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Everything posted by tugboat

  1. Every company has to have policies....If not, there would be all kinds of articles to read about...But like DaveTN said, Its how you enforce your policies is the key and it's clear that if this article is 100% accurate, that the "punishment for the crime" was unjust. Most likely though, this negative publicy for AZ will not effect them as much as we would like for it to. They are still cheaper than most any other part's stores and people will still buy from them for that reason. As for the other businesses having the same policy, sure they do...I do find it hard to believe that these other businesses would terminate an employee for this though. Who ever made this decision needs a reality check or better yet, needs to be directly involved in the same kind of stressful, dangerous situation. Perhaps this would change his outlook on some things. I'm fortunate enough to work at a place that everyone is encouraged to carry...All of us here have a carry permit and I feel are resposible enough to do so openly. If a customer asks why, we give our opinion and hear there's too...I've never lost a customer over this, in fact made some. Policy is Policy...There's nothing anyone can do about that. But punishment in this case should have been reconciled differently...If the employee carried it in the store for no reason, SURE. Let him go. But his reasons are more than justified in my book. Hopefully this guy will get a bigger better job. I know I would hire him. Who better to have someone watch your back?
  2. [quote name='samson7x' timestamp='1352843664' post='845033'] My brother shoots a T/C and was having the same problems with pellets @ 150gr. He dropped down to 100 and it is as accurate as can be now. [/quote] After some random research since my last update, This is a pretty wide spread issue. Most everytime I read the complaints most people are shooting them until they hit the center of the target and the putting there guns up. Not shooting a second and third time. I have always used 100 grain for the most part until I got this gun and I only went to 150 because "those guys on TV use it!" .lol. I learned my lesson for sure. Also, went hunting yesterday morning, bagged a coyote that was hot on a yearling's trail. Much more confident in the muzzleloader after that.
  3. Just thought I would give everyone an update...Dropped down to 100 grain using pellets and I'm consistantly 1/2 high at 100 yds putting holes on top of one another. Before I adjusted anything, The 150 grain load was 2 inches off what is was from Sunday and 1 shot wasnt consistant with the other. I'm consistant and exactly where I want to be now...Thanks again everyone for the help!
  4. Thanks guys... I do use pellets... I just called the dealer that I bought the gun from and he stated that I should try the same thing Dave said...Go with loose powder. If I didnt want to do that, Drop down to 2 pellets. I used to use 100 grain of powder with my remington ML and was deadly accurate...I think the loose powder is what I'm going to try. Thanks for the help guys!
  5. Hey guys...It's been a while since I've posted anything but every time I have, you guys seem to be a big help so here goes. This past Saturday's events have me somewhat scratching my head. A good friend and myself was hunting this weekend. A huge buck walked in front of my friend about 100 yds away so he shot at the deer but missed. This is the second deer that he has missed in 2 yrs however he's a crack shot. We both shoot T/C muzzleloaders. His being the omega, mine being the encore pro-hunter. When we got back to the truck talking about "the one that got away" he just couldn't believe that he missed. We set up a target and his gun was way off. Not even hitting paper. I shot at the target and mine was off as well. Way OFF!!! It make no sense because 2 weeks prior we were dead on. Both of us use 150 grain of powder, 250 grain sabot, and use the Nikkon omega BDC retacle scope. After talking with a few people over the weekend, they have had the same problems. One guy swears that it will never been on. I re-sighted it in saturday evening and shot it again last night and its off again. Has anybody had this problem before? Thanks
  6. I have both and love them both. Under these circumstances, Glocks!
  7. I carry a p238 everyday. I wouldn't have any other "mouse gun". You wont go wrong with one!!!
  8. nice gun!!!! I too missed out on one a few months back. i won't make that mistake again!
  9. my uncle took a Remington 788 on trade back in the 80's when he had a small used car lot. Him not being a hunter, when I got a little older he made me a heck of a deal on it. Most of the ones I have seen are pretty pain, However the stock on mine is somewhat unique. At least I havent seen one like it before. It's a good looking gun but the accuracy is AWESOME!!! the longest kill i have ever made was with this rifle....with a cheapy scope on it!
  10. ok...Here are some options. If you like lever actions, why not go with a Browning BLR? i had one in a 308 and loved it. Stupid decision to sell it. i love 308. i also like the 7mm08. its a wicked round. I know the BLR barrel maybe somewhat shorter but really, get used to it, buy good ammo, and you will be accurate enough to kill game at long range. Your right as well...its hard to beat a 700.
  11. I agree with everything said. Including JAB's post. Its' illegal...Breaking the law is breaking the law. On the flip side...I carried everywhere except for federal buildings, schools, post office. airports, ect.... I dont open carry and and can say that its nearly impossible to see it due to how i dress. I have a customer that manages three restaraunts in Knoxville. He says that the franchise policies are to post however he has never acted on people carrying. And he notices it quite frequently.
  12. He coached a long time and was good at coaching no doubt...However, a "good" coach is on and off the field. I hate it for his family for sure but I feel no remorse for him!
  13. Springers are awesome!!!! I've got a Loaded and love it. Good choice!
  14. interesting story....had a guy in ATL try and get in my truck while blocked in at a gas station in the middle of the night. He too got a close look of a barrell. However, a cop was in the parking lot and saw the whole thing. They "cuffed and stuffed" him. Glad you handled it the way you did. Good story with good ending!
  15. welcome!!!!
  16. does seem a bit odd!
  17. WELCOME from the east side!
  18. those are awesome. Nice bucks...Welcome to TGO.
  19. Sorry...I tried!
  20. Thats awesome. Very nice story and good to hear that there are still generous people out there just looking to make someone's day change; and in your daughter's case her year change!
  21. tugboat

