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Everything posted by jport

  1. Ever so often we lift those and carry through what they could not tread alone. This is our state elected Governor whom the majority filled the bAllet for. When promises are made, expectations should be honored. I look to bill to help, aid, and assist us through these crucial times. I would hope that a man sworn in a believer of the hard work this great nation put forth to demand liberty and justice for all to be honored above all else, and if not for us, for his own pride in this great state who has made sure the floor was clear to receive his message. Someone should make him aware that the time to stand behind tennesseeans could be as critical now as it ever has been. Who should we have attend if we needed the FACTS the bread and butter members who know gun control stats? I will be with you brothers. Lets try to come up with a rational argument( as easjy as that may seem) so that Bill can be well informed of what it was exactly, our founding fathers knew would be crucial. The sad part is, running in TN, is it not easy to see what we want? Things to calm down.... When was the last time any of you felt pride in your families leniage and decided to not except what the grocery store had to offer grew sick of it all, and grew your own food? I can tell you for those who haven't, you are throwing away an instinct that was bred in you..? WhY do I continually hear "This is my RIGHT" it has built us all these years and god willing will give me the governor I voted for. It is our job first to make our voice heard. If we still have a honest man in or ranks, we should be fine. Or it will be a loss for us all.
  2. First let me say: God bless our great nation and it's founding fathers for giving us the right to discuss our views in open forums! I agree 100% with the logic of the second ammendment as well as all others. This is a Republic. It should be treason to try and go against it. HOWEVER... Post 9/11 ammendments made by our favorite politician made it very easy to make out lives hell with statements just like the one I was referring to. I'm sure alot of you were at the rally in Nashville. I feel that this is a step in the right direction. We as a people(myself included) were lazy with our political involvement and have stood by to watch our privacy be stripped(for our protection lol), our jobs outsourced(in the name of world economy), and our traditional practices deamed "offencive" why are we all not at the Capitol now, making our voices heard in unison. Surely our elected officials would be inspired to defend our rights. Please keep in mind, I think that if we are to remain quiet in front of our TV sets, instead of making our voices heard, we really have no ground to stand on. Simply believing in something is not enough.
  3. If hard times like those fall on this great state, will you stand your ground and raise your voice with us? Californians decided to let those rights go. Progress does not always mean moving forward.
  4. Statements like these make me uncomfortable participating in this conversation. This is a very informative site with extremely pro active knowledgable members. Be careful what you say. This is not a intelligent, nor useful statement. I feel statements like these do nothing but hurt our cause.
  5. What our ignorance has cost us THUS FAR: http://www.nyclu.org/pdfs/eroding_liberty.pdf
  6. For those not so blatantly Informed, please be so: http://www.diffen.com/difference/Democracy_vs_Republic
  7. Not sure what to make of the latest media distraction, but moments like these no matter how frustrating(please remember that this is a poll of 50,000, from a select collection of communities I'm sure), reminds me that I PROUDLY I MAY ADD (no matter how much pride you may remove sometimes), still "Pledge allegiance to the flag, of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, and to the REPUBLIC, for which it stands, one nation, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, with LIBERTY, and JUSTICE, FOR ALL.
  8. In short, I'll say this and leave it alone...    How much are you now going to tax me to take my guns???
  9. ***PLEASE NOTE I ABSOLUTELY SUPPORT AND APPRECIATE OUR TROOPS AS WELL AS OUR UNDERPAID HARDWORKING POLICE FORCE WHO PUT THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE FOR OUR SAFETY*** What organization profits most when thing are illegal??? Who do you think allots more revenue in the drug world? This guy: Or these guys: Whom ultimately pays for it ALL!?
  10. The questions I have is:    Q1)Whom, and what keeps people safe? (when those peoples lives were taken from them, were the police liable? Of coarse not, nor should they be.)   A: You do ultimately, with the best advantage made available to you at any given instance.   Q2) How did these "gang members" aka theifs, liars, societal cancer get these guns?   A: 9/10 Through theft and the stolen markets.   Q3) She says, "Of coarse it will work." I will answer this one with another question...   A: Which Time? This time, or last time lol...   These are the people stealing our HIGH DOLLAR assets.... Our future.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO2eh6f5Go0
  12. Sounds like the same people who have been tirelessly working toward this objective for years: Agenda 21(done deal folks) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agenda_21 http://www.freedomadvocates.org/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/27/agenda-21-new-hampshire_n_2198466.html
  13. I am looking for a reach out and touch round. Would like to set it up with a better butt and high end scope. 70+ is a big deal for me. My ceiling is aprox $1000 before any mods or add ons. The sig is $917 at Wally right now. Would my local shop be able to offer near the same $ or at Least within $100? For that it would be worth it to avoid the beat the small guy down beast that Wally W. is.
