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Everything posted by kieefer

  1.  It may be this  :rolleyes: more so than Stallone's anti-rights position, and the title was a poor choice.   I'm glad it bombed, maybe he'll take a hint. I think Arnold has a new movie coming up also, wonder how it will compare?
  2. Ron is old news and washed up, so now the MSM want to pay attention to him?  :puke:   Rand is the one to watch, his comments were much more respectful.
  3. I know CBS is the pocket of BHO but this is the kind of activity that 60 Minutes USED to report about.   I've sent this out to at least 20 friends, hope you guys do the same.
  4. Hey, we might can turn this around :x: Here's the one I had a crush on :love:
  5. I suggest everyone start sending this out. It's been out since Oct. 2012, not hardly enough people have seen this.
  6. Senator Todd Gardenhire address is incorrect, should be without an "s".      sen.todd.gardenhire@capitol.tn.gov     To make it easy, copy and paste;   sen.mike.bell@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.doug.overbey@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.stacey.campfield@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.todd.gardenhire@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.ophelia.ford@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.lowe.finney@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.mark.green@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.brian.kelsey@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.john.stevens@capitol.tn.gov
  7. Senate Bill 142, safe commute comes up for a vote tomorrow, here are the folks you need to plead to;   sen.mike.bell@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.doug.overbey@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.stacey.campfield@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.todd.gardenhire@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.ophelia.ford@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.lowe.finney@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.mark.green@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.brian.kelsey@capitol.tn.gov,  sen.john.stevens@capitol.tn.gov   Note, sen.todd.gardenshire@capitol.tn.gov appears NOT to be the correct address, I removed the "s" and it remained sent.     The Tennessee Senate Judiciary Committee will hear and consider the 2013 Safe Commute Act on Tuesday, February 5 at 3:30 p.m. in the Legislative Plaza Room 12. If enacted, the 2013 Safe Commute Act would recognize that hard-working Tennesseans’ right to self-defense does not end when they drive onto their employer’s property or into publicly accessible parking lots. Senate Bill 142, sponsored by Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey (R-4), would allow individuals with a valid handgun carry permit to transport and store a firearm or firearm ammunition in the permit holder’s privately-owned motor vehicle in public or private parking areas under certain conditions. Please call AND e-mail members of the Senate Judiciary Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support Senate Bill 142 on February 5 using the contact information provided below. Its companion bill, House Bill 118, sponsored by state Representative Jeremy Faison (R-11), has not been scheduled for a House committee hearing yet. Please stay tuned to www.nraila.org for updates on the progress of the 2013 Safe Commute Act. Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee: Senator Brian Kelsey (Chair) 615-741-3036 sen.brian.kelsey@capitol.tn.gov Senator Doug Overbey (1st Vice Chair) 615-741-0981 sen.doug.overbey@capitol.tn.gov Senator Stacey Campfield (2nd Vice Chair) 615-741-1766 sen.stacey.campfield@capitol.tn.gov Senator Mike Bell 615-741-1946 sen.mike.bell@capitol.tn.gov Senator Lowe Finney 615-741-1810 sen.lowe.finney@capitol.tn.gov Senator Ophelia Ford 615-741-1767 sen.ophelia.ford@capitol.tn.gov Senator Todd Gardenhire 615-741-6682 sen.todd.gardenshire@capitol.tn.gov Senator Mark Green 615-741-2374 sen.mark.green@capitol.tn.gov Senator John Stevens 615-741-4578 sen.john.stevens@capitol.tn.gov
  8. This can get pretty ugly you know, Steven Tyler....without.....
  9. Bet that ain't all he blew. Looks like he left a part on the track.
  10. Sorry, I see that. I've bought ammo from them like this before but not .22LR, my bad, I assumed.
  11. http://www.nationalreview.com/   A whole slideshow available here ^   :lol:
  12. I wonder about the driver? I wonder if he at least had the sense to buckle-up?
  13. Why not place an order with BassPro and pick it up at the store when it comes in?
  14. Looks like they've been to too many monster truck events. Or maybe not enough.
  15. Afraid so, I always remind them that both are on the comedy network. Appears this is their only source. I believe that they can be referred to as the "low-information-voter".
  16. I liked that one also, too bad they're not a true USA made company anymore like so many others.   Fiat got management control of Chrysler as part of Chrysler's Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization in the summer of 2009. Now Fiat also has majority ownership -- 52% -- and plans to hold 57% of Chrysler by the end of the year. A United Auto Workers union trust would then hold 41.5%, according to Fiat. Canadian governments still hold a small stake.     I liked the car ads and Shick Speed Stick ad. If the AUDI ad had Al Pancino it would have been much better (Devil Advocate movie)
  17. My favorite after the short shorts obama;
  18. GO 9'ERS.   http://www.salon.com/2013/02/03/footballs_death_spiral/         .
  19. Where are you shooting at??
  20. I haven't checked into this but a friend at work just finished working with his INS agent on repurchasing his recently totaled 10 yr old Escort. Didn't sound like much damage and it was something he wanted to repair since he had some money in it on other repairs.  Anyway he told me that being the car was over ten yrs old that the title would not be called a rebuilt title. He said the INS Agent told him that any car over ten yrs old doesn't have to have a rebuilt title to be resold.   Again, this info is something I haven't cared to check into, maybe those that have experience with rebuilds can make this clear? 
  21. http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=277680
  22.   Yep, missed that one.    Just saying.  :whistle:
  23. Nothing but staged antics.
  24. That's cool, good for her.  :up:   Big thanks to her Mom and Dad.


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