    Ruger SR1911

    I was told my a local gun dealer that starting first of 2012 that Ruger is going to step up the distribution of Ruger 1911's in "mass quantity" but I will believe it when I see it.
  22. I got pulled over about a month ago for my tags expired. When the officer asked for my DL I handed him both my DL and my HCP. He then asked if I had any weapons in my vehicle and of course I advised that i did. I asked if he needed to see it and he said no. After he had ran my info and came back to my truck he then asked what kind of weapon I carried. I told him what gun I had then the asked to see it. Kinda caught me off guard but I took it off my hip, handed to him and just looked at it. Then he asked how much I paid for it and if I liked it....Long story short, I made a friend and ended up doing some trading later on, on some shotguns. I think most of the time, cops are ok with it.
  23. I would put every 1911 in your hand that you can find first and see which one feels the best. Shooting each one would be even better but that maybe a little hard to accomplish. My first 1911 was a Taurus...Traded it off about a year later. It shot good but was a little sloppy for me. After trading back and forth on others I finally ended up with a Springfield Loaded and im satisfied. I would look at the Range Officer if you want to go the Springfield route. I'm partial to them but most of them are great guns. Some are just better than others. If your budget is between 1k-2k the TRP is a great choice. (IMHO)
  24. i have had both from sub compacts to full size. my favorite glock is the G23...I carry a G26 sometimes. i used to have a xd 45 service model and xd40sc. I liked the full size XD but as far as compacts and sub compacts I would hands down pick the glock. My glocks are gen 3's. if i had to pick one or the other...i would lean towards the glock. Both are nice weapons though.
  25. I have never shot the Ruger but I really want to. I own a Springfield Loaded and I can honestly say it shoots wonderful. My Loaded is one gun that I would have a hard time parting with. A difference in $300.00...well...thats a judgement call. The re-sell on a Ruger may be a different story then the Loaded but I'm not sure. If you do go the Ruger route, and since we are basically nieghbors, holler at me and we can do some comparing. I would love to see how the Ruger does. I do know that they look very appealing.


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