Man, every time I see that I'll giggle 2 or 3 days about it, I guess because I can see me doing that.
I've lit myself up a few times, once when was a kid I was in the woods playin after a rain in some weeds about waist high when nature called. I KNEW there was an electric there some where..... and I found it!
Back a few years ago I was workin' on my car diagnosing a miss. I'd gotten my spark tester and hooked it up to a plug wire. I couldn't see the spark as the sun was shining directly on it, so I shaded my eyes, y'know like a salute with my right hand and bent over the fender to take a look. Well, you gotta watch how close you get, and don't make yourself a ground, 'cause you'll lay the damndest Hong Kong Phooey chop you've ever seen right across your forehead. My wife came running out the door checking the back of my head, as I was staggering around in circles. She thought I had raised up and hit the back of my head on the hood. I don't know if I did or not, the front was hurtin too much and I was tryin to shove my eyeballs back in the holes.
I guess the morals of these stories are:
Juice, hurts like a SUM*****