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Everything posted by NuTcAsE

  1. Glad nothing came of it. I'd be in trouble for constantly screwing with them.
  2. "Bangcicles"!
  3. If they do, this may help. Relieve the friction of monkey butt and painful butt rash, when you ride, sweat and sit. | Anti Monkey Butt Powder
  4. You sure can.
  5. If I were going to buy one my first choice would be charcoal, then electric. I've read and saw shows on tv that say propane doesn't give you a true smoke because of the water that propane produces. I don't know you might want to research that more if you're considering propane. What I usually do is put a hot plate and a heavy pie pan in my grill. Fill it with chips turn it on and leave the lid cracked a little so the plate won't cut off, throw in some meat when it comes up to temperature and go drink beer till it's time to change the chips. According to the thermometer on the grill it stays about 200-225ish. Yep!
  6. Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.....
  7. We should really be ashamed that we make more than the third world. Oh' the excess!! When will we ever stop????
  8. Here, Here... Happy Veteran's Day!, and Thank You!!!!!
  9. I came this close to sex...once... Wax on...Wax off... Sand the floor, Danielsan, Sand the floor... I need a window in my belly this wide so I can see. Senator Hillary Clinton at the Global seminar for Women's health demonstrating the size of the new "Super Bitch" maxi pad. This is the attention span of the American people...
  10. NuTcAsE

    Attn Vol Fans

    I heard SC is going to wear their new gas station attendant uniforms... new helmet design too
  11. I was gonna suggest staying out of gay bars...
  12. That stuff is awesome!!! Tannerite Exploding Targets from Tannerite Explosives Corporation - Manufacturer of High Explosives, Low Explosives and Fireworks I've used clay pigeons, or hot glue paint balls to a board.
  13. We were still 35 point dogs to the bye...
  14. No, today you wound up with 2 more points at the end of the game. And, your still Alabama
  15. Your Tax Dollars and government at work. Makes you feel all warm & fuzzy inside don't it? Guess we need to work a lot harder and a few hours longer tomorrow to pay for her lost food stamps. May God be with those kids....
  16. NuTcAsE


    Just drink more beer...
  17. I really don't see a great lot of difference from the last Administration, or the ones before for that matter. I was way more than frustrated a long time ago. You're absolutely right though that people need to get and stay active. But, we're not gonna fix it from the top, it has to start at the local level. People need to forget about the R & D nonsense and get behind the people who will do the job they were sent to do for two terms and done.
  18. Awesome!! Kids are the best!
  19. You should reply "Yes Honey, You know they say that a man marries a woman who reminds him of his mother...." and DUCK!
  20. No, it's the parents responsibility.
  21. Micro-genitalia.
  22. O.K. with that Nobel thingy out of the way. Got this in an email. Let's get him the Heisman Trophy. Go here Heisman Vote 2009 - presented by Nissan and enter our beloved President in the running for the Heisman. :D


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