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Everything posted by kieefer

  1. I hope Joe Carr is getting your votes.
  2. +1 I own the compact and have carried it in the winter time. Nice shooter but I can hide my P238 easier. I've had no problems and also shot the sub-compact that has the rotating barrel which I actually liked better but found a deal on this one. [URL=http://s779.photobucket.com/user/richarddacat/media/MISC/885c0d38.jpg.html][/URL]
  3. I like the Bourne series especially the last one but there must be a generational gap in finding humor in Will Ferrell movies. I channel surfed last night with Talladega Nights and I still think his movies are the stupidest waste of film out there.   To each his own.  :shrug:
  5. Might give DB another listen. I never cared much for it either but enjoyed David Gilmour's Live In Gdansk performance so much I dug it out and it became a new favorite.
  6. Unforgiven Dirty Harry Magnum Force Contact Perfume Cloud Atlas Forrest Gump Dead Man Down Prometheus Silence of the Lambs Top ten in no particular order but could say Fight Club is my favorite.
  7. [quote name="dawgdoc" post="1164772" timestamp="1404342472"]Just a word on acepromazine. It is a sedative but not anti-anxiety. It sedates the dog so that the behavior that annoys the owner does not occur, but does not affect the actual anxiety. So basically you get a sedate, anxious dog. I prefer to use alprazolam (Xanax), but will combine it with acepromazine if needed. I also use the Thundershirt. The best treatment is desensitization to thunder in the non-storm season, but that takes a lot of work that almost no one wants to do.[/quote] From what I noticed is that she wasn't anxious but more calm. Still alert to show some nervousness, scratching at the door, but not wild-eyed and panting profusely. I told her to stop the scratching, sat with her a bit and she was fine. Maybe a little more time and she would have been knock out? Please give some examples of desensitization training.
  8.   I agree, nicely stocked, friendly counter folks.   I noticed that they had a used gun at the same price as a new one, a Bersa I think. When I questioned this their response was that the used guns came from other stores and apparently that the price marked on the used ones must be what they need out of it.
  9. [URL=http://s779.photobucket.com/user/richarddacat/media/CATS/101225_181953_zpsc9643341.jpg.html][/URL] I got me some dope and I'm feeling good! :rofl: Acepromazine 25mg was prescribed and it looks like it's going to mellow her out just fine, we'll see on the 4th. 8 tablets were $6.50 The Thunder Shirt works good on my parents dog.
  10. Our dog goes bonkers during fireworks and thunderstorms, the cats ignore them. We give the dog a natural supplement that's suppose to relax her but I don't think it helps much. Looking now into a "real" sedative at the Vet.   The other evening we left her outside on a lead and she tore out the cat door on the garage. 
  11. Those that receive a e-flyer from Outpost Armory will know that employee pricing is available all this month.   What % discount that amounts to?.... I have no idea.
  12. I think those behind it were former Marilyn Monroe boyfriends but I have nothing to support that claim. They may have been funded by the cuban mafia, not sure.         :whistle:
  13. Might add that extra lighting is also more helpful on bikes and as mentioned, ride defensively.
  14. Great, can't see anyone but liberals living in NY.   Welcome.  :usa:
  15.   And don't forget about the Italian Harley 2-strokes in the late 40's to the mid 70's. A mistake (?) where the japs did it much better.   Harley has been into many things, all in a effort to make money with the mystique of claiming to be American made.
  16. [quote name="DaveTN" post="1160695" timestamp="1403264016"] Anything an American company can do to keep jobs here and offer Americans products made here is a good thing for us all.[/quote] Harley has gone global and have sent many jobs overseas. All due to cost and gov. regulations, so don't fool yourself.
  17.   Apparently they've hired some new PR folks, most likely some young kids out of college that's been taught......well no need to go there.   Something else related is the their new water cooled jap-copy of a  750. What's next a Harley scooter?   Excuse me but an American company as old as HD who has used Jap parts for years BTW is now making a Yamaha Bolt copy made in Bawal, India of all places. And now an electric bike to satisfy all the tree huggers and it's most likely made somewhere else besides the USA like India.   Obviously I dislike of HD.   Back on topic, there's one of many reasons why I ride and one is to hear and feel a powertrain on two wheels underneath me. Electric bikes, like scooters do nothing for me and the same goes for straight pipes with a poser wearing $500 worth of HD apparel.
  18. Yes, HD has been making mistakes for years. Nothing new here. :)
  19. Excuse me while I go and throw up.
  20. Awesome! She's lucky to have parents like you and to be able to go to a private school. She'd never have this opportunity in public schools without serious consequences.
  21. Might as well mention the S&W 22A. Nice inexpensive plinker. Target wood grips are for large hands so keep that in mind.
  22. I've got both and like both but the M&P is similar in size to my other Ruger SR9 and I find that helps with my shooting skills.
  23. kieefer

    Tornado watches

      As usual. Wasn't it suppose to be here ...at first noon and then 3pm.    They really have no idea what the weather is going to do especially in TN.
  24. Awesome show! Yeah, I was there!   http://youtu.be/IhxIHYCKXqA   http://youtu.be/mlXMYWgwwSg     (no it's not my recording)


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