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Everything posted by NuTcAsE

  1. Congrats!!!
  2. NuTcAsE


    Good one!
  3. The #1 cause for divorce is marriage.
  4. Oh, in that case he shoots Foie Gras, and truffles out his a**.
  5. Shoots strings of Gov. Cheese out his a**. What a disgrace.....
  6. NuTcAsE


    I cleared all 15 levels today!
  7. NuTcAsE


    http://dsc.discovery.com/tv/future-weapons/games/cannon/cannon.html FroggyOne sent it to me.
  8. I found a speed test App. Here's what I'm getting FWIW; Down Edge - 188k low - 205k (at home), 3G - 1.5m low, - 2m hi (at work in Johnson City) Wi-Fi - 3.98m low 5.55m high (from my home router) Up Edge - 72k low - 96k High 3G - 99k low - 195 High Wi-Fi - in the 230's consistently
  9. Good work! How have your medical issues improved?
  10. Here in the Tri-Cities edge works O.K., it is actually better than I thought it would be and as fast as work. I guess it depends on where you are. 3G works good. The Wi-Fi from my home router is great. I really don't expect it to perform like my pc, and I have no idea how fast it "should be", this is my first smart phone, sad thing is the last one was smarter than me. I'm happy with it, and amazed at the technology. There is probably more computer power in this phone than on the moon missions. Try one, they have a 30 day return (less 20% restock), I don't know if you have to keep the contract though.
  11. I found some of these on iTunes, along with Downrange Radio w/ Michael Bane, and some Tom Gresham podcasts. I have just started, Mark Vandenberg had an interview with Massad Ayoob on Christmas day. Pretty good I thought, no tinfoil hattery.......
  12. Well, seems to me that now that you have a "showing set". Now, you need a "shooting set"! I know that helps....
  13. I just got an iPhone, and the site looks and works great.
  14. Didn't mean to be a smart a** there, but I think you're thinkin what I was. It looks like it sticks way out, but it really isn't a problem at all, you don't even know it's there.
  15. You wouldn't tape down the grip safety on a 1911 would you?
  16. T.G.O. wallpaper, current gatherings & events schedule, alerts for Tungsten, for when he updates rules, code of conduct, etc. How bout phone numbers, gps directions, to all the T.G.O. businesses only. It would be a perk for businesses to advertise here. Maybe the businesses could offer a small discount if you show your iphone app. they could gauge the success of the app. Maybe the vendors could issue specials through the app? Not sure about that, I ain't real smart bout this stuff. Just a thought....
  17. Well that's easy, to link up to the Diamond Dave thread, and out pops Dave lay some Judy Choppin, Kung-Fu Kickin, and 120 lbs. of Ninjy Whoopin on any would be perpetrators. For those time you can't carry.
  18. Could you do one for a PS3 remote?
  19. Congrats, I like those. I got Lucky on our First Anniversary.......... He was half Black Lab & half Black Cocker Spaniel, beautiful mutt.
  20. The only difference there is, one's legal, one ain't. It ought to be perfectly legal to shoot thievin b***ards.
  21. See, that's what you get. I don't let my wife drive my truck, and she very rarely shoots my guns. She needed to start shootin more, so I bought her an XD9 sc for Christmas. Now, since she doesn't have a permit yet, guess who gets to carry it...
  22. I'm gonna start tellin the banks, " You can consider my tax dollars a loan to you, so We're just gonna call it even. O.K. Bye-Bye..CLICK!!"
  23. It's "A** Friendly!!"
  24. Works great. I had to log in again today. The security feature works great!, I forgot my password, lol! The "I forgot my password." link worked fine, e-mailed me a new one and went through the reset procedure just fine! Good Work!


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