off. Has anyone been there or know an approximate temperature? Also has anyone been to Cummins Falls? We plan to make a short day trip there next weekend.
  6. I love the thing. I have been watching several videos on them with supressors and it's giving me the itch to get the ball rolling. I mounted a little bipod on it and am gonna go shoot in in a few hours. I've got about 6,000 rounds of Federal bulk I need to make a small dent in. I was averaging 1-1.25" even with the cheap stuff.
  7. I have already been looking at some stocks and found a few I like in the $150 range. I am probably gonna do the stock soon and a bipod and maybe even a faux suppressor till I go through and get a real one.
  8. Thanks. I did. Kings in Columbia. I do a lot of business with them.
  9. Yesterday I went and splurged a little on a couple guns. I picked up an 870 Police Magnum and bought all the Magpul furniture which I'll post some pics of later. I was in the market for a good ol' bolt action .22. I found a Savage Mark II FV-SR. It has a 16.5" threaded barrel which I plan to suppress one day. I matched It with a Nikon ProStaff 3-9x40 Rimfire scope with a BDC reticle. It is meant for a 50 yard zero and drops 75, 100, 125 and 150 yards. I took it out on the "back forty" this morning along with my saw horse bench and sandbags. I started shooting federal bulk through it at 50 yards and worked it in to a closer group and then switched to 36 grain HP Mini Mags to close in my group. The pic below is 4 shots all connected at 50 yards from the bench and the top is a shot from 75 yards through the first reticle below 50 which I squeezed a little high. I could not be more impressed with this rifle and scope. It only came with the 5 round mag which did get a little annoying while on the bench but I have 3 10 rounders on the way. I am glad to add it to the family.
  10. glowdotGlock


    I have had nothing but good luck out of my 48" Hustler FasTrak. It has a 26 hp Kawasaki and is built like a tank. I've got about 250 hours on it now and not one problem. It won't bog down and the deck is this and tough. I would have gotten a wider deck but I have lots of trees at the three properties I mow.
  11. I just thought about this and did a quick Google search to see what has took place with Will Hayden since last year. I didn't find much. Anyone know?
  12. It's not often that my mother sends me a link to something funny but she did tonight. I'm in the bed laughing my ass off while the ol' lady tries to sleep. I really get a kick out of this. More than I do with the NFL bad lip sync. Thought I would share. He was definitely out of his head on stage. Maybe a little LSD and coke? https://youtu.be/3xJWxPE8G2c
  13. For some reason I'm gonna bet he knew one of or both of the deceased. Who knows?
  14. Just heard the shooter was 58. Not typically an age you think of with a mass shooting. I figured it was some teenager.
  15. Well that's Thursday's shooting. Wonder were Friday's will be. This is beyond rediculous.
  16. I can't believe this. I'm glad I read this cause I was gonna melt down some rings this weekend and give it a shot. http://www.viralthread.com/l-a-gang-member-dies-after-attempting-to-gold-plate-his-penis/
  17. I had wondered too. It seems like someone could come up and "pretend" to be protecting them and then attack from close range. I do understand why though.
  18. Just left Maryland. We be back home tonight.
  19. It's funny that this was the first thread that I saw this morning. I am in Baltimore getting loaded up to head to Mt Juliet.
  20. I drive a truck and will be coming from Maryland down 81 through Knoxville to deliver in Mt. Juliet Thursday morning.
  21. That's just a plain ol' what I call a chicken snake.
  22. 17, 19 and 20 are really the only ones you need to know. [emoji1]


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