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kieefer last won the day on May 5 2017

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About kieefer

  • Birthday 12/22/1957

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  • Location
    Home of Andrew Jackson
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Lifetime NRA & AMA member, motorcycling, landscaping, politics and guns.
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    LCP or S&W model 37
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Bersa BP9cc

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Community Answers

  1. Kitt Carson, hard to find a picture of him holding a weapon but from a recent book I read "Blood and Thunder" Mr Carson was quite a shot.
  2. I liked them both, even with a few flaws, I believe he shot his foot that was behind a guys head in one scene but JW is pretty much invincible so no big deal and he should have walked away from the 69Mach1, no way that it can be rebuilt. I also would have liked if he beat the deaf girl to death rather than another knife stab. I guess the opening scene in Chapter 3 will be him digging up his stash that he cemented over... twice now.
  3. Cool links to more John Wick stuff http://www.tactical####.com/guns-of-john-wick/ http://www.range365.com/guns-featured-new-john-wick-chapter-2-trailer
  4. Looking into match barrels for a S&W Shield and came across this... https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/lone-wolf-distributors-shot-show-2017/ "The next treatment offered for the Shield is a slide cut that allows the installation of a red dot sight. This is a turn-key job on your slide for just $124.99. They are selling the Shield REFLEX MINI SIGHT, an aluminum-framed red dot that is sized perfectly for the Smith and Wesson Shield with either a 4 MOA dot or a 8 MOA dot. It uses one 3V lithium CR2032 battery that will last two to three years of normal use. Brightness is automatically adjusted based on environment. This set up only adds 0.61 ounces to your pistol."
  5. I think thats a cool option, done right and compact enough I would love to have a 9mm setup with a red dot. I've got a S&W 22A and it a blast to shoot
  6. As said already, I go for the Guns and Ammo. A nice addition may be Safes and training options as in courses besides carry permits.
  7. Just announced, FYI http://www.waltherarms.com/rebate100/ Curious of thoughts about what they offer that compete against S&W's Shield?
  8. Haven't bought anything since Xmas. Been having an itch for a S&W Shield especially since the *rebate offer but I have a few pistols in that size so I've been holding off......*can't hold off too much longer. Of course I'd like another Bersa and the new Colt and Kimber revolver is real tempting too.
  9. Ever deleted photos for an hour? There's something that could be fixed. I remember too Chuck, and I made a comment at the start of political funnys that if we didn't play nice this thread would be deleted too,.... here we are again. Adults can't act like adults when politics are involved, pretty obvious considering the clowns running this country.
  10. I guess its safe to delete all those funny political pictures, had a good run. That thread started when politics got too heated for the masses the last time. If the mud slinging starts again these will be out of date anyway. I'll be in the background reading other fine posts. Guess I'll look for another avatar too.
  11. Politics just divides friends, especially if your friends can't take a joke.
  12. The movie "Out of the Furnace" with Christian Bale had this tune at the end of the movie, perfect conclusion to good movie. Excellent Live performance BTW.
  13. No body in ClarksVegas can make you a deal? Might give The Gun Crew in Old Hickory a call, had a big sale last wkend(?) and put one on every now and then.


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