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gun sane

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Everything posted by gun sane

  1. Those were my words, not his. Most of the gun owners are into carrying now so I thought it made a good topic headline. Maybe not.
  2. Prez Zero will get at least 40% of the vote. That leaves 60% to split between Romney, Johnson, Paul write-ins and Mickey Mouse. If Romney loses as much as 21%, you won't have another four years to build a third party because I don't think we'll see another free election.
  3. Marches such as this have taken place--in 2010--but the results were sporadic. Is it time for others? http://www.morningjournal.com/articles/2010/04/18/opinion/doc4bcbd80cec775280363222.txt
  4. Okay, the light's on now. Thanks.
  5. I don't follow the context.
  6. He didn't say to go armed. It's a turnout of those in favor of gun rights.
  7. Michael T, the owner of the Bersa Chat board, posted this comment on a thread about how public opinion affects the carry laws in different states. I think it's an idea well worth passing along, especially in view of the U.N. treaty and online ammo bills that's come to the public's attention. What say you?
  8. The House just voted to chop another inch off of its scepter of constitutional authority and tip the balance of power in the President's favor. Why does Nazi Germany come to mind here? http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/31/house-to-consider-eliminating-senate-confirmation-for-presidential-appointees/
  9. Like prag, I reload and am very pleased with the Gun Sane brand. If you can get good enough to place your shots consistently in the vitals--the spinal cord, brain or heart--it won't really matter if it's Winchester, Federal or Zombie Shredder JHPs. Become proficient with your Ruger and choose the ammo that the gun likes and will help you put the bullet where it hurts the most.
  10. Anybody elected or appointed to the executive, legislative or judicial branches of government should be out after six years. That's long enough to serve the country....then they should go get a real job.
  11. This account from Fox News says that there's really nothing for U.S. gun owners to worry about.....just get in the back of the truck. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/07/27/un-fails-to-reach-deal-on-global-arms-trade-treaty-as-us-asks-for-more-time/
  12. If you think he's twisted about gun rights, you should hear his biblical interpretations.
  13. The only enjoyment I got for my seven bucks was talking to a few friends who had tables. They didn't have what I was looking for so I was gone in about 30 minutes. Out of five possibles, I give the show one bullet.
  14. I'm not too worried. If the government can't round up 40 million illegals, how is it going to find 300 million guns?
  15. Well, firearms enthusiasts may have caught a break here....the shooter filled out an app to join a gun range but the club owner thought he was "bizarre." http://www.foxnews.c...flag-for-owner/
  16. Obama and his socialist policies have hurt far more people than this shooter. Many may never recover.
  17. My nagging question is: Why would a nutcase who kills 12 and wounds dozens more let the police know that his crib is booby trapped? You'd think he'd be more than happy to let them walk into a big surprise.
  18. They're reporting that his apartment has explosives rigged to blow. Better get your reloading supplies now while you can.
  19. Can you get taxpayer money for digging holes then covering them up? Heck yes! If you say you are healing the planet and creating jobs. A funny, but alarming video. http://weaselzippers.us/2012/07/18/new-okeefe-video-union-bosses-admit-taxpayer-funded-green-jobs-are-bull####/
  20. Tennessee does need to become "un-corkered." Zach got my early vote and he's won several straw votes in the state. http://www.knoxville...-poskevich.html
  21. Our two senators moved into the Obama camp on the Law Of The Sea Treaty (LOST), which would place the U.S. under the dictatorship of the U.N.'s environmental and economic authority and kiss our national sovereignty goodbye. Lucky for us, 34 other senators had the sense and the courage to join a coalition for its blockage. http://www.theblaze....the-sea-treaty/
  22. I sold a handgun recently and asked the buyer to sign a bill of sale. When he asked why, I answered, "If you lose the gun and it is recovered, they can get it back to you through me." That seemed to satisfy him and he handed over the cash.
  23. I've supported Duncan since I came to Tennessee in '03 and agreed with him on just about everything except his opposition to the Iraq War. It's demoralizing to the troops to say they're fighting for a useless cause. But we're not going to change government without changing its leadership. When I start getting letters from politicos that brag about something that I know to be untrue, it's time for them to go.
  24. I got my letter early this week. Gun owners have deluged his office about this. Mine must have been in the first mass bundle.
  25. I got the same letter too, peejman. That lip service and Corker's record made me go to the Blount County courthouse today and pull the lever for Zach Poskevitch.


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