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Everything posted by MarkInNashville

  1. Very interesting video, thanks for sharing!   I guess I have been doing it wrong my whole life, I leave the wire brush on the end of my cleaning rod and flap a cloth patch over the end of it and push that through (99% of the time it comes back out with it too).
  2. Personally I have all RCBS dies but to the best my my knowledge yes, you can mix and match different die functions (I.E., an RCBS decapper, Hornaday expander, Dillon bullet seater and a Lee factory crimp) all for a single cartridge. In fact, I have been told that is really the best way to get exactly what you want.
  3. It is a sharp looking zombie killer!
  4. Personally I inspected mine and gave them a wipe with a very light coat of CLP, as I do for my guns. For the inner part of the die that would enter a case I wiped it off with a clean rag (make sure no oil gets in there).
  5. I thought that store burned down and he was operating out of his house now? At least that's the way I understood it.
  6. Generally speaking I COMPLETELY agree with you! I shot one of the very fist Glock model 17s that came into this country, long about 19 andddd 84, didnt like it then and I still dont. I know they are quality but they are not for me! In all fairness, I shot my cousins model 23 and I actually liked it.   I REALLY like M&P's!
  7. MDF would be good for this project. You can bevel the edges so you don't stub a toe on it, too!
  8. While people saying that they are interested and want them, is awesome,  its also a long way from having cash in hand but I think you are off to a great start! Assuming you price them either equal to or a tad below current market value I believe that your fellow Tenneess collectors should take care of your little problem!   I would personally love to own an M! Garand and an M! carbine.
  9. No info but I will say that I am very envious ya ya!
  10. You could give it to me... I have a 9 and a 45 so it would be a nice addition to my little collection.
  11. If nothing else, you could contact Hornady, or whoever you bough them from and see if you can swap them for the correct die.
  12. All I know about them is that I know D&T Arms (an authorized vendor) in Goodlettsville sells them and he (Dave, the store owner) has said they are good. His word is good enough for me!
  13. Boston Marathon Bombers Broke Gun Laws to Acquire Weapons http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/04/22/Report-Boston-Marathon-Bombers-Ignored-Gun-Laws-To-Acquire-Their-Guns   The shocking part is not that they broke the law (we ALL know criminals do that) the shocking part is that the media is reporting it!  
  14. I thought it was getting better. I have actually seen those EBRs available in gun stores (and for reasonable prices). Ammo and components hadn't stopped or slowed down, any.
  15. You aren't just a little proud, are you? lol CONGRATS!!!
  16. Alabama State, what?
  17. Norma and Ricky (Brooks) both pointed out a time and effort waster I was doing. I just wish things hadn't changed for what weekends I have my kids!   But I do agree that a run without the timer going would be better! And even more so - the feedback of what was done well and not so well... the few times I have shot a course (6 or less) I always at least try to not go first, just to get an idea of what to expect.
  18. No, a list of FFL holders is fine. I simply mean that I am concerned that if there is a national registry for those that own firearms that a list like this will be stumbled upon by someone and posted. Or, as Dolomite said that it be decided that it should be posted. I don't want anyone to know what I own, either!   I am busy drawing conclusions to events that have not, yet, happened... yall see my aluminum foil hat anywhere?
  19. THIS is what concerns me - about a national gun registry (or a posting of those with a HCP).
  20. No, a larger objective lens MAY allow more light, depends on the lens. I know nothing about scopes but my other hobby is photography... I am a Canon shooter but I would have thought the Nikon would have been better, as they do know lots about lenses but if the Burris was better (and the guy that worked there thought the same thing)... whats the point? Are you trying to get someone else to agree with the 2 of yall or are you trying to convert people? It wouldn't be the first time David whupted the giant's butt!
  21. Middle Tennessee Gunsmithing (615) 384-5591 It is in Springfield
  22. How YOU doin??? You will love it here!
  23. While that seems like a good idea, I'm afraid that lead is littering the berm at the Stone's River Hunter Education Center.
  24. That do look sharp! But I am a bit confused, the original part is plastic??? That looks like metal and looks good, also.
  25. I know that each barrel needs to be slugged to properly determine the correct size bullet to use. I have been meaning to find some fishing weights with which to slug it. I now know that at pistol velocities do not need gas checks and that the hardness isn't terribly important (for paper hole-punching). I had bought moly-coated bullets (which I did like the idea of BUT I have heard horror stories about smoke, which I do not want!) and they seemed to work well.   Thanks yall!


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