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gun sane

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Everything posted by gun sane

  1. I voted yes, absolutely, but only because we can't leave a bunch of loopholes in the law. "Depends upon the circumstances" is difficult for a jury to validate. You might use deadly force if a BG was stealing a car, but how about a hubcap....a woman's purse or a six-pack from your cooler? Should it be based upon the dollar amount, sentimental value or hard-to-get items on Ebay? I believe the thief should be stopped by drawing a weapon, but whether I fire would depend upon what he does afterwards.
  2. What may happen when we just can't feed the animals anymore. http://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/2012/09/03/bracken-when-the-music-stops-how-americas-cities-may-explode-in-violence/
  3. gun sane

    Taurus M380

    I fondled one at a LGS once. Both the trigger pull and the price was too heavy for what it offers. As they say in West Texas.....El Paso.
  4. Does God have to send locusts and frogs to give these idol worshippers a clue? http://www.washingto...ay-mount-obama/
  5. Leave a wake up call for a few months after the election and see how Romney's doing. There's plenty of time to sound the alarm for 2016.
  6. Every cafe has an aroma....some good, some not so.
  7. The Dems do have a big tent. Sharia law Muslims under the same roof with rainbow gays and women demanding abortion and birth control. Labor unions shouting for work next to welfare cheats bitching for bigger handouts. Stinking flea bagger occupiers wrecking the building while peacenik greenies cry for a cleaner planet. I don't know how they're gonna pull this off without filling up the jails and the county morgue.
  8. This ad is scheduled to show at the RNC convention today. http://www.theblaze....oreign-leaders/
  9. What may happen if you bring a camera to a claw fight: http://www.adn.com/2012/08/25/259954...y-bear-in.html
  10. If ever there was a monumental achievement to cash in on, it was being the first man to walk on the moon. But Mr. Armstrong shunned the fanfare of celebrity, choosing to let others make their own notable contributions outside of his shadow. He was a truly remarkable international hero.
  11. A duck pond Norton Simon Museum Garden, California Early Morning Feed in Greenback Cades Cove Oaks
  12. I haven't spotted anyone carrying, outside or concealed, for the simple reason that I don't care what everyone's wearing.
  13. 5. You run the sugar for your morning coffee through a powder measure. 4. When cooking Italian, you always ask the wife what the OAL of the rigatoni noodles should be. 3. You complain to the casino when you pull the handle of a slot machine and coins come out instead of cartridges. 2. When your date says she wants to powder her nose, you ask if it's extruded, ball or flake. And the Number One annoying habit of reloaders: You ask the cops if you can have the brass at a homicide scene.
  14. If Caster and JAB want to start a Henry Appreciation Society, they can sign me up. I owned two Ruger 10/22s and when I sold the last one I went looking for some strange. The first time I took that Henry H001 in my arms I knew I couldn't let it go. I can't convince myself that I want a black rifle either. Just put me in the immediate proximity of a Henry Big Boy in .357 and I'll come up with the craziest reasons and schemes to get it.
  15. Here's a simple mouse click test that times your reaction in milliseconds. I scored an average 240 ms. My best time was 216 ms with 262 as the worst. You can also see how you fared against the other "shooters". http://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime/index.php
  16. You didn't happen to get sick right after meeting me, did ya, Sour Kraut?
  17. I enjoyed meeting David, Dolomite and Sour Kraut today. So nice to see real faces behind cool avatars. And David's prices can't be beat.
  18. The wife and I transplanted here in '03 from Texas, where the four seasons are Hot, Hotter, Not So Hot and Gonna Get Hot. I love it here, but it is getting a mite crowded. When you get here, make sure you don't do anything to get yourself in a lawsuit. The results are too iffy.
  19. I would hope so. I've still got the receipt, so I could probably get my money back from them.
  20. Great. I bought a gun at that sheriff's auction. Is there any way I can sneak a look at the hot sheet?
  21. What if we just put a Mr. Yuk sticker on the grips?
  22. I know you have to report a screwup like this.......but dang! http://www.theblaze.com/stories/this-guy-received-an-assault-rifle-in-the-mail-but-he-ordered-a-tv-what-happened/ I wonder why they didn't evacuate the area.
  23. I wonder if he'll be put away Forever and Ever, Amen. http://www.nbcdfw.com/entertainment/music/Randy-Travis-Arrested-on-DWI-Charge-in-Tioga-165419146.html
  24. And then there's that pesky electoral college vote....just how many do you think Johnson will chalk up? http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/2012_elections_electoral_college_map.html
  25. I used to teach scuba but had to give it up after I taught my future wife to dive. She's a big believer in history repeating itself.


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