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Everything posted by MarkInNashville

  1. I have been seriously thinking about switching to all small primer .45 as well (but after I use a few thousand of the large primers I have ` lol). But you have raised a question in my mind. I have both a 1911 and striker fired (S&W M&P) guns, are there cases where stiker fired doesn't have reliable ignition? The M&P popped all of the factory rounds with no problem.
  2. I talked to the owner once myself. He told me about his plans - I liked it already but after hearring his plans I was sad, figure it will become so popular a fella wont be able to squeeze in. It is a really nice place!
  3. Wow, interesting! I imagine someone will pass a law aginst it soon.
  4. Thats a cool and great idea! Can you feel it one the cases? Would heating it help it to adhear any better?
  5. Sweet! Congrats on it!
  6. I am too, and for what it's worth, I am in no way associated with him, just a very good Smith and a good guy!
  7. I cant say I know about Clarksville but in Springfield is http://www.midtngunsmithing.com/Contact.html. Brandon is an excellent Smith!
  8. Where do you order the Zeros from and my I ask the price?
  9. Don't feel bad, I tried to sign-up for FAL Files and I was told that I had been banned!
  10. I have a 9L (5") and a full size .45. I love them and never had a bit of trouble with them!
  11. In Nashville and I have a Keltec in 9mm. As a few others have said, it's recoil is rather more than I expected but I have since installed a recoil buffer pad - haven't shot it since to test. Worst thing about it is that its really much more suited to a person who is small in stature. I'm 6' - 1" with long arms so its a bit of a chore but its damn accurite! PM me so we can setup a shoot some time.
  12. It would be sweet even in semiauto!
  13. Why wouldn't it be legel? Is it ilegial to carry a bat (ok, truth is I guess I have always assumed it was legal but I don't know for a fact that it is or not). I have a 6 D cell Mag light, don't need any more than that! lol
  14. I'm loading 115 grn jacked round-point with 4.6 grains of TG. And fyi, I used the Hodgdon website also.
  15. Since no one else is asking I guess I will be the first... Where do we meet and what time??? We gotta get up early to kill them snakes and have our jamboree fire! Its just a joke yall! Truth be known I will probably be the one being killed (by heart attack) if I ever did come across a venomous snake! I was at Savage Gulf in the South Cumberland Recreation Area - where I saw a red sign routed into a 2" x 6" painted red that you had to step-over that said: CAUTION - SNAKES. I have been in a lot of parks but NEVER have a seen a sign that took so much work to make and install - it worked - I was VERY CARFUL Nuff said!
  16. For what it's worth I work at an environmental laboratory. We have scales (labratory grade scales are called "balances") that are accurate to 6 places to the right of the decmial when measureing grams. These must sit on a table made entireally from concrete and\or marble and are usually glued together with special adhesive and uses very heavy bracket of stainless steel. Also they all have built-in bubble levels.
  17. Tip - Cut up some fabric or even paper-towels and put in the tumbler. The very light grit, dust and (possabilily) the media itsself as it is being turned to dust attaches itself. I use old dryer sheets after I cannot smell the Bounce on them any more cut into eights. Tip - Toss a few handfulls of gound walnut media (I use the cheapest lizzerd-litter I can find at pet stores) in with the corncob; seems to speed up the polishing action.
  18. That's the stuff. I learned about it in a shipyard in southern Mississippi (also learned how much it cost to have a pair of Smith & Wession handcuffs reblued, also)!
  19. My $0.02 is still to say find someone who can refinish it and talk to them BEFORE you do a single thing to it! It may have a very, very significent impact on what it is you can or should do.
  20. Navel jelly will make rust disapear (and buleing too - dont ask me how I know, just accept that I paid for a tee-shirt that day so you won't need to). You can find it anyplace that painting supplies are sold (home stores etc.). As for reblueing it you might get something done with a "cold blue" kit but I think that in the long run you would be better-off to find someone who can aply a hot blue finish. I will say this a hot blue job isn't cheap but I have a friend who is a gunsmith and he said it is hours and hours and hours of work with the removial of the old finish, prepairing the metal, removing the things that can not be blued and then actually appling the finish.
  21. I have 2 seperate M&Ps. The .45 is very new (I was the second owner but it was test fired 4 months before I took possition) while the 9mm was about 5 years old. Both took a LOT of force to knock the sights loose (I think the older 9mm had Brandon cussing LOL).
  22. Welcome back from Nashville!
  23. Glad your here!
  24. Glad you found your way here - You'll love it!


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