  14. I may go ahead with the colt. It is only 200 more. Your right. The twist does make a difference in the grain of bullet you can use does it not? Thanks for the advice. Your right, man up and buy the Colt
  15. So I have recently decided to blow the cash on an AR15. Just to get an idea of what kind of consumer I am, I like the names Sig, Colt, HK. So I was in Walmart today(lol never thought I would purchase an AR here) and couldn't take my eyes off of a Sig NATO 5.56 that they had. The clerk had NO tech knowledge for me and I was left curious, what is the twist in the barrel(:ratio). Also, is this a Sig that I could order direct? How does it compare to an LGS sig with similar specs? In other words, is this a Sig made special for Wally World? For the $ could I get more gun elsewhere for the same or less price? Ready to spend my $ today(although about to call it a night)... Quick facts would be much appreciated. Where else to snoop a deal would be more than welcome as well. Not crazy about supporting the biggest outsourcing importer in America anyway;)
  16. I have absolutely no affiliation with this company whatsoever, but thought it was worth a look. Check out the hell they put this thing through too on YouTube. 22hour 29minute talk time though!? Wow. http://www.sonimtech.com/products/xp3300force.php
  17. I'm no expert, but I love my Double Star.
  18. I would love to find a good deal on a P238! Pocket carry though? Like in a gun wallet in the pants pocket?
  19. please let me know when you see it!
  20. I think it is interesting how quickly the turn around has been lately. Very encouraging, I took my class this weekend and am going down to the DMV this week. Hope they continue in a quick(quicker) fashion. I have a trip coming up to Memphis in a couple of weeks! If anyone is considering a HCP class, I must HIGHLY recommend Chris Ashley at On Target. I have no affiliation what's so ever, with either, but I can tell you that he was first class.
  21. Looking for opinions from people who have experienced both. I am looking for first hand opinions on both. $ is no issue. Milt Sparks Versa Max 2 vs Crossbreed Super Tuck Deluxe Pistol is a Sig Sauer 1911 RCS Thanks in advance!
  22. This is the kind of inflated language that causes such divisive debates. I don't think most people who speak for stricter police guidelines see police solely as a barrier for drug dealers and gang bangers. People who see different sides of the spectrum--police as autonomous, individualized enforcers as opposed to tax-paid, protectors of society--still, essentially, want the same criminals off the street, and I think the majority of us harping for more control over police action still value the crucial job these officers do of monitoring for serious criminals. What it is that I was trying to point out with my story of being hassled, searched, and profiled for no apparent reason other than an all-knowing because-the-dogs-said-so be-all-end-all rule was that there are myriad possible interpretations between the constitution and individual police action. One word in the 4th amendment--unreasonable--does not mean that the constitution is up for vast re-interpretation between thousands of police officers, all subjectively deciding what it is that they deem reasonable or not so without any sort of governing repercussion. One side doesn't have to be liberal, criminal-hugging hippies, and the other doesn't have to be constitution-abiding, law-loving conservatives. There is a vast amount of grey area between those two black and whites. I am a constitution-abiding, gun-loving, criminal-hating liberal. It doesn't need to be one or the other. What happened to me is a minuscule example of abused police power. And that's not to say that there aren't just as many or more officers out there who hold their power sacred and do everything they can to keep the rest of their communities safe--these are the officers I'm proud to pay my taxes to support. I think what the other side is saying is that there needs to be something--and I'm not claiming to know the answer for that is--in place to keep police power in check, beyond complaining about it in a forum.
  23. They told me that the dog indicating was probable cause. No warrant needed if probable cause right? When I asked if that was going to fly with my Attorney, I was told that that was the law. I think this thread is very interesting myself. I know that the vast majority of LEO are out to do the right thing, and that some of the others just fall victim to not having enough knowledge of what to do. As I am much older now than I was during that Memphis stop(profiling a young'n I think), and dont expect that to ever happen again, I think it is important to know where you stand. And when your rights have been violated, intentional or not.
  24. all I know was that in my particular situation it made me an easy target for some good ole un constitutional searchin
  25. My Memphis stop that was mentioned earlier had no ticket issued. They pulled me over for a seatbelt violation, guess I got out of the ticket lol.